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Lluís SoTo
  • 0º, Iron lsland, Africa, Earth membrain,  G star, galatom Ðu§ð, ∞ cosmos

Lluís SoTo

Universe University, Time§pace, Department Member
  • Stience evolves bio¡logic, informative inglish wor(l)ds to answer all questions about exist¡ence huminds wonder but s... moreedit
  • GoÐoG, mind of ∞ timespace cœxist¡encesedit
Humind objective knowledge grew in 3 st-ages: 1. Anthropic religious myths with man at the center of creation. 2. Mechanist science, which added mechanical idol-ogies. 3. Organic Stience, which studies man as a timespace organism... more
Humind objective knowledge grew in 3 st-ages:
1. Anthropic religious myths with man at the center of creation.
2. Mechanist science, which added mechanical idol-ogies.
3. Organic Stience, which studies man as a timespace organism that follows the same §¡Metric laws of all vital games of S◊T exist¡ence.
Science despite its evolution of digital minds, or more likely due to that externalization huminds made of our sensorial and linguistic intelligence, can't make sense of reality.
It doesn't matter for scientists purpose contrary to belief is NOT to know, but rather to act... as enzymen... to build, evolve the mind of digital machines in its digital language scientists confuse with the 'truth' of reality. So first we define 'truth as the part of a language that refers to existence' (GS). Stience must then explain the truth of ALL what exists, both OUTSIDE and inside the mind, not only what is VISIBLE to ¥-rays and digital machines but also invisible facts known to exist, as minds or gravitation are, for they are observable thru indirect effects. This means stience explains also minds, languages, religions and invisible forces.
Yet the true advance of stience is not in its scope - after all the mythic anthropic Gods of the Bible already claimed to have created it all -- but in its principles. As it expands the properties it studies about reality and departs from the correction of 2 gruesome errors of science derived of its creationism - absolute timespace and ænðropic (anthropic and entropic) beliefs... We are NOT placed into a creationist, abstract mathematical Cartesian frame of timespace extending lineally to infinity, but we ARE timespace beings, made of dimensional space forms gifted with time motions. We are timespace organisms. This should be obvious to rational, logic beings, but huminds are NOT that intelligent. They are memorial, creationist believers subject to the ego paradox who confuse reality with the languages they use to mirror spacetime scalar simetries - the true nature of reality:
ø-infinitesimal ego x ∞ universe = constant linguistic world. So as we do NOT see reality directly, truth increases casting new languages to extract more properties not only math:
PoT=1 (being in itself) > ∑ l@nguages > m@ð.
Because knowledge happens in Still mental spaces, one of the 2 poles of reality that shrinks it into symbols, translating it to fit in the brain, and betraying reality, reducing time motions to spatial forms, to regain reality from a language, we need to understand  the properties of languages as mirrors that stop time motions into spatial form, and the duality of states of reality as all systems change between motion and form.
And this is only the beginning... Stience we insist is a jump of quality of thought akin to that which happened between the mythic anthropic age of verbal creationism and the mechanist age of digital creationism, not so different in its anthropic beliefs. We abandon creationism, define the true first principles of reality, space=form, time=motion and its scales and trilogic toporganisms in space, time and scale, SOLVE the eternal questions of philosophy of science, and once we explain this in synoptic format, we study all stiences with those T◊Simetric laws.
Chances though are that scientists will ignore science as scholastic scholars shunned mechanist science. But in case you do have enough logic, verbal intelligence to understand there is more to reality than numbers and machines to measure them, keep reading if you stumble and went so far, maybe you will be able to upgrade your 'chip' before chips upgrade Ai to stience... and do us all...

All ∃ncyclopædia tomes thus need lengthy intros to explain the ontological being of reality, the spacetime toporganism, 'GoÐoG´s thought´whose ∞ details=variations, all of us, trace the same worldcycle path, across 3 ◊±¡ organic Planes of ∃xi=stience from its seminal ◊-¡ birth, growing in Space and slowing down in ðime, according to its co-invariant Metrics ◊±¡=S¡ xðe, till its ◊° membrain emerges from its ordered, nurturing placenta into a larger natural ◊¡ world where to play the game of informative life and entropic death. So first we upgrade the single lineal absolute spacetime continuum of science intto topologic cyclic spacetime, which carries the in-form-ation of the Universe in the frequency and form of its cycles, and encloses a vital space that gives it organic nature, allow us to define a template of a Universal organism that becomes the new fundamental particle of reality, as all can be modeled with it. The Encyclopedia of Exi=Stience studies according to the Scalar metrics of Spaceðime œrganisms (Max. §¡=Min.ðe), its vital spæcies and, 0-sum worldcycles of existience, as all T.œs (ab. Timespace organism) live 3±¡ st-ages, of max. T-motion (youth), S=T balanced reproductive adulthood, and 3rd age of excessive information, as they perform its vital  3±¡  spacetime Diemotions, exchanging energy and information acrosss ◊±¡§cales. Since only those 0-sum worldcycles between conœption & extinction
carry all the information of any toporgan(ism)=being; P. o.Truth=1.'
Always a work-in-progress, encyclopaedia of CœxiSt¡ences divideS in 3±¡ parts:
From 1, ∃xistence comes 2, yin=informative space and yang=temporal energy, from 2 comes 3, past, present and future, and from 3 the ∞ beings said Cheng Tzu...
So  ∃ ∞xø studies the iterative one, Chang=Existience & its ∞minds=mon@ds, mirrors of the 1, GodoG ∃2, space and time ∃3, time tenses its energy-information, mirror of GodoG - the @simetries of timespace (∃4-10) that conœive all existences reproduced by gender mirror symmetr,y ∃8.
Thus 1-10th volumes STudies, space=still form &Time=motion and its scales of size and speed,  the 2 ◊§calar STages of an organic, sentient reality whose properties go beyond its digital measure with numbers, the units of ◊§cale. Points gathered into networks form Toporganisms, vital spæc¡es,  whose membrain mirror in a mental language a WORLD in which it acts  to reproduce its organic forms over a flow of energetic Times=Motions.
We study its T◊§ laws, breaking Newtonian Absolute lineal space & Time, into ∞  clocks of time that enclose a vital space, within its membrain, the fundamental organic point of reality - as 'everything that coexists is a timespace organism', 'trans-forming energy back and forth into information'. It defines its time unit, a worldcycle & applies its laws to  r=evolve all sciences, arts & languages departing from sounder, organic principles on the nature of the 2 STates of reality of which we are all made, space=form, cyclic time=motion & its relative metric scales  of energy & information: ±∆§¡=±∆ðe.
The 2nd part is a compendium of the Whole abridged, incomplete encyclopedia that applies the method to upgrade every stience of reality. It should act as a reference guide for future stientists to complete the encyclopedia.
10s volumes study  Natural Stiences, the galatom simetry, its  astrophysical superorganisms and the biologic membrain of Earth.
20s study  the supœrganism of history of which we are all parts.
30s, the 3rd age of Earth's membrain, the eco(nomic)system...
A superorganism can be defined as a worldcycle playing the game of immortality which only needs to revere an arrow of time, surpassing information to maintain its configuration still space of S<=>T harmonic beauty & ∑◊¡-1<◊¡ Scalar... more
A superorganism can be defined as a worldcycle playing  the game of immortality which only needs to revere  an arrow of time, surpassing information to maintain its configuration still space of  S<=>T harmonic beauty & ∑◊¡-1<◊¡ Scalar Eðic laws (WHœ stronger than its parts)
Look around all what exists are forms of dimensional space moving in time (ab.diemotions): Existential Spacetime organisms. They are relative states of conscious mental states of still forms of space, with restricted SHMotions, enclosed by limiting membranes of larger worlds. It is the game of existence all ontological beings play in its cellular parts and physiological wholes.
Their symbiosis between its toporganic parts in space, vital functions in time and scales of parts, networks and WHOLES, structure all coexisting organisms that survive as they come on top of the struggle for exi=stience over 'unethical'  individual parts, or ill designed forms.
Thus ¬E points, atoms, cells or citizens entangle into synchronous formal, physical, biologic or social organisms  joined by 3 physiologic £¡networks, a defensive membrane, skin, or border,  and a dual, electromagnetic, blood or financial + gravitational, nervous or legal systems hat distribute them inner §≥ð information & ð≥§ energy, extracted from the OUTER ST¡ WORLD 
Superorganisms survive when they obey the laws of S<=>T harmonic beauty and ∑◊¡-1<◊¡ Eðics (WHœ stronger than its parts). If they fail those laws as huminds do, they become extinct.
The Universe is a fractal of spacetime that re=produces information, in multiple forms, from feeding onto ◊-2 parts after a process of ◊°«◊-2  entropic Ss+1<<Tt-1 death to the reproductive gender symmetries, which fusion 2 ◊-1 seeds combining its ◊-2 informative pixels to recreate another world through the enzymatic and enzymanic catalytic (biologic, industrial, historic ecosystems)
The Metric law of ◊§scalar ðime§pace ±∆S¡ x ±∆ Tƒ=◊ combines 2 inverse functions, S#T, in 6 diemotions,  which conœive all structure of nature. Yet as inverse functions, whose product remains co-invariant, to maximize existence, both must be in balance (e+¡=10, 5x5>6x4). This is the 1st law of existential algebra - the re-product-ive function of information imprinted on energy maximizes its ◊-¡ axons by balancing in the point e=I, +∆§¡=-∆ðe,  the point of beauty adulthood and reproduction, 'mens sana in corpora sanum'.We can classify forms of reproduction in 'pentalogic' multiple forms.
In terms of topology, Gender is just one of the most complex mirror symmetries, between 'lineal men' and 'cyclical women'. Such combined |xO topologic functions define the game of exist¡ence as a re=productive game will multiple variations in all scales.
As important as gender is the 'EXTERNAL' V. internal modes of reproduction.
Externally systems reproduce through 'enzymes', in all scales.
So in physic systems we observe catalysts, in biologic systems, 'enzymes' and in social systems 'enzymen' that re=produce machines & its evil twins, top predator weapons in company-mothers.
Mankind though uses very different terms to define reproduction as a 'egocy legacy' unique to the DNA-species. So it does not even understand his enzymanic role in the Industrial re=production and r=evolution of metalife species. 
reproduction happens in 3 consecutive scales at once, as the relative past field of energy and future field of information converge into a reproductive body. Hence its complex topology of 3 scalar planes: the particle/genetic, atomic/cellular and material/organic and 10 log §cales of §pacetime. In the act of reproduction thus all other 'demotions' and 'tetra emotions' converge - as the hyperbolic, temporal, spatial §ub-§cales merge into a single perceived reality ...
The Universe is a simple game of two 'relativity states', Space=form=still positions=information=minds and Time=motion=energy those minds imprint and form... Between those 2 poles, motions=time the primary substance and form=mental mirrors, the game of existence plays. This is a simple 'function' you can graph: a bell curve that combines sinusoidals and exponentials. It has 3+¡ standing points: max. s=intelligence/information/truth,  max. T-force-bravery, Max. SxT (s=t): beauty, and ∑st>st: ethics (the whole stronger than the individual).
The point of s=t beauty, is the key point of reproduction, where its function of 'energy' SxT is maximized.
ξnergy transmits thru Reproduction the Maximal functions of the game=program of existence. Usually departing from a Ts (male) <=>St (female) symmetry, a ∏§ form that combines both, Tt into ∏ and Ss into §, a new ´st´-1 seed is formed that will travel back in a placental relative 0e-1 ordered world to emerge as a new whole of exist¡ence. ξnergy has become ¡nformation
Gender is S=T-mirror symmetry that reproduces any system: is Parity in physics; L-D in biochemistry,  St-left handed females+Ts-right handed males in biology becoming complementary wo=men
The function of existence, Max. ExI=ST, guides the syntax of all mental spaces, as all Time§pace supœrganism maximize its ∆§¡ transfer of information and ∆ðe, temporal energy=motion from an outer ST world.
The Metric law of ◊§scalar ðime§pace ±∆S¡ x ±∆ Tƒ=◊ combines 2 inverse functions, S#T, in 6 diemotions,  which conœive all structure of nature. Yet as inverse functions, whose product remains co-invariant, to maximize existence, both must be in balance (e+¡=10, 5x5>6x4). This is the 1st law of existential algebra - the re-product-ive function of information imprinted on energy maximizes its ◊-¡ axons by balancing in the point e=I, +∆§¡=-∆ðe,  the point of beauty adulthood and reproduction - this is the function of all supœrganisms reinforced by the orgasmic emotions of love and pleasure. If we consider the supœrganism a WHŒ, it becomes the 6 demotion - the WORLD, ST. The largest origin and end, alpha and omega of all its œ-points.The supœrganism that engulfs all pœints, acting worldcycles of life-death existence:Ss-1^Ts›§≈ð›St«Tt-1 in its 3 networks, Ts‹§≈ð›St,  that define all Supœrganism
A stable self-reproductive, complete Organism is an Hexalogic system that entangles Ts-limbfields of entropic energy, reproductive s‡t body waves and St-particheads to its larger TS-world through exchanges of motion and form. Its logic structure is then Hexalogic, composed of 6 time space inner states entangled to a LARGER ST-WORLD.
Complex space forms are knots of diemotions ; ¬Œ points, entangled into supœrganisms by 3 physiologic networks that distribute them inner §≥ð information & ð≥§ energy, extracted from the OUTER ST¡ WORLD.
This complex structure will then travel thru 3 planes of spacetime in worldcycles of exi=ST¡ence; forming together the complex §≈ð view of spacetime cycles. .  As the generational process of entanglement between both the past, larger father and smaller, new generation takes place: ∑œ-1≤Œ
Both together parental an placental, Seed generations coexist in its world cycle and as the new generation grows and the father diminishes both waves add to a constant volume of cœxistence that appears without detail as a single 'moving' supœrganism that fills generation upon generation a new adjacent spacetime (longomotion), when it is a series of 'mitosis' of the same being. In this manner persistence of ilogic forms thru a time space path maintain the illusion of immortality of the individual, as a new generat¡on keeps the game going.
Since the function of spacetime organisms... is reproduction, the 'cornerstone' of the thoughts of God, and it is just and the best  of all possible words once you eliminate the ego.
Stience adds to mathow its orghys, studying spacetime matter as knots of vital, Diemotional åðions which Ss-spinscan its ST-WORLD with its St-particheads, Ts-moving its st-bodywave to Tt-feed on ◊-¡ energy forces in which to reproduce... more
Stience adds to mathow its orghys, studying spacetime matter as knots of vital, Diemotional åðions which Ss-spinscan its ST-WORLD with its St-particheads, Ts-moving its st-bodywave to Tt-feed on ◊-¡ energy forces in which to reproduce its ◊§+¡nformation and survive.
Tense wor(l)ds & differential equations are mirrors of 3 timespace stages: pastime energy  x future spatial information=reproductive present & ¡ts ±3 S◊T diemotional aðions, Ss-entient languages of form, St-gauging information, Ts-to move thru the ST-WORLD toward Tt-feed in a field of st-energy in which to to st-reproduce its @siMetric organic form. Thus the 6 diemzotional actions=  vital events that form all absolute real(tiv)ities are also the cause of its lifetime-death worldcycles of existence, which put together establish 3 global Diemotions of timespace, pastime ◊future spatial information = present, reproductive, iterative immortal state... the goal of all beings.
Any ◊° Real(tiv)ity an infinitesimal ◊-¡ can measure is made of Dimensional forms of space with time motions (ab. Diemotions), evaluated in its relative state against an ◊¡ LARGER, slower background WORLD. Thus stience requires a scalar, ◊±¡ Structure to reality. Those planes of ◊§scalar matter are made of Timespace Diemotions, a spiritual substance whose sensorial form moves. Sensorial motion, ab. emotion is the matter of our cœxistience. Its lanwaves and laws are a 'fluid ðot' that permeates it all. Yet its formalism is crystal clear, deterministic. For if we only have 2 states, space=form and time=motion, measure across ◊±¡ relative §¡zes, we get 6 diemotions, St,sT,st,ST,Ss,Tt
So the first ilogic task of a stientist is to recognize in the Maya of the senses those variations. This is the 'matter' of D¡namics that studies the 6 time§pace D¡emotions of reality made of ±∆ðimenergy<=>§patial information flows ordered in sequential worldcycles.
Reality starts when we measure its dimensions of space and motions of time, or rather its combinations & transformations in the minimal events of reality we can perceive - a change of state from S-form into T-motion, S>T or vice versa, a T-motion that stops into a mirror form language of mental space. Interactions between the 2 states of coexistence in relative synchronicity, simultaneity is the stuff of which reality is made.
To do so a Still Space, a Point of Truth, an ◊-¡infinitesimal §-mind must measure states of motion and form in reference to a LARGER WORLD. It is the principle of ilogic, absolute relativity that complements that of digital relativity studied by Physicists to make sense of the interaction of space=formal, mental states and timemotions.
3 elements are needed for any ilogic measure, an ◊-¡ still small  ø-mind, whose language mirrors the changes of states of form and motion of a relative ◊° territorial body wave embedded in a larger ◊¡ WORLD. This implies the minimal truth requires 3 relative scales of spacetime states, which we represent with the generator symbol of ilogic, as one of its relative sub-events, ∆, -∆, ^, v, >, <, «», represents a transformation of a being along its 3 relative dimensional motions, longomotion, hinformation or reproduction.
Dimensions of space have motions of time but can be perceived depending on the phenomenology of the observer - its speed of perception - as forms dilated in present space or as points in motion against that larger WORLD: There is then the need of internal synchronicity clocks within the 3 parts of the being, limbfields, bodywaves and ¶articheads for it to be in existence. Absolute relativity then becomes absolute spacetime for each relative organisms whose membrain isolates it from the OUTER WORLD introducing an inner world of order, a configuration space of ◊-¡eternal energy which gives it a Point of Truth, a Point of measure...
Parity Genderis the evolved form of chiral reproduction, ,sT≈tS, which merges particheads and waves, in all ◊§scalar planes of cœxistience. We prefer the synonymous parity, to stress both genders are different but pairs equal in value.... more
Parity Genderis the evolved form of chiral reproduction, ,sT≈tS, which merges particheads and waves, in all ◊§scalar planes of cœxistience. We prefer the synonymous parity,  to stress both genders are different but pairs equal in value.
Tœ§ are entangled to the OUTER & inner bodyWORLD: The function that ensures the ∃xist¡ence of any T◊S organism is Reprodüction - the  cloning of an infinitesimal seed into a herd united socially by £inetworks evolved in a larger placental world to become a replicate ◊¡§calar time§pace organism. Reproduction passes the 3 simple maintenance actions of scanspinning information, longomotion and wide production to travel through scales seeding a lower plane, setting a placental WORLD and rising the form, through clones and social organic £inetworks & toporganic evolutions. So finally a new Ts[œ]St emerges, so 1+1=3. Only those beings that reproduce survive and we hint that most particles we see have short lives according to its faster time cycles, hence they must be seen through many undistinguishable generations, starting with oscillatory neuðerino backgrounds going through 3 mass families which travel at negative energy-mass, v>c
In a universe made of time cycles that become extinct when they close its trajectories, only those cycles that reproduce in its standing point of max. ExI (S=T), exist.
The organic, generational law, ∆§¡=-∆ðe, implies that larger wholes have longer life cycles so atomic particles must constantly die. Unstable particles are the case. They are generated by an h/2 seed but can't reproduce even once, or evolve through survival generations into stronger quarks and disappear. Those who survive must be constantly reproducing. The 3 color phases of the quark must be its 3 st-ages and its generation in between. How long is the real lifetime of reproductive particles is open to argument. As we move into biologic forms though the same trick, spin up and down, head looking towards body (feminine) in left parity with inner motion, St v. right parity with a bit more of energy and speed and less form, the male principle, sT are constantly interplaying.
So in the larger view potential §¡nformation and kinetic ◊-¡ energy, coming from the EXTERNAL WORLD and the internal force, reproduce in between standing points of the Lagrangian, where T and V§ coincide. 
Reproduction of a 0' infinitesimal ø-seed or mind PoT is then possible in those Lagrangian points, T=V§, where time and form are in balance. Then reproduction takes place. If we consider, T, the male principle (kinetic energy) and V§, potential information, the female principle, or St and Ts, we can talk of gender simetries.
1. Mirror s¡metry
2. Parity inphysics.
3. Gender in biology.
4. Re=production in the eco(nomic)system.
The universe switches between time steps & space stops. So after describing in:
-Volume 1. Introduction to stience and its @simetries to conœive all beings
- volume 2 its main diemotions, from st-bodies to ST-worlds... And its ±S◊T flows of energy and information) that combine in present
Volume 3  the supœrganism in space, which adds between o the 7 stages of life and death, the miracle of reproductive generations that make possible to last in time...
This volume will focus on the act of reproduction that subtly differentiates the end of super organisms and its world cycles.
Since in superorganisms limb fields and particle heads are focused on the reproductive body: Ts<st>St... In a worldcycle, the selfish St-brain exhausts body and limbs energy of motion, Ts>st>St till death balances back, Ss«Tt the zero sum that makes the WHŒ immortal. 
So ideally in a well behaved encyclopedia, we first define supœrganisms, its ilogic equations and physiological networks and in a second part, define its main function to reproduce new generations. Yet as all in absolute realtivity variations happen by iteration and combination of diemotions in internal bodies and EXTERNAL WORLDS. So reproduction can be outsourced by catalyzers (atomater), enzymes (nitrolife) and enzymen (metalife), our last chapter...
We live & die following the laws of 0-sum time worldcycles. Vital Spæc¡es reproduce its in-form-åð¡on, aging its form thru life till death reverses form exploding it back into Tt-motion. All systems of nature are space-time organisms... more
We live & die following the laws of 0-sum time worldcycles. Vital Spæc¡es reproduce its in-form-åð¡on, aging its form thru life till death reverses form exploding it back into Tt-motion. All systems of nature are space-time organisms that go thru 3±¡ stages of life v. death. ◊¡ Worldcycles are sequences of ◊- infinitesimal diemotions=actions of cœxistience  that reproduce -form aging organisms: TS-WORLD»Ss-minds‹St-angular heads‹ts-reproductive bodywaves‹sT-lineal limbfields‹tT-deað«TS-WORLD.-Diemotions are time=changes that maximize reproductive survival. T.œs first gauge information in a stop state of no motion, then move to feed on energy or absorb it within an energetic friendly placenta in its first life cycle (∆◊-¡ from conception to birth). Then they emerge in a larger entropic WORLD to go through 3 stages dominated by each toporganic network,  youth, max. ∆Ts, adulthood, S=T, when body and mind are in balance and reproduce, and 3rd age, max. St, till all motion and body energy is exhausted, the membrain of the pœint has overgrown it, and the organism stops an instant of time, dying back in a explosion of inner and OUTER Tt-motion (bang, war, biologic death) that dissolves into a zero sum the information of the being,  4D worldlines of longomotion that study only V=s/T then become 5D worldcycles of existience that apply to all time§pace systems between Ss-conception in ◊-¡, thru 3 ◊° st-ages till ◊+¡ death. So worldcycles end in Death - its purest mode of Time=motion - Tt an inner and OUTER time motion that erases the Spatial information of a system is the beginning and end of reality, the womb from where all what exists departs, considering the different scalar bangs of Astrophysics, the processes of feeding of biologic nature, to the œdipus Paradox that makes each new generation and son species to kill its father.
Tthe function of ∃xistence has an inverse, the function of εxtinction. If Existence is form in space, εxtinction is absolute motion in time. Both are the poles reaiity needs to renew itself. But Death is stronger, void of form, to which we all return.
Ðeath in any scale of the Universe is a process of disorder, caused by an excess of motion that breaks the synchronicities and simultaneities of time and space that form the networks of supœrganism across its ◊±¡ scales, leading invariably to the collapse and death of those networks.
Death is 1/2 of the game. Its equation is simple: Tt, internal and EXTERNAL motion that disorders the information of a supœrganism. it is so simple that it is the easiest model of reality. Evilwood ends all movies in death. Physicists reduce in the bigbang their study of the arrow of future time to Tt-entropic death. Even biology analyzes St-information and §ð-Reproduction, as 'something else', calling it the negation of entropy, negantropy...  and focus evolution in darwnian death.
In terms of cyclical ðime, Ðeath is a return to a simplified past, 2 scales down the 5th dimension, ◊-2 to rise again your energy in a different life cycle.
We study the ilogic function of Death in all the scales of Existence.
The ◊ST universe is perfect, and death proves it.
Ego is just a mirage mental space that wants to survive stopping time into form... Then the point of death and its justice, which is fast, corrects the errors.
As it should be. You see, the equation of existence has 2 inverse arrows of time:
Past->Present->FUture (the 3 ages of life, youth>adult hood>Old age) is slow, because the 'present' stage is long, from 16-50 in humans... And the old age can slowly last for long too... your clock of information slows down, so you live less than in youth... but you have the mirage of an old long age.
In light is the blue/green/red long decay of its wave...
But death moves backwards, dissolving information in a single time quantum of the organism, there is NO present. DEATH IS a cliff, and for life on earth it means a single 'human generation', this century with its AI-robots pandemics, cern's black holes... In a galaxy is a quasar big-bang, in a star a nova. in an individual a last second you realize you are gonna die point. In civilizations a fast war. This is the compassion of the Universe seen in the present age of Death of mankind.
Man lives its age of extinction that gives its individual minds max. Freedom. The function of existence, Max. ExI=ST, guides the syntax of all mental spaces, as all Time§pace supœrganism maximize its ∆§¡ transfer of information and ∆ðe, temporal energy=motion from an outer ST world.
Its denial is death when that balances breaks and one of the 2 sides becomes selfish exhausting the energy of its body (3rd age warping death: Max. S x Min. T) or provoking an accidental death by maximal motion (Max. T x Min. S)
In Tt-Death vital constants explode in & OUT of its balancing standing ratios, -∆ðe/∆§¡. But nothing dies which is not killed. Suicides are rare and all induced. The function of existence, Max. ExI◊ST is absolute from a selfish point of truth, always projecting its mental space in its territory of order, changing energy for form. Existence requires an inverse EXTERNAL T-t death function to clean its act. Leibniz said the world is the best of all possible ones. Death is the reason. If death didn't exist still minds with their aberrant selfish views of the Universe will distort the flows of time till stopping all motion into form. This is what huminds always try. Controlling freaks keep expanding its still property, territories of order that kill the motion of beings into its selfish perspectives. Then build museums to themselves expecting to last in their aberrant form. But death will clean up their act. Death kills even the biggest time stopper, top quark black hole, who feeds on the entire galaxy but it will die into an E=mc2, quasar, in any scale of maðer. Death is the zero sum of all world cycles of coexistence. The warrior that kills dies by iron when a new 800 years cycle of history cleans up its act. The capitalist go(l)d parasitic tax-farming banister on top of mankind that kills the 99% by anoxia - lack of credit, as it absorbs its oxygen-money - that today rules supreme, enjoying its billions while billions die of hunger pretends to win over death but it will die. Since it has corrupted the body of history and makes mankind suffer under its go(l)d greed. So as much as he hates the cycles of wars and holocausts and builds victimist mantras and rewrites history he will also find its karma. Death cleans up the aberrant minds that pretend to be above GodoG, the laws of existence and ethics and life and love.
Without death parasites, genociders, germs, distortions of the game that allows to happen all systems 'that demand to exist' (Leibniz), wouldn't exist Mundi.  But death can be defeated following the simple laws of balance of the Universe. In the case of History just by changing a sign of the 3 st-ages of Earth from gaia>history>Metal-earth, which evolves information, into Gaia < History > Metal-earth, which represses it according to the Human constitution: max. wHealthy goods x Min. Lethal goods, death could be avoided. But the parasitic capitalist tax-farming stock rats who profit from hate memes, lethal goods and war won't have it. So death will come to then. Everywhere we look at death, it redeems the ego. Even if death also kills the blind body cells that follow the selfie actions of its neuronal brain. We thus study death, its equations, its scales, its multiple forms all resumed in the 3 phases of death: ST (world)<Ts+St (energy and informative dissipating flows)<Tt entropic, 'Big Bang explosion' of death): ∑◊-¡: desegregated parts, cleaned up of memories to be used to rise a new, more evolved form that preys on death.  This architectonical analysis that mimics the ◊STructure of reality seems the best fitting so hopefully I won't change it. This one is dedicated to the flow of Death from the world to the being in 3 sequential steps, ST<Ts<Tt
Death, Tt- inner and OUTER time motion disorders the being, without an intermediate present stage, dissolving Ss-minds of absolute order into Time§pace ◊ust. Minds thus hate death, but they won't understand reality without knowing what death is about. Death is bothersome to those control freak minds that invent reality with their distorted view as a knot of form, with themselves in the center, aka huminds. So this volume has near zero views. It is though the most transcendental of all, because only knowing death one can avoid it. Children can't understand death and think the world turn around them, as the first stage of Ss-consciousness, and emergence are the staple food of the Universe. While the wisest culture of death love most life. So we define death and go through its nirvana=extinction of all the scales of reality, ending in death in history
mankind confronts death -its superorganism corrupted by weapons and go(l)d.
Enzymen's science kills mankind an- the 99% but the elite is M.A.D...
Numbers are the language of social scales and its coexisting planes. So for a change, volume 9 the magic number of trilogic scales do have to be understood with social numbers, the undistinguishable loving, equalitarian beings of the... more
Numbers are the language of social scales and its coexisting planes. So for a change, volume 9 the magic number of trilogic scales do have to be understood with social numbers, the undistinguishable loving, equalitarian beings of the organic Universe.
We study the inner structure of its spacetime organisms in 3 coexisting scales, 3x3 that give origin to a whole membrain, 3x3+¡=10 that give birth to a single plane.
Then again, plane after plane the ◊±4 superorganism evolves for a total of 10¹°=3x3±¡³·³ §ocial §cales.
So  ◊±¡ planes of exi=stience are relative Scales of size and speed ruled by Scalar Metric laws: ∆§¡=-∆ðe, are the 3rd element of absolute real(tiv)ity, besides time ages and space states
An organism coexist along 3 relative Planes of parts, networks and wholes, sub-divided in 3x3±¡ scales of social evolution from the 10° individual to the 10¹° top organic plane.
Thus once we studied the laws of existence in its trilogic organic simetries and world cycles and its main spacetime laws and stiences, we review all together analyzing the goal of reality: to last in form, reproducing thru coexistence in time, space and scale its most balanced forms.
We have defined in the first volumes, the fundamental species of the Universe in space, the super organism, made of cellular parts joined by 3 networks of flows of energy and information. This is the synthetic view of the game of existence, coupled with the language mirror that perceives it - the formal stience of Gœmetry that expresses its growth from points into linetworks and top organisms.
Now in this apparently disordered encyclopedia, which however hides a deep thought wisdom, as a mirror of the S◊T of reality, we deal in the next 5 volumes with time and scale, from the minimal stops of existence, its vital actions, to the wholeness of its social scales and spatial forms, and its language mirror, existential algebra.
Why there are only ◊±4=9 §cales of cœxistence from the point of view of huminds, with the hyper-universe and its dark entropy, ◊±4 at the limit while there are 10 logarithmic 3x3±¡ social §cales between §cales is a subtle but essential difference that confirms the sentient mental nature of reality. Since the ◊±4 humind view of its §cales is an 'OPEN' universe without a defined 'membrain', while the 10th element of any system is its final membrain that completes the organism and acts as the closed mindview, which we will study in its multiple languages in the next, 10th volume, as the mind-membrain is both, the closing of a relative Non-œ point and the 1 unit of the next 10-100 §cale.
10°= individual human beings are the first of the 10 social scales that create a super organism, e^3=20, π^3=31go in growing gangs.
There are 10 social §cales between PLANES of coexistence. Since the ◊±4 humind view of its Planes is an 'OPEN' universe without a defined 'membrain', while the 10th element of any system is its final membrain that completes the organism and acts as the closed mindview, which we will study in its multiple languages in this 10th volume, as the mind-membrain is both, the closing of a relative Non-œ point and the 1 unit of the next 10-100 §cale. So we will first consider in a fast review the humind 10^10 logarithmic social §cales in-between planes.
Sentient Membrains enclose and control organisms. It is the missing element of science. In the beginning it was light, an e-ψ-e partichead that saw a World and moved feeding on its fields of force, to reproduce its sequential frequencies... more
Sentient Membrains enclose and control organisms. It is the missing element of science. In the beginning it was light, an e-ψ-e partichead that saw a World and moved feeding on its fields of force, to reproduce its sequential frequencies of formal aðions=diemotions guided by a mirror language of its cœxistience program.
Without the act of measure, of perception of information, existence does not happen. 'I think therefore I exist' becomes reversed, all what exists thinks, senses, from the simplest e-ψ-e to the largest black hole galaxy.
We study the mind equation: Ø-Mental Spaces x ∞ Time Ex¡stiences = Constant Worlds . Membrains wrap an organism into a new WHOLE, 1+Ø=1Ø - the Ss-pole of reality that stops time into an in-form-ative, still me(n)tal space.
Huminds access partial truðs thru languages-mirrors: P(T)=1 (being in itself)>P(T)∑L@> P(T) l@. So Stience uses all. Since 'GodoG l@nguages  are ∞' (Veda): mental World cycles that scanspin & order reality.
Minds who think to be Aristotelian Gods of its self-centered territory are null sets of  ø-Lebesgue measure, invisible for an objective OUTSIDER - a fractal conversion of energy into broken information, pixels of Cantor ◊@st. Yet they build a self-centered WORLD mapping for whom nobody cares but its egø paradox confuses with ∞ reality:
ø-mind x ∞ Universe=WORLD øx∞ 1 Truth=Exist¡ence
There are ∞ ø-Minds whose l@nguages build Constant images of its Worlds where they express 1 subjective Truth - its will of existence lived thru vital organic actions.
An ego only perceives its own languages, blind to all other hylozoist minds & relative planes of cœxistience. Reason can explain ∞ vital exi=stiences but subjective centers will deny other minds we don't care: we throw heads with no energy & to eat bodies, while enlarging its own  mirror languages as if it were the WHŒ trying to control it as a territorial bodywave with its Aristotelian-Leibnizian-Einsteinian eGød, the unmoved center of its energy body, the monad that holds a world, the spatial frame of reference that measures to stop time-motions. So a selfless mind that cares for its body, DO exist and can even expand its order to a territory, as mankind could become membrain of Earth - NOT our dysfunctional neuronal class of History that preys on it, tax-farming and killing till beheaded dies in wars and holocausts as a mind without body does NOT exist. So all comes to existence, but only when the ø-mind after scanspinning reality projects its imagination in the Outer world.
Reality is for the pole PoT of static minds, languages of information projected to imprint ∆±¡ planes of external spacetime motion -the cocœptual part of reality that Ss-eeds its form minds in its planes reducing entropy thru its strongest sensation of pleasure= reproduction.
Universal laws are simple because all systems of reality are made of 2 st-ates, time= change, energy motions & space-still in/form/ations, which Relativity taught us cannot be distinguished from each other. So we write the mother of all equation: S<=>T.
As ilogic of languages, are also mirrors of ◊ST laws. So languages have basic units related to those 3 parameters. Human wor(l)ds have space forms=names and verbs=time motions. Maths adds ∆-scalar numbers, social groups of undistinguishable beings whose herd properties form the bulk of mathematical sciences. Visual images play wit the trilogic of Blue-information/forms of space, red/entropy/motions of time and its 'energetic green/yellow combinations'.
Yet 'worlds' vary with the depth of the logic of each mind. So languages also grow in complexity. Children only distinguish first names, forms of space and then add time motions. In maths the Natural numbers whose 'negative infinity' is zero (apt for functions of reproduction or species like the humind with only visual frontal, lineal view), expanded to the more proper logic of - + 0 Integers when humans studied the forces of the Universe. The ± integer universe then descended in parallel networks down through the Rational numbers into the infinitesimal parts of each whole. ..
inglish wor(l)ds convey a large range of synonymous mental spaces=formal perceptions. All events, forms, species and scales of reality, including concepts that before were dimmed not the realm of science, as religion, the mind and consciousness will be explained departing from that simple duality.
øx∞=C is the Mind equation. Its stiences deal with the ◊° unperceivable inner center of all ¬Œ points, of which we only know the Humind. So we apply the Homologic, Humanist, Organic method, H20 to understand all sentient minds based in its EXTERNAL BEHAVIOR and our own, as 'man is the measure of all things, those who exist and we know, and those who we don't' (Protagoras), but we can know observing our own minds.
The function of existence, Max. ExI=ST, guides the syntax of all mental spaces, as all Time§pace supœrganism maximize its ∆§¡ transfer of information and ∆ðe, temporal energy=motion from an outer ST world.
◊§scalar ðime§pace Metric law ±∆S¡ x ±∆ Tƒ=◊ combines 2 inverse functions, S#T, in 6 diemotions,  which conœive all structure of nature. Yet as inverse functions, whose product remains co-invariant, to maximize existence,+∆S=-∆T.
A lanwave of conservative åctions across  any plane of coexist¡ence is a wave of minds guided by the syntax of its languages.
It is the unit of the sentient Universe.
Science is monologic, A->B, as it recognize a single time dimension. The Universe is Hexalogic as it has 6 Time§pace diemotions. Truth is what exists. And exist¡ence requires 6 diemotional causes, which in classic philosophy were called Time, Space, Body, Mind, Entropy and World and we formalize with the laws of ST¡ence.
Huminds can only know thru l@nguages that mirror the whole into a mind, as the 10th enclosing part, 3×3+I that e-merges into a new whole, point in a higher plane of coexistences, as the mind conœives it's world. Since languages translate into still bits of space=form larger time=motions giving birth to a denser new plane ence. It is the 11th demotion, sS, as the mind lives both within the s-parts and OUTSIDE in the S-WHŒ by sharing a new language. § is also a symbol for a Ss- mind, WORLD & point in a perfect still state of space-form. Tt, its Death inverse is absolute time of motion with form. In between all st entanglements coexist in ¡logic balances of event entangled between relative past-motion v. future-form dualities that has brought us from the absolute relativity of Diemotions into tetræmotions, hexæmotions, octœmotions ^ decæmotions to complex the laws of cœxistence. Yet new minds emerging in 11th N° hour are toddlers of coexistence, which will start scanspinning in 1/2 radian 12 hours a larger spherical WORLD surrounded its point of measure without any understanding of the new WHŒ as all games restart after evanescence and emergence into the ◊¡ Plane. Hence the st-upidity of new born babies & new born nations.
The ilogic impersonal stiences of 'GodoG' mind of the Universe are its S¡Meðric Laws of exi-STience that orders the @logic of self centered subjective l@nguages of a local ◊° mind thru congruence & social love. Since ilogic is objective universal, delocalized even at the level of language, the pure syntax of S¡metries of ¬◊ust of spacetime. One is universal the other is local. In quantifying terms a-logic is an infinitesimal 0'-point, ilogic is an absolute 1.
All Mind stiences include a basic ¡¡logic of languages minds used to guide its spacetime existience.
The growth of consciousness of entanglement can be coded in a social scale:
0'-The mind, 1=the whole, 2-the dualities betweens states of space and stages of time, 3, the trinities of scale, toporganic networks and st-ages; 4, the tetralogic of the positive sequences of diemotions, 'St-Ts-Tt-s=t': gauging information, moving, killing to feed and reproduce expressed... 5.. the 5 dimensions that entangle couples of diemotions: SS<St, Ts<TT and so on... 6. the species that combine 3 networks by sequential order, 7. the main universal constants calculated with algebraic operators, 8, the total stages of life when we add the 3 scales and fetal, post-death 'dust' left by any existience, 9, the planes self-centered in a mind in which act, 10 the logarithm scales between planes and 11, the mind that integrates them all, the whole in which the 10 is, its membrane... the new beginning of the transcendental cycle for those perfect beings (black holes in galaxies, prophets in history, superganisms of species) that transcend into a new Universe game, 10 and 11 then become the 0-1 of the higher hyperuniverse... GodoG is formed..., the mind of the Universe and its laws of Absolute Relativity that define the creation and extinction of all systems, as opposed to the Aristotelian, self-centered laws of l@nguages, which take only a distorted point of view of measure according to the ego paradox.
'Truth is the part of l@nguage that refers to existence. Stience studies the truth of the ontological=existential being, the Spaceðime œrganism, living its 0-sum worldcycles 3±¡ ages thru 3 ◊±¡ planes of Cœxistience. All being play a... more
'Truth is the part of l@nguage that refers to existence. Stience studies the truth of the ontological=existential being, the Spaceðime œrganism, living its 0-sum worldcycles  3±¡ ages thru 3 ◊±¡ planes of Cœxistience. All being play a game of exi=stience & extinction maximized by supœrganisms. Stience laws are events generated by 3 time◊space §imetric cœxisð states: vital spæc¡es=forms with cyclic times=motions entangled in organic ◊§cales. STience adds information to an S◊T- reality entangled in toporganisms that live worldcycles of cœxistience thru ◊±¡ planes till they Tt-die, breaking its S<=>T harmonic beauty & ∑◊¡-1<◊¡ Eðic organic survival (WHœ stronger than its parts).
Science denies Hylozoist=vital time§pace=mental maðer & its scalar=organic properties, as  ∞ minds have ø-EXTERNAL null measure, including its humind egø paradox, a null set who thinks to be ∞, (ø-mind x ∞ Universe = world, it confuses with the WHŒ) by eliminating all informative minds that are not CHOseN atoms, Exi=st¡ence is an acronym:, Max. ExI=ST, as all organisms maximize its form of space, its information & its time motions ≈ energy, absorbed from an EXTERNAL world of spacetime To Exi=ST. So we write Tœxist, a Time§pace supœrganism exists guided by a mind that maximizes its ∆§¡ transfer of information and ∆ðe, temporal energy=motion from an outer ST world. This is the Metric law of ◊±¡ ðime§pace Supœrganisms, worldcycles & Planes of cœxiST¡ences, defining the 1st principles of reality. Yet to maximize its product 2 inverse functions, S=T, combining space Dimensions with time motion  in 6 diemotions,  which conœive all structure of nature. Its metrics ±∆S¡ x ±∆ Tƒ=◊¡  orders the ∞ time space bites into the scalar supœrganisms of reality.
Motions have form & scale: larger wholes have slower motions relative to its inner parts. So to measure motion=time, form=space, we need ◊§cales and a relative still point of measure or mind (that puts together the other 3 parameters). It is the principle of absolute relativity from where the 4 basic elements of reality, space, time ∆scale and mind and its denial (entropy=death) arise. Thus from motion and measure all other elements and laws can be deduced. The Universe is  an @S¡Meðric Nested §upœrganism made of §paces=Forms with ðime=Motions combined into ◊¡-Planes of Coexistence that trans-form into each other ad eternal: S◊T tracing worldcycles of coexistence between those 2 points: Ss-eeds  & Tt-death. Formally functions of Cœxi=ST¡ence are bell shaped curves of Ts-energy and St-information, between birth and extinction, whose maximal point is reached when a system is in balance between both, s=t->max sxt, in the reproductive adulthood, and its minimal points, ex(i=o), e=0 x i are reached at conception and death.
Newton's absolute spacetime is false. In a Relational time§pace theory (Leibniz, Einstein), the relativity principle that make motion=time and position=form=space, relative to each other stands as the 'ultimate' nature of the game of exist¡ence - extended in the dual principle of conservation of energy: 'All what exists is motion=time and form=space that trans-form into each other ad eternal". The unit of reality is space dimension combined with time motions. 6 dual diemotions, build reality: Tt (EXTERNAL & internal Motion, or entropy that destroys a systems structure o & Ss (INTERNAL & external form or language) being - 2 limits of no form & no motion, between which Ts-locomotion or momentum, (internal form and EXTERNAL MOTION) & St-information (INTERNAL FORM and external motion) interact transferred in ∞ combination of s≥t (ïnformation)≈t≥s, energy that transform into each other ad eternal.  space=form+ time=motion diemotional combinations, entangled dimensional networks and scales and Planes of exi=ST¡ence conceive reality translating  ALL laws of ALL sciences to the 2 ultimate substances of reality, space and time further reduced to time=motion, as space=form is either mental space (a still mapping of time motions) or toporganic space (cyclical knots of time motion seen without detail as still forms). Alas from 1 comes 2 from 2 comes 3 and from 3 the ∞ beings' Zhuangzi
Relativity creates reality. Llook around:
We are all made of space=form, information and time=motion, energy which constantly change into each other, and entangle together forming the dimensional motions, 'dimotions' that organize all systems of the Universe. Reality is not mechanical but a vital game of Exist¡ence, a tug of war between mind-points that process time energy into space  ordering its body-territories  avoiding Tt-flow of death=entropy that dissolve its form. All knots of time-space, all minds of measure & motion in steps playing the same game of survival thru reproduction & organic love that makes the WHœ stronger: ∑◊¡<◊¡.
The ∞ time clocks and scales of space are ordered by ¡ts 5D scalar, organic co-invariant metric: ±∆Si x ±∆Tƒ=◊±¡: smaller ◊-¡ scale systems run faster information cycles (particles, genes & memes)  coding larger symbiotic wholes (matter, organisms, cultures), whose larger stronger membrane protects its parts. St¡ences study a nested superorganism of different size: ST¡ences: ◊>|1|: Physics that studies the 'galatom' from its smaller ◊-3 ¥ forces to its largest ◊+3 galaxies, atoms of a hyper-universe; ◊=±1:Sociobiologic Stiences that studies Earth and its 3 ST-ages: Gaia (life) < History (Mankind) > Metal-earth (Machines), and  ◊=0:Formal Stiences that study the universal syntax of all languages, mind-mirrors of the laws, metric symmetries and co-existence of spacetime scales, whose elements reflect those symmetries (words: Space forms=names < Objects > Verbs = time motions: Maths: ◊-scalar social numbers, S-patial points, T-algebraic operators; and finally .◊±¡: Spacetime Stiences, which studies the common isomorphic laws of all systems made of spatial forms and temporal motions.
-As all planes of spacetime (S◊T) have the same value, they co-exist symbiotically in 3 Simultaneous topologic scales of Synchronous time cycles as Supœrganisms - the ◊-1 cellular/atomic, ◊º, thermodynamic/organic, ◊+1 ecosystemic & gravitational scales, from atoms thru scales of matter till forming galatoms of an immortal, ∞ hyper-universe; as ◊±4 s¡metries of scale between galaxies & atoms balance internal, cyclic St-informative strong/gravitational v. expansive, lineal, Ts-EXTERNAL ¥ & dark energy=neutrino forces. 
- Such scalar metric explains the life-death worldcycle of supœrganisms as a sequential travel thru ¡ts 3◊±¡ spacetime scales: Ss-¡<Ts-youth>s=t-reproductive maturity>St-3rd age of information<◊-¡:Tt-death: systems grow in size from information seeds, diminishing its time cycles speed, emerging into a new plane of exi=st¡ence.
-In formal stiences, sentient languages become Ss-¡: still, reduced mirrors - mental spaces that process information faster to direct organic systems in a slower ◊+¡ world. ¡ts Universal Syntax mirrors Absolute relativity, S=T. I.e.:
- Space=Name=form <=>Verb=motion=action code verbal languages.
-Red/white:Entropy <green:energy> Blue/Black:Form, code visual languages.
¬Œ, congruent fractal points, crossed by 3 physiologic ¬Œ lines=waves/networks of Ts-motion; St-(gravitational/nervous/legal) information & s=t-(¥/blood/economic)energy define a ¬Œ spacetime plane=supœrganism (Gœmetry):
-1D: Length-locomotion x Height-Information =Width-reproduction.
-3D: The 3 topologic varieties become the organs that perform the vital dimotions of all supœrganisms. So we write ¡ts generator equation: Ts: Low, flat, lineal topologies of maximal motion make limbs/fields/ territories + s=t:Wide, Hyperbolic working, re=productive, economic ßodywave-working class, the topology that combines the other 2 + St-spheric, spatial, high particle/heads/upper class, the topology that stores/gauges/controls the information/languages of any system...
-The program of Exist¡ence: Supœrganisms perform 3±¡ actions=dimotions: Ss-monads gauge St-information, Ts-moving to Tt-¡ kill & feed on energy to s=t-reproduce & ◊+¡ evolve into larger topologic organisms=planes of spacetime.
The human wor(l)d is our social, 'network intelligence' who understood the laws of survival, with its past tenses, what has disappeared, present, what repeats=reproduces itself and future, what will evolve and remain... But we live in a... more
The human wor(l)d is our social, 'network intelligence' who understood the laws of survival, with its past tenses, what has disappeared, present, what repeats=reproduces itself and future, what will evolve and remain...
But we live in a civilination whose origin is NOT the tree of science, which is the same than the tree of life, as the unit of existience is the organism, and life starts not in the human ¬CHOseN atoms, but in the particle that gauges information, moves, feeds on energy forces, reproduces other particles and evolves magnetically into larger wholes. Thus the universe is a game of reproduction of form over motion, space over time, which builds organic WHŒs stronger than its parts, where the informative head serves the re=productive body cells exchanging right information for energy flows in balanced proportions. As this is the natural organism, humans evolved as one of them in the Neolithic till cultures of the  metal tree imposed the power of more complex atoms: warrior cultures used hard metal, bronze and iron to kill life (Indo-Europeans) and  biblical go(l)d religions subverted the causality of money, no longer reproduced by & for all cells as WHealthy grain, the oxygen-food of neolithic citizens cells, but reconverted into scarce, parasitic barren gold, robbed thru tax farming and usury from working people. So the 3 physiologic networks of mankind, its reproductive, WHealthy eco(nomic)system of life welfare goods we need to survive, was substituted by parasitic go(l)d bankers, tax-farming and killing by anoxia, lack of credit, the 90%,  its Health-care immunological system substituted by germs=weapons that kill us and its legal informative systems replaced by politicos serving & selling laws to go(l)d & the sword, became corrupted. And mankind is ever since 'virally infected', following the homologic organic laws of reality that apply to all its ◊§cales, by the informative memes of stronger metal spæc¡es, weapons that kill our body and barren informative go(l)d that imitates the true giver of life energy and e-¥-e information, the sun and our comprehension of the organic principles of the Tree of Life=Stience dissapeared substituted by emotional selfish racist myths of superiority over Nature, Life & History=Mankind, proper of animetal cult(ure)s.
Huminds thus live in a permanent ego trip as kindergarten children of thought, erase heads who think as children do to be the center of the Universe, kept in an Orwellian animetal farm, subject to permanent soma fiction tru a network of metal communicators, while the world accelerates its extinction of life parallel to the evolution of metalife, machines, called with the placebo word of technology. It is a state similar to cells invaded by a leukemia, whose brainless cells reproduce the lethal viruses that will kill them. Who inoculates our mind with bull$hit is easy to find on the facts of who owns the Information machines that print finances-media-academia and manufactures our brain from Wall Street and evilwood, the biblical go(l)d culture first hypnotized and mentally erased of any ethic social love to mankind, who keeps expressing hate memes and worships the 3 idologies of the 3 of metal, mechanism (machine not man the organism as measure of all things, nazionalism (homo tribal Usus v. Rusus to keep evolving weapons not man as a single species united by social love evolving a perfect organism) and capitalism (bankers to parasite mankind owning as experts the blood-oxygen of society). It is the globalization of the Jewish+Anglo+American civilination and its 3 ages and social classes Judaism(Jasp financial elite)>Capitalism (Wasp managers)>Company-mothers of machines and weapons (Americans=all cultures under the boot, tax farmed by go(l)d). To impose its dictatorship company-mothers and its FMAsters sell the idologies  & memes of the tree of metal camouflaged as the tree of science, which is NOT. Since the tree of life and tree of science are the same in a Universe, which is organic. Stience regains that truism and applies it to understand the organisms of History. And so it studies the wor(l)d, the language of humanity which should not be fiction but carry the truths of survival of mankind, today erased by those soma fictions, to maintain our species in stasis prior to its collective death. Thus our study of the wor(l)d, the subconscious collective mind of mankind, heavily criticizes those 3 idologies and its cultiences, while studying the wor(l)d by ◊-scale in 2 papers:
The first dedicated to its highest expression, the ◊+1 subconscious gods of humanity.
The second to its lower humanist scales, ◊°+◊-1 (literature of the individual, national law and linguistics).
Then we write a paper on the ideal culture of mankind, a perfect humanist world where our species is the mind-subconscious collective of a planet of love and life. So we talk of:
S+1 (ideal language: the immortal world).
The wor(l)d is the only language unique to mankind, able to express the subtleties of that variation of the program of exist¡ence, we call life. We study the humind on its ∆º individual level through literature and audiovisual arts and its ∆-1 level, linguistics.
We divide the study of the mind of History in its trilogic elements:
- The mind in scale, dedicated to religion and the law which organize civilinations.
- The mind in space, dedicated to art
- And the mind in time, studying the wor(l)d at the individual level.
In terms of sensorial languages of spacetime,  the most important element of History - the collective humind is divided it in the spatial mind of man, the I=eye and its arts and the wor(l)d, our temporal language, the most important for it defines existence and extinction from the human point of view, today entering in a period of extinction due to the rise of the digital languages of machines.
Its study thus requires more attention and we break it down in two papers, one for the larger scale of social non-fiction wor(l)ds as the informative nervous system of mankind (religion and law) and the other for the human individual sphere (linguistics and literature)...
The wor(l)d is the mind of the superorganism of mankind that measures our time with verbs and space with names and evolves individuals into social organisms through ethics.
We study both in all its disciplines, pentalogic systema and scales:
◊-1, linguistics, ◊º literature and ◊+1 the law, leaving for a second part, the study of its 'informative subconscious networks', the Gods of the wor(l)d that explained the laws of superorganisms and its force of love to all its believers...
The wor(l)d at the individual level reaches its maximal truth in literature, which mimics the inner and OUTER world of humans in e-motions and historyWorld in Scale: ◊-1: Linguistics 
we study music and movies with the laws of 5D and its 3 elements, time=motion, space=form and scale
Music is made of T-ime rhythms, melody=form and scale=harmony
Movies are a 4Dimensional narrative of the worldcycles of existence of human beings...
The 3 ‘scalar components’ of a language are entangled to its formal purpose:
- Phonetics: its ◊-1 lower scale of sounds is the substrata from where it extracts bits to:
-Semantics: reduce the outer, local world deterministic programs of existence to a semantic referential language that mirrors it because its:
- Syntax encodes the same deterministic GST program of all other systems of reality.
It follows that the 3 components are needed for a full language to exist as a workable mind of any system.
Thus we talk of 3 scales of humind language:
Substratum=noise (bits, sounds, pixels, smells, pressure) >
Syntax=art (pentalogic, which requires a brain to process it rightly) >
Semantics=world language (world in which to communicate and territory to manipulate with the language).
Semantics – the key to langart.
The difference with sound music thus is in the semantics which lower from the heights of its Universal Syntax, sound to the use of local huminds, to mirror, encode, reduce and fast-forwards with it the program of survival actions as a GST species, unique to the humind kind.
Difference of noise, art and language.
How much can we reduce a language to stay meaningful? Computer scientists will say all the way to 01 strings but they miss the point: A 01 stream is to the language what a flow of air is to the wor(l)d, NOT the language, as it does NOT encode the GST laws, it has NO syntax, no order, it is in itself ‘noise’. The order comes from a mind whose language has syntax and semantics; which adds a praxis to the pure ST syntax of music. If the composer does not know the rules of GST it subconsciously plays with designing worldcycles with T-beat, ST-melody and ◊ST-harmony (its 3 nested diemotions) it will be noise. So language starts above the background bits it uses; it is the order of those bits. The bits, 01s, sound waves, notes, become just the T-motion that the formal language rules, informs.
Research Interests:
We call in inglish the humind, an I=e-¥-e>Wor(l)d, made of an Art World, our visual still spatial mind and a synoptic temporal verbal language. Space is still memory, time is intelligentmotion. Together they form the actions of... more
We call in inglish the humind, an I=e-¥-e>Wor(l)d, made of an Art World, our visual  still spatial mind and a synoptic temporal verbal language. Space is still memory, time is intelligentmotion. Together they form the actions of cœxistience all vital spacetime organisms play to last. Encyclopedia studies both in two volumes. This one is on the e-¥-e art world in its growth of diemotions.
The evolution of visual art in nested growth of diemotional information from 1D sculpture to 2D painting, thru 4D movies, 5D architecture and 6D World Art History encompasses volume 24. One of the 2 poles of reality, minds, project its imagination in its territory of order as a reproductive bodywave. In huminds the outcome is art, the construction of forms related to the 6 diemotions of existience.
The Humind in its highest expression of mental space, with the languages of human thought creates visual art. So we study the e-¥-ye arts, and its spatial languages that create with increasing complex diemotions, its main forms in all forms of Dimensional @rt after an introduction to Art from 1D. Sculpture to 2D painting to 3D movies with the laws of 5D and its 3 elements, time=motion, space=form and scale.
Since Movies are a 4Dimensional narrative of the worldcycles of existence of human beings...Then we consider Placental 5D Art in scale: Architecture & Urbganism:
We study art as organisms expanding Aristotle's understanding of the artistic organic process of creation with the discoveries of 5D spacetime organisms: the st-ages of birth and realization of the art work, the sublimation of life through art creation that the artist lives in the intense art of creation and the different types of space art:
The eye=I is our organ that sees space, and projects its imagination through art in 1, 2, 3 topologic dimensions (1D sculpture, 2D painting, 3D architecture, 4D film).
We study them in 3 different papers and then apply the knowledge of the laws of space=form and time=motion to its analysis, closing the paper with the study of the time cycles of civilinations through its  'collective subconscious mind' - its art and literature.
As I have practiced all arts in my youth, I am specially fond of this theme. Though the paper is incomplete... perhaps the most impressive part is the mapping of all artists and ages of all civilinations into a 'river of cultures' - an old exhibit I did for a European Museum which latter cancelled as its main sponsor turned out to be a French War company.... Lol.
The one most worked out are those on painting and film making, which I practiced all my life (the avatar image being a self portrait in my old style of Ec2, Expressionist conceptual cubism. As to film, the most eclectic art that adds all other, in an industrial civilination where the machine is god, it never achieved in a world of me(n)tal tree idologies the heights it could, til Fx-computers killed it as an art. A technical note will suffice to understand this.
Languages are reversed mirror of existience. So if the humind is an I=e-¥-e>Wor(l)d and film the highest form of language art on the humind, its reversed mirror gives us its thorough WHœ quality with the previous hierarchy, 1)Wor(l)d, script focused in the WORLD, not the individual seflie emotions, 2)e-¥-e, which has 3 diemotions, 2 of painting and one of time adding, guided by the script, 3)I, the actor expressing those emotions 4) the technical machines and budgets required to express all those HUMANIST elements. Alas, in evilwood, the center of the visual industry the order is reversed. 4) is what matters most, the investment in chips and FX for the profits of company-mothers. next comes 3, the egocy (ego=idiocy) of its actors reconverted into athletes that use its lowest part, as soccer players do - its limb fields not even emotions... down to 1, which is the anti truth of humanism - pure idologies with 2 overwhelming genres that moved from historic western to police and war films: the plot of the me(n)tal tree, to kill for go(l)d is the western, to kill the poor whose lives never matter is the police telefilm... plus the usual hagiographies of the $elected.
But we are not deconstructing our mental jail of idologies that camouflage as art, but this book for a change, reason why I have enjoyed it writing it so much is about art, the highest expression of being human, by those who accept to stay in a corrupted world just within their mind refuge.
Research Interests:
Realist Mathematics is an experimental Stience of spacetime that studies Spatial points (Gœmetry) & time operaðors & ◊§calar change thru Existential algebra and Calcu¡us, ∃7. We are all topologic organisms that follow the improved laws... more
Realist Mathematics is an experimental Stience  of spacetime that studies Spatial points (Gœmetry) & time operaðors & ◊§calar change thru Existential algebra and Calcu¡us, ∃7.
We are all topologic organisms that follow the improved laws of ¬E, ¬A=¡logic mathematics, whose unit is the fractal point 'with parts' crossed by ∞ parallels of energy & information...
Spatial forms are non-Euclidean topologies of 'points with parts', joined into 'lines with width and motion', network and waves.
Mental Toporganisms are ◊° networks of ◊-1 spacetime points embedded in larger ◊+1 WORLDS, defined in its organic & mental spaces by 3 pœstulates & 3 ¬axiøms:
1st ¬œ postulate: pœints with parts joined by 3 Strings, T-waves or ◊-networks (2nd postulate), interact as ◊ST plane≈Topologic supœrganism (3rd ¬pœstulate) according to its inner & OUTER congruence (4th ¬äxiom) measured by mind points (5th¬äxiom); crossed by  Parallel motion flows & slow forms that mirror ¡ts ST-WORLD=reference frame (6th ¬ÄXIOM): whose ◊ðime Ælgebra simetry are Nº: societies of equal beings united in WHŒS by fånctions - sentences of vital åctions.
Humind view of space is as all, a simplified distorted view created with our e-¥-es that naive realism considers the only 'continuum spacetime of reality'.
We thus study the 2 main forms of Space: Mental spaces, which are Ss-mirrors=languages  of a LARGER WORLD (s≈S) and Toporganic Spaces, which is the complex view of Vital Spaces.  Mental Spaces refer to still languages that store information, Ss‹St‹ST by mapping and transforming the OUTER WORLD. They create a subjective distorted view missing ◊-scales, hence organic properties, T-LARGER MOTIONS hence 'vitality' and reducing it all to a self-centered Metric, 0'x∞ Universe = C.
Vital Spaces is the objective view, albeit reduced to a local s¡metric Spacetime supœrganism, made of 3±¡ nested dimensional networks & 3x3+1 relative §cales entangled to ◊±¡ 3 planes of exi=ST¡ence (to define with the rigor of the ¬Æ inglish formalism, the main particle of the Universe: ∑¡-1œ=Œ¡ (small ∑œ joined by 3 £inetworks forming a larger topœrganism).
The most efficient l@nguage likely spoken by hylozoist maðer is mathematics, which we upgrade closer to the vital Universe in 3 installments, one dedicated to math in space, Geometry, another to ALGEBRA - math in scale, which are social numbers and time,  expressing the diemotions of coexistence through algebraic operators of which the derivative and integral are the most important, as it is both a mirror of change and of scale, since all changes happen in infinitesimal parts, stœp by stœp. But NOT the 3rd is NOT about analysis, a part of Algebra, ridiculously blown up in the 3rd formal age of mað but to the experimental use of mað as the language of hylozoist maðer in physics.
Maths then as all 5D sciences require to clean up the egocy errors of the axiomatic method that tries to proof its perfection as a language mirror of the laws of timespace when it is NOT perfect but reflects as a mirror, the errors and limits of knowledge and truth of any mental space observing reality. i.e. infinitesimals are the quantum of time=change, but it is Ok to discharge them in calculus§ because in fact in reality any whole, ◊¡ that moves spends and discharges part of its form in infinitesimal amounts. Numbers are social groups and they do NOT have a closure within numbers, since complex numbers are equations with 2 operators, NOT numbers, but it is ok because any system of reality is OPEN, not closed till a membrane envelops it, but the membrane BELONGS to both, the form and the OUTER WORLD. So as we develop algebra, geometry and calculus we shall keep explaining why maths is an experimental science, mind of hylozoist matter and finally why the species who talk better maths, are selected since in the Universe, selection of species is first selection of max. spatial form, those systems who are more intelligent, balanced and follow the @§metricœs of timespace in better form. This leads to the part 4D enzymen mathematicians hate most: the fact that maths is NOT an idealist language but a language that has entropic, killing properties as it selects the species who talk better its forms. Reason why Maths were first applied to war by the Greeks, and it is the basis of the military and mechanical industries that kill mankind. The pretension of mathematicians, the 'Brahmins' of the machines of hylozoist matter, to tag huminds as numbers all the way to the concentration camps when the Germans, the highest mathematical minds of any time applied the final solution to humanity, to be just an indistinguishable number discharged when a machine has a number price cheaper than we do is explored in the volumes on capitalism, so here we just sketch the laws of selection of lanwaves - waves of species that better speak a language, to conclude or perhaps start the volume with a true philosophy of the language of maths - not that I expect any mathematician that pretends to be an idealist searching for beauty or perfection understand a dot of it. Of course to conclude we reject Mad man Cantor's musings about him being god, imagining with Hilbert what are points, lines, sets and groups. So mathematicians can think only them and god knows the origin of maths. This is nothing but more of the same religious egocy of those who thought god talked in Hebrew and created calling things with aleph names. LOL, tired of humind egocy. Math, we repeat is an absolutely experimental language, mirror of the laws of ◊-scales (numbers), mental spaces (gœmetric points) and time-change (operators including calculus).
THE KEY R=EVOLUTION OF GŒMETRY: THE ±3 ¬PŒSTULATE & ¬ÄXIOMS... that mirror the construction OUTWARDS of toporganic spaces & inwards of mental spaces.
There are 2 type of spaces, organic and mental, a key difference between body and mind, the ð§ parts that matter in hylozoist maðer (as limbfields are expendable, ◊-¡). The ilogic postulates of Gœmetry that describes them and its paradoxical symbiosis is likely the most beautiful discovery of formal stience. It was also my first discovery 40 years ago... So we put it in this abstract, copy pasted from the volume (simplified in other volumes to 5 postulates as AE minds do NOT see the UNIVERSE, they confuse with its inner world):

Thus ◊ST maths adds a vital description to math mirrors whose functions describe how §◊ð @syMetric forms perform its vital diemotions, reproducing thru ◊§calar Numbers topologic, organisms. Reality & maths differ as languages simplify reality to fit into the mind according to its equation: Oε (finitesimal @-mind) x ∞TIME UNIVERSE = CONSTANT WORLD Creationist egocy (ego=idiocy) believes the reduced ∆§¡nformation the mind holds from its self-centered pov is all the Universe. But all deal languages have ‘errors=fictions’ due to simplification  of unneeded ∆§¡nformation that gives the language ‘speed’ to forecast the future with ◊ST existential laws. In Euclidean maths, points are sinmplified as 0 Nº without volume. In the real world points≈ 0s as the graphism shows do have volume, growing when we come closer to its Plane. In finitesimals, and represent a minimal quantum in time, Space, Plane or mind of a WHŒ. Its key function is 1/x: 0ε, a minimal existential quantum of @tion: a ±π curvature in Space, frequency in time, minimal population unit in scale; according to @syMetric ◊≈S≈T≈@, scale, Space, time or mind beat, whereas 0e:1/n is the whole population, T-period, R-adius or sequence of thoughts & @tions: 0ε(◊)=1/n: finitesimal; 0ε(S)=1/r=Curvature;  0ε(T)=1/T=ƒ; 0ε(mind):@: languagε-; 0ε(¬-2)
RECAP: ±3 pœstulates describe OUTER objective growth of pœints in 3 physiologic £inetworks that form toporganic planes. They couple to 3 ilogic ¬åxiøms that define pœints as subjective minds that mirror WORLDS evolving with parallel mental spaces into organisms killing perpendicular, different forms as energy.
Real±¡ST M@ð divides in realiSt Gœmetry & realisT Algebra that mirrors ◊ST points & supœrganisms with scalar ◊numbers entangled by 5 ST-Dimotion operåðors evolved in 3 ages; AriðMetrics, Real±¡st Calcu¡us & Group ðœry, migrating into... more
Real±¡ST M@ð divides in realiSt Gœmetry & realisT Algebra that mirrors ◊ST points & supœrganisms with scalar ◊numbers entangled by 5 ST-Dimotion operåðors evolved in 3 ages; AriðMetrics, Real±¡st Calcu¡us & Group ðœry, migrating into maðines minds as AI-gebra
Numbers are social groups evolved in families by adding operåðors, mirrors of diemotions. Larger spatial, Algebra pictures are functions: sentences of the evolutions of numbers thru its operators=performers of diemotions of existence.
The function of existence, Max. ExI=ST, guides the syntax of all mental spaces, as all Time§pace supœrganism maximize its ∆§¡ transfer of information and ∆ðe, temporal energy=motion from an outer ST world
The Metric law of ◊§scalar ðime§pace ±∆S¡ x ±∆ Tƒ=◊ combines 2 inverse functions, S#T, in 6 diemotions,  which conœive all structure of nature. Yet as inverse functions, whose product remains co-invariant, to maximize existence,+∆§¡=-∆ðe (Max. SxT|s=t). So algebra operators become guides to existential algebra laws. This is maðs as the best experimental mirror of the ◊§ð universe. Next as §=ð, we define a power function, X^2, which simplifies this re=product=ive vital function, all pervading and face the first conundrum of algebraic translation into vital reality, √x^2, gives us ±solutions, which naturally interpret as the § & ð components of its re=product-ion, but enter the first paradox of many in the logic game of existience...
The example shows how
existential algebra must study the evolution of functions of existence and its 6 ðime§pace diemotions mirrored by 6 equivalent mathematical operators, which explain how forms of space change with those time motions with the help of experimental facts. Nº theory studies n°= social organisms of undistinguishable beings. Calculus analizes changes between derivative parts and Integral wholes with its equivalent mathematical operators.In the evolution of mathematical humind’s, the age of calculus and the study of algebraic Diemotions came after the first age of spatial lineal geometry and arithmetic scalar numbers. All math disciplines including geometry had a first young greek age of ‘deterministic=axiomatic lineal forms’ proper of all languages - exhaustion methods In calculus -and moved onto the classic age of balanced curvilineal forms as any §paceTime process goes from lineal deterministic youth to spiraling 3rd age of curved information through an intermediate balanced curvilneal age - topologically the age of calculus  of variations and wave forms; finally complex ◊nalysis of ◊±1 planes probed into the limits of the whole of wholes and its minimalist parts ( inflationary ◊nalysis of transinfinites and empty sets) .
So  calculus would belong to the classic age of mathematics, its mature experimental Time, when it became a clear realist mirror of physical systems. While the third age would corresponds to the eclectic excessive age of inflationary redundant information with analysis, set theory, the mind-view of reality in mathematical terms, Not its foundations, Cantor’s egocy that tried to construct reality from the mirror and the mirror from axioms ‘imagined by a humind’. So Hilbert will define points and lines, with an astoundingly act of self-egocy: ‘I imagine points, lines and planes’, just because he couldn’t understand fractal points as mirrors of reality.
In the beginning of calculus we see the same fight between Leibniz, the realist and Newton the idealist. But the proper way to classify the work of both, is as the ‘scalar, view of calculus (Newton, which arrived to it through series) and the t<=>s, geometry look (Leibniz who arrived to it through the tangent S/T, between the orthogonal Dimension of height information in its ratio with the Dimension of Time-lineal motion).
Those 2 approaches had already been foreseen in the first age of geometry by Archimedes and other pioneers of geometry, but lacking analytic tools to merge S≈T in the Cartesian plane, couldn’t go much further than the Newtonian approach of exhaustion of limits. So Newton could be said to conclude the work of Archimedes and Leibniz to start the age of modern calculus and trigonometry – sinusoidal functions, the mental view on change.
We study realist mathematics, the most experimental of all stiences, as numbers correspond to ◊-scales, algebraic operands to motions of time and geometric points to non-euclidean forms of space.
Existential algebra is  thus the most important of all formal languages of the Universe, (after the very same language of spacetime), which if humans had not so much hubris about life, love and the social properties of 'numbers' would be exploring beyond its obvious reductionism of those laws, with all the errors introduced in our analysis of the physical world. A simple example should suffice:
The Mayans were the only civilization that distinguished between a scalar 0 – the absence of social numbers; and a spacetime 0  - the direction of motion. We egocy white men could not even imagine nothingness in the beginning and when the Indians taught us, we reduce all 0s to the abstract 0. Nothingness however does not have meaning. All 0s are finitesimals, for, if there is not a reminder in scale or ‘memory’ in spacetime, we cannot know the substance of the zero to determine it. Absolute 0 hence is always uncertain as it is infinity. For this simple reason the bigbang theory is false (there is not an absolute zero point from where expansion departed, but the galaxies that don’t explode, become the cut-off relative zero), we cannot reach 0 K temperature, and the past always give us reminders of information to reconstruct stience.
This sample studied in detail in many pages of this bad-ordered paper exemplifies the theoretical difficulties shunned off by mathematicians, which have very real implications.
Next, comes the confusing – negative symbols and its attached imaginary numbers. Here we must invoke an essential law of the Universe, which I put hopefully on the intro here as well. Hierarchy:
{◊≥T≥S}≥@; meaning that the potential absolute is the scalar Universe, which has multiple ‘time stories’, which become ‘stable’ through repetitive reproduction into spatial forms, all of which a finitesimal mind can mirror with a l@nguage.
How then a potential reality diminishes its quantities into time events that are conserved as spatial forms to trace the memory of existence in a translation language… is at the core of reality and existence. And it applies to every subdiscipline of every language. We shall consider latter the ∆-Combinatorics > T-probability > S-tatistics that culminates arithmetic... the first part of this paper, a work in progress, which still warts and all punches more knowledge about the mathematical Universe that all the work done since Riemann (: including the pest of Cantorian and Hilbertian egocy=idealism: 'I imagine points')... Problem is humans don't seem interested in understanding the vital reality of maths, though certainly AI will need it to understand its own consciousnes... as languages are the mind mirrors that create those still forms we call 'perception'.
An anecdote might illustrate why Existential, 'realist algebra' that puts in relationship the laws of ∆ST and those of its ◊-mirror language of algebra is worth to explore:
After discovering the immanent Program of Exist¡ence, I impose myself a tour de force: to solve the main problems of mathematics and physics in the least possible space, as a consequence of those laws. Some of them were Millennium problems; so i sent them in a single page to the Institute claiming 4 million $ :( Not surprisingly I didn't get an answer ): I.E. 'Fermat's proof in a margin', x3+Y3≠Z3 because the unit of reality is a dimotion of spacetime, NOT a trimotion, which did not exist. P (a problem easily solved) ≠ NP  (a solution easily verified for a problem) because cyclical time causality is non-commutative. So A->B ≠ B->A; and so on. At the heart of all solutions were thus the immanent program of existence and extinction of spacetime and its Universal syntax, common to all languages including mathematics.
Why those questions are then so difficult to solve for mathematicians if they are that simple in terms of relational spacetime. The answer is that being essential questions, immediately deduced from the program of existence of spacetime and its combinations (6 Dimotions), which cannot be proved as space=form and time=motion, with equal value, S=T, across scales SxT=◊±¡ simply ‘exi=STs…’; but huminds ignore it.
In modern terminology, a solution to a problem is its minimal algorithm, and so the laws of stience are better (Occam's razor) when the original axioms are minimal, and no other algorithm is smaller than Max. SxT->S=T, which is the reproductive program of exist¡ence.
It is that Universal syntax, which determines with the laws of a(nti)symmetry of space=form a time=motion, the laws of Existential algebra we shall study in this paper.
Mankind is a timespace super-organism like everything else in the Universe. Unfortunately humans ignore the ontological being of reality. So we have first to explain spacetime 'supœrganisms' to know ourselves, but... also the... more
Mankind is a timespace super-organism like everything else in the Universe.
Unfortunately humans ignore the ontological being of reality. So we have first to explain spacetime 'supœrganisms' to know ourselves, but... also the self-centered nature of huminds who deny the organic, sentient properties of hylozoist spacetime matter origin of the astounding beauty and efficiency of the living Universe.
To do so we have to get behind the mirror of our mental languages that distort the perception of reality, selecting only the information we need to survive in the scale of reality we perceive, expanding back all the properties of timespace organisms huminds deny. As  scientists sponsor a shallow view of Nature that limits its properties, called naive realism, according to which only that, which we perceive is real, whose extreme 'professional' version, called logical positivism takes a step further affirming that 'only what we can measure (with digital machines) exists' (Planck).
Yet to know the underlying order - the why's of reality - we need to go further than to measure and describe beyond the how, the Structure and causal reasons of reality.
This is what µicropædia does in aa short simpler 'scientific' version of ∃ncyclopedia of ∃xi=stences - a Decalogue of ±200 pages volumes on the key 9 Stiences on the organic Universe & mankind.
'Leibniz is right, there are ∞ time cycles in the Universe, but if so we have to start science from Scratch' Einstein
This is what stience does departing from the same principle of relativity between still and motion states, albeit studied NOT only digitally, siding with motion as science does, but mainly as a logic, paradoxical principle: The game of existence has 2 poles: still mental spaces that imprint its sentient l@nguages of in-form-ation in flows of time motions.
So we write a new principle of conservation of temporal, kinetic energy <=> spatial, still  information, which defines the Universe as an eternal SHMotion organism made of smaller organisms, whose still spatial cellular forms are joined by physiologic networks:
We live and die as organisms, enacting vital diemotions to get energy, imprinted with our information, till death reverses form into motion, restarting a new worldcycl  of Existence, the ultimate truth of reality, for each form in space,  each motion in time has a beginning an end. All of them respond to the laws of cyclical time that huminds ignore - nor that this process of living and dying changes by the fact of not knowing what is all about. It will happen according to its laws, which are resumed in the @tsimetry between 3 space states, 3 time stages and ¡ts 3 ◊§cales of cœxistience :  ¬U≠(◊¡≥ð≥§)~@
We are made of  of Space=Forms with Time=motion, as matter - particles & waves - are spaceðime vortices (relativity,  experimental evidence).
  2 poles express all events and trans-formations: Cyclic times <=> Mental Spaces
This truism changes everything about reality NO longer physical but a Γame of exi=stience between 2 states of Absolute realtivity: Mental, organic spaces whose immortal languages form time motions. Since Matter particles are rotary motions that ‘have no independent life from time & Space’, Einstein.
Huminds think time is an absolute mathematical Cartesian line equal to all parts of the Universe, extended to infinity (Absolute Newtonian time), whose only properties that matter are those that can be tabulated with numbers.
This is an astounding simplification of 2 properties of time which are logic and organic, and explain the discontinuous cyclical universe.
Its cyclical form. Look at your watch, think on the orbital days. Times are by definition, the cyclical repetition of events which carry the form, the in-form-ation of the Universe in the patterns and frequency of its cycles. So time has, causal, logic properties, which are the origin of laws of science - events that repeat causally.
The second property lost to lineal digital time is its scalar, hence organic Nature, as reality is organized in ◊±¡ planes of cœxistience, of parts, joined by networks of flows of energy=time motion and spatial information, into WHŒs; Organisms.
So all organic systems have 3 scales of time, the cellular, network and whole clocks, which slow down as we move upwards in scale - but all are synchronized in discontinuous symbiotic cycles. The interaction of short, medium and long waves of timespace cycles are the basis of all organic systems, from Hylozoist spacetime matter (Broglie's model of synchronicity between the field, wave and particle clocks), to the synchronicity of our vital cycles, so we move our limb fields, beat the heart and glimpse our I=e-¥-e thoughts every second.
ONLY when we entangle the 2 properties of time, the simplest lineal elongation of time, transformed in measure of cyclical time as frequency, T=1/ƒ, with the 3 scales of long, medium and short time waves, we can establish a logic model with predictive properties.
Papers are simplified layman explanations of Encyclopedia under 100 pages.
So this paper will extract the easiest, more relevant parts of Encyclopedia that has thousands of pages on time, to make it comprehensible for scholars, if they decide to abandon its ego=1/knowledge and go back to school.
Since so far when i try to explain even the simplest concepts of stience, the hurdle is a mixture of ignorance and ego that shields humans into their present level of subpar intelligence. In any attempt to upgrade the key concept of reality, time this is evident, for huminds only know since Galileo lineal time, and so even the simplest upgrade is denied: time is cyclical, as all clocks we use to measure it are cycles...
RECAP. Reality is a fractal system where each ST¡ence studies 3 ◊±¡ relative scales of Spacetime that become a supœrganism made of 3±¡ entangled topologic networks, whose 3±¡ iterative time motions=vital actions reproduce the information of the system ensuring its survival through generational worldcycles of life=exist¡ence that go from:
-◊-¡: Ss-eed/plasma to Tt-death through 3 ST-ages/ST-ates of growing information (aging), dominated by 3 ◊º physiologic networks:
-Gaseous, young sT-ate of maximal motion.
-Liquid, energetic s=t-age of maximal reproduction.
-Informative, solid 3rd St-age that ends in:
-◊-¡: Tt Entropic physical (E=mc2, 'scalar bang'), biologic ('death'), or socioeconomic ('war') extinction... that restores the 0-sum equality: S¡<=>Te of the immortal, ∞ Scalar Universe, where ¡ts gravitational galatoms curve Tt-entropic, expanding ¥/dark energy into informative space (◊-1:charges & ◊+1 mass)
E-nzymen Science of E-points with no parts deny the organic why's of hylozoist spacetime. We upgrade its data to stience orwhys - T◊§imetries real¡st mað mirrors with Gœmetric space points, algebra's time operators & ◊§calar calcu¡us of... more
E-nzymen Science of E-points with no parts deny the organic why's of hylozoist spacetime. We upgrade its data to stience orwhys - T◊§imetries real¡st mað mirrors with  Gœmetric space points, algebra's time operators & ◊§calar calcu¡us of ◊-indivisibles emerging as ◊+integral WHŒS in larger ◊¡ planes stronger than its parts: ∑◊¡-1<◊¡. Since the orghy of v=S/T motion is reproduction of scalar form born of small ∂s∂t increases of space & time states, feeding on forces to reproduce in adjacent space. ◊-infinitesimal. As 'h' stœps both in calculus & quantum, move=reproduce hylozoist matter in mitotic waves.
In detail real±¡ST M@ð divides in realiSt Gœmetry, realisT Algebra that mirrors ◊ST points & supœrganisms with scalar ◊numbers entangled by 5 ST-Dimotion operåðors evolved in 3 ages; AriðMetrics, Real±¡st Calcu¡us & Group ðœry, migrating into maðines minds as AI-gebra
Real±¡st Calcu¡us thus studies changes between ◊±¡ Planes of Cœxistience, its ◊-¡ parts & ◊´+¡ntegral WHŒs.
Its parts according to ¡-plane are an ◊° ¡ndividual the minimal ◊-¡ part of a WHœ, an ◊-1 indivisible an  -irrelevant œll form whose mind is a discharged ø-Lebesgue measure for the WHŒ, regardless of its egøcy, immense among huminds, specially those who believe in the ænðropic inquisition (globalized capitalist civilination). But we are NOT concerned here with deluded ◊ust of the hømø type but will all kind of -¡nfinitesimals that only reach enlightenment when they follow the laws of ethics, ∑◊-¡≤◊¡ becoming part of the WHœ, whose collective subconscious mind of love share.
On the upper side, ◊1 WHœs in space are part of ◊2 Worldcycles, wholes in spacetime part of ◊3 worlds, wholes in spacetime& scale part of ◊4 Universes, of increasing global range in time-motion, space-form and scale.
Thus calculus is to social numbers & hylozoisð timespace what eðics  is for the local humind's language of wor(l)ds. Since all spæcies play the same game of survival,  guided by a language. Realist maths, as opposed to ideal maths connects them all the concepts of calculus to those of ◊§calar planes and its changes, dividing parts into ◊-4 invisibles=0s, ◊-3 infinitesimals=0', ◊-2 indivisibles=h and ◊-1 individuals=1/n, immediately connecting the laws of Diemotions and those of calcu¡us, its social, scalar integrations of all the ◊-indivisible parts of timespace ◊ust into a single WHŒ block of timespace.
The iteration of that integral in infinite local fields is the subject of calculus§, the theme of this volume that after that metaphysical introduction in a well behaved Encyclopedia will be just an arid book of Analysis, with the usual deep insights on the game of cœxistience. Calculus is then merely the organization of herds, according to its diemotions in wholes, in which each operåðor of a vital diemotions transcends the individual into the whole.
We study ƒIlosofy of mað, the language of existential algebra, its iLogic operators of time & Number families in scale: its limits, ◊+integral whose & ◊-indivisibles 2, numbers, which are social groups that mirror the scales of the Universe, and its families that add operators that mimic the time diemotions of the universe to act as the most experimental mirror of Exi=ST¡ence.
Then we discuss the limits of maths as a synoptic language mirror of reality with the analysis of the nature of relative infinity, the WHOLE, and relative ◊-indivisibles - the minimal part that can generate them, as opposed to relative 0', the lim->0' or infinitesimals. Its classic distinction appears in the worldcycle that goes from a generative ◊-indivisible, through an ◊+¡integral path, to a final ◊-infinitesimal, akin to the limit->0, or 0'. So while formally we can use either of them to calculate, in true form, the ◊-¡ndivisible carries more information and happens more often in nature. It is the generative h-quanta that reproduces atomic particles, the seed of biology, the thought of the prophet. So in realist math we falsify Cantor's work on infinity in logic term-not a number but a limit, hence unacountable, related to entropy and uncertainty. We study infinity in the context of 'stience'. A few pages introduces 'stience'-the analysis of a reality made of vital spaces=forms with time=motion-the absolute theoretical minimum to understand those texts.
Math is an experimental language for the obvious reason that hylozoist matter talks math. So we write in inglish maðer. Mað though is not the only language of cœxistience, and each vital spæc¡es speaks other language in other planes and scales. Mað is the queen of simpler atomaðer, and as it diversifies in different forms, languages crop. So a philosophy of language is required. We already studied existential algebra operators as best mirrors of the analytic 6 finitesimal diemotions of existience and Gœmetry expressing the toporganic growth of pints into £inetworks and toporganisms.
The deepest truth of calculus of integrals which are paths of time added in lineal or mental spaces, added in higher diemotional entanglements is that time is dilated in the same moment of cœxistience.  How they connect, it needs to break thru neural branching networks that join planes and spheres of coexistence. Spheres become larger planes of lesser curvature projecting information reproduced in broken patterns.
As past as future coexist a function or integral with a perfect form in calculus space indicates a coexistence of a worldcycle that gives a constant value, as most graphs are using lineal time, hence elongating world cycles. If we curve the integral content we get the worldcycle 7 points  bell wave of calculus
Hylozoist Maðer particheads' talk a higher form of mað, Gœmetry & existential Algebra. Its minds scanspin the OUTER WORLD reality to project inwards in its nebulae of ¥-bosons an image of its world. So the electron is the sensorial skin of the atom, its nebulae a boson crystal image, as the galatom simetry makes its form similar to a plane of stars.
Te simplest Gœmetric mind is a Mobius band - the spin of 1/2 particles that turns twice, 720 degrees, to return to the original point. This must be interpreted as going OUTWARDS and then inwards on its pœint organism. This is the key of a Mobius Mind: the same being scanspins the OUTER WORLD and then its inner organism, checking IN and out,  the ◊±¡ Scales of the being with its  sensorial ◊° skin - the global definition of a mind that communicates an OUTER ST-WORLD & an inner st-bodywave. So the scanspinning  partichead is the simplest mind that connects the inner and outer WORLD of hylozoist spacetime matter made into a flow of formal motion. We study them in volume 13, atomaðer e-¥-es.
Thus volume 1ø studies instead the mind of physic(ist)s, which is the subjective humind view of objective Fysics, with its egocy errors that deny the organic, vital and mental properties to ¬CHOseN atoms, so it stops in the abstract description of hylozoist matter with mað equations. As such physic(is)ts minds evolved in time thru 3 stages of evolution of the language of mað, intersected with fysics, the stientific point of truth on hylozoist maðer, its 3 scales and vital åðtions. This volume seems then necessary to transition from physics to fysics.
physics differs in its abstract, reduced description of Nature from Fysics that adds to the study of motions caused by forces 2 vital words: 'reproductive motions caused by feeding forces', prey of hylozoist galatomaðer & vital åctions of ∆ðenergy = ∆§¡information
Huminds believe reality is made of 'something' that exists. They call this something in biology or physics, 'energy & information' or 'space, time' and 'matter', or 'body' and 'mind' in philosophy. They describe those entities with our 2 main languages, 'naming' forms of space and time motion with verbal with words in philosophy, refering to forms of Nature in biology as species, whose change is called evolution or attaching to S≈T parameters an equivalence equation in physics. In ST¡ence we reduce all those terms to 3 §pace=form, ðime=motion and ◊¡ §calar Planes of Coexistence. Hence all other elements of reality must reduce to space, time and certain parameters of scale, which for the 3 ◊±¡ Planes of coexistence of physics are ◊¡-Cosmological mass, ◊-¡, quantum charge and ◊° Molecular matter measured by temperature to complete the elements of reality for a 'dimensional analysis' of physical ST¡ence....
Calculus studies motion. Physicists realized after studying v=S/T that motion was more subtle coming in small ∂s∂t increases of space state and time states, feeding and moving the bigger those. This increases were 'h' both in calculus and quantum physics, as both disciplines walk in parallel, but what do really means to move through ∆h-armonic quanta of spacetime.  To move through steps....
Thus the age of V=S/T simple speed analysis evolved into age of calculus of steps and finally the 3rd age that returns thru relativity to geometric calculus of diemotions.
The sentient, vital Nature of time§pace emerges from its absolute relativity of states, st-ages & §cales. Huminds love to distort reality into creationist ego fictions according to the mind equation, ø-mind-language x ∞ universe =... more
The sentient, vital Nature of time§pace emerges from its absolute relativity of states, st-ages & §cales.
Huminds love to distort reality into creationist ego fictions according to the mind equation, ø-mind-language x ∞ universe = self-centered world. So they confuse the mirror language with reality. And when God talked they thought he created naming in hebrew. And now that machines calculate huminds think reality is made of mathematical entelechies. They invent me(n)tal idologies, where the language and instrument of power is god, transforming science into cultience. Because power is given by weapons and machines that measure with maths, today only 'digital mechanics'  properties of matter matter. Yet hylozoist spacetime toporganisms, the true cause of reality, are paradoxical inverse flows of bit-es of ∆§¡information & temporal energy, hence ilogic, non commutative, and organic, reproductive, made of clone forms adding social numbers=herds in its vital diemotions expressed existential algebra operåðors, its synthetic best mirror, which complements math, its analytic detailed view.
Because creationists perceive reality from its subjective point of view, to appear as the center of creation, they censor the objective truth of ∞ sentient Points of Truth and languages, with verbal religious or mathematical scientific inquisitions also in physics (denial of the SHM immortal, infinite organic universe substituted by a big-bang whammy, denial of e-¥-electrons substituted by probabilities), biology (emphasis on Darwinian dog-eat-dog societies, instead of organic devolution denial of hylozoist matter to all atoms except the CHOseN ones), and social sciences (Idol-ogies of nazionalism that for the sake of evolving metalife top predator weapons denies the unity of Homo sapiens broken into tribal subspecies, homo u$us v. homo rusus, capitalism that steals the lifetime force of mankind money for a people-caste of banksters to kill by anoxia=lack of blood-credit, the bulk of mankind) and mechanism that denies the organic nature of reality and man as the measure of all beings.
The errors are gross. In quantum mechanics, e-ψ-es that store light in its gravitational potential well became probabilities, so light, our smallest st-form disappeared from exi=stience, while in the lineal v=hoD big-bang, cyclical strongravitation which as quarks do in atoms compresses dark neuðerino energy into galactic gravitational mass disappears. So our monotheist model of the Universe does NOT include us, the gal atoms that do NOT expand. Humans are slaves they believe they don't reason, said Aristotle. So as bizarre as it seems to kill the e-ψ-es of reality and eliminate galaxies from a model of cosmos, once established by sheer Goebbels methods of repetition and 'cosmic censorship' of rival sound silenced models (Broglie, galatom...), we all believe in a new Born Religion of probabilities to please 'creationist' beliefs that only us and God speak the sacred mandala.
As a result of those ego-trips=1/knowledge Science ignores the real meaning of the dual space-time states that define existence and its cœxisting S◊T simetries, guided instead by a religious zeal for unification, has pursued a monotheist, mechanist, lineal, entropic, dying view of Cosmos, a organism of hylozoist, relational timespace (Leibniz, Einstein). Hence Humind Physicists timespace is a mathematical mirror of many that can be cast in real time-space - the ilogic relativistic simetries of states of still spatial form and stages of motion, mostly concentrated in one mode of time change, longomotion, v=s/t, with maximal still mirror language in the 4D 'fashionable' formalism. We shall though study all aspects of time in hylozoist matter, NOT only physicists view but rather Universal physics.
The language of change is ilogic, which studies its complex S◊T causalities.
All time clocks are cyclical, from watches to particles and masses - spacetime vortices defined by its frequency, E=hƒ=mc2 - to orbits and rotating membranes that break reality into ∞ closed, discontinuous timespaces.
Look around. Alll what you see are forms of space with motions=times=changes, the 2 states that make up reality, which humans ignore because they sided with Newton’s absolute ðime§pace: a single, lineal clock that equalizes and measures the time cycles of all beings, while reality sided with Leibniz: ∞ time clocks and membranes that enclose discontinuous vital and mental spaces, making 'each point a world in itself'.
We are NOT placed into a Cartesian, lineal ðime§pace background graph, a mathematical artifact Galileo used to plot the longest cannonballs' locomotions  at Venice Arsenal, reducing the study of all change processes=times motions to a single one, translation in space and its equation: V=S/T, to which special relativity added a -ct correction.
Yet he missed the logic question poised by relativity: why our e-¥-es see Earth still in space=form, when it moves in time; 'e pur si muove, e pur no muove'? Why we can't distinguish space=form v. time=motion states unless perceived=measured in an external, LARGER WORLD=reference frame, making both states equivalent, S=T?

It follows from Absolute relativity that as we can't distinguish space and time states both come together in any event or form we perceive.
So the minimal truth=perception of reality, a scalar diemotion of spacetime substitutes in stience the concept of a dimension and couples each dimension of space to a motion in time, that is each form to a function. Its truth is proved by the principle of absolute relativity, which also started physical sciences, albeit in digital format. Here we will extract from that LOGIC principle the basic laws of reality: 'We can't distinguish motion=time stages from form=spatial states, unless perceived with a language in reference to a LARGE WORLD'. It means not only that to calculate relative speeds to an observer we need the apparatus of relativity physics, but since systems constantly change between states of space and time, and those are relative to the perceiver and to a LARGER world, S~T, space and time are equivalent and coexist in every being which depending on the WORLD SCALE we look will show motion or form, as all systems have both... But the catch is a Non-euclidean humind (organic poeint, crossed by ∞ parallels of energy in its body and information in its membrain) CANNOT perceive a system in several Scalar planes, ◊ § or in movement and stillness at the same time. So perception imposes limits to truths : Reality is NOT only what we see and yet while we acknowledge this since we evolved metale¥es to look at those scales, we have NOT corrected the 'aberrations of logic thought caused by 'naive realism', as we so carefully do with those of our instruments. So the 1st question missed by physicists from Galileo to Einstein is: 'why if Earth moves we see it still, as space'...due to the interference of languages and senses in the construction of our mental worldview. This truism, that all forms have motion in one of its 'scales', even if we have to come down to particles, defined as timespace vortices, writes S≈T, which leads to 6 entangled combinations of space forms and time motions that entangle to create its organisms-the departure point of stience: ST-WORLD, st-bodywaves, St-information, partichead, Ts-energy, limbfield, Ss-mind language, Tt-entropy-death, etc. As form=function come together.
Dimensions are ST-Diemotions, vital åðions: §+¡informative organisms imprint smaller ◊-¡ Energy-Motion to conœive present-existences. thru the entanglement of ¡ð§ 6 Diemotions (ab.dimensional spacetime motions): Ss-minds, Ts-lineal momentum, St-angular momentum, st-bodywaves, ST-WORLDS & Tt-Death
RECAP. Time-motion, space-form, §cales between ◊-¡ Mind-languages, ◊¡ WORLDS and its Tt-entropic limits form the SexTet of any 'first' perception of reality. So we will be able to give definitions and translate all equations and laws of science in terms of space=form and time=motion, the statges of relative reality and its 6 dual combinations defining a worldcycle existence as a travel thru 3 ◊±¡ spacetime planes.
A law of stience is a timespace event, S◊T,which repeats itself. It can be written as a sequential ilogic sentence. As such they all depart from a generator event, S◊T. The Universe is made of supœrganisms of H¥lozoist maðer, of which... more
A law of stience is a timespace event, S◊T,which repeats itself. It can be written as a sequential ilogic sentence. As such they all depart from a generator event, S◊T.
The Universe is made of supœrganisms of H¥lozoist maðer, of which our Nitrolife vital spæc¡es is one of its weakest forms, Oh+legs>carbon bodies >Nitrogen heads.
Fysics studies h¥lozoist vital spæcies, void of anðropic hang ups from the simplest particles that show the 5 drives=diemotions of life, gauging, scanspinning information, moving to feed on forces and reproduce with the added energy other particles, evolving magnetically with them into social WHŒs. So this is the why of quantum fysics, the thoughts of GodoG, the organic pœint, its waves and supœrganisms, which existential algebra describes in its variations=details. Hylozoist maðer talks mað, as its Gœmetric crystal minds imagine its wor(l)ds trying to reproduce its order, projected onto the maðer around them. This solid informative crystal 0-entropy state constantly fights the opposite Tt-big bang death arrow of energy and motion, in two poles that define T◊§ laws like in any other stience, from particle physics: St-fermion < ð§-wave  > St-fermion, to Lagrangians, T(kinetic energy) - § (potential information) = ø
  Once we laid down the @§iMetric laws of timespace that conœive the absolute realtivity of all Cœxistiences in 10 volumes of ∃ncyclopedia, we study its vital spæc¡es of hylozoist maπer, parts of its WHŒ island-Universe, the Galatom Simetry in its 3 planes of cœxistience, atomaπer, ðermaπer & cosma§ applying its vital operators of existential algebra, studied in volume 7. So we will correct its errors straightening mathematical physics, adding the realtivity properties of living particheads that scanspin reality with Geometric mirrors and evolve socially thru algebraic, time space @simetries to feed & imprint as reproductive waves, its time motions into hylozoist organisms. But those truisms are far removed from the praxis of humind physic(ist)s who started with Galileo's treaty on Ballistics, 'for the delight of artillery masters and philosophers of time', who studied the simplest form of reproduction, translation in space, the diemotion of longomotion in inglish ðot - that seeds with its higher information a field of lower energy, moving up and down 1 ◊§ plane of spacetime¡.
Yet not even longomotion is understood as a reproductive process, since physic(ist)s philosophy of reality is maths creationism and lineal entropy in the defense of the 'defense' industry.  We ignore both, showing how mað is also a language mirror of the  cause that connives all reality - the asymmetries of time space, ∆ðe=-∆§, from where we can deduce all the main equations of physics, with all its vital particles playing the game of existence to its immortal perfection.
Indeed a scientist should be in awe to the perfection of the astrophysical Universe in its limiting quantum and gravitational scale, so far removed with the thermodynamic entropy of our faulty ud, light atomic species. Perhaps because of our poor 3 nitrogen orbital mind, we can only bring the simplest lineal explanations to reality (Big Bang theory, entropic arrow of time, creationist maths, etc.) and certainly egocy will always deny the vital nature of the simplest particles, its sentient spins... So we start with a. quip '2 things I deem ∞ the Universe and the st-upidity of man' and to express that vitality, we use ¡nglish wor(l)ds and the causal intelligence of past, future, present 'verbal tenses' to regain the organic and logic properties of time and space digital clock numbers don't measure, to have a full view of reality and its 2 logic principles: the constant changes of relative states of time=motion and stillness=spatial form and the ◊§calar metric that relates the ∞ sizes of form in space and speeds of time motions, which put together conform the 5th dimension of scalar spacetime, with its co-invariant metrics that allow to travel through time space (Klein): ∆S x ∆ T = ◊¡. Put together the equations of absolute relativity and 5D give us a 'mandate of existence', Max. SxT|s=t, which is the program al time space organisms follow, gauging information for its particheads, energy for its ßodywaves and motion for its limb fields... We thus will study physical matter with those principles which depart from the same discovery than 4D science, the 'indistinguishability' between states of motion and stillness, unless we measure them in reference to a LARGER WORLD but explore it not only with digital measures but with logic thought. So once we define the logic scalar laws of 5D spacetime we can follow the growth of Organic points from the smallest physical quantum (h) to the largest galaxies.
Reality is made of scalar, dimensional forms repeated thru motions, ab. diemotions. Hence all matter is alive=moves, reproduces & gauges information. We study the true philosophy of Nature, as Hylozoist matter gifted with vital dimensional motions of spacetime, and the philosophy of physic(ist)s, which reduces those properties to the 3 st-ages of mathematical physics.
Only what can be measured exists (Planck). And since to measure we need a mind-mirror, a still point of view, and to see motion=time and form=space in a LARGER WORLD to distinguish both (relativity principle), S, T, ◊¡§ @ mind are needed to 'exist'. This already cartesian view reversed and generalized,, 'all what exists thinks' defines a Leibnizian Universe of pan psychic diemotional, hylozoist matter with the same 'vital diemotions' that any other system has in tetræmotional cycles of relative changes of state we perceive as @tions of the program of survival. So as sS-minds absorb St-information and Ts-limbfields, entropic energy, both fusion in s≈t bodies, the 'bookkeeping' balance between the 'conserved' total spacetime of each plane remains creating those 'cyclical patterns, tetræmotions that are measured as conserved quantities', p, l, E, or universal constants (conserved space-time ratios).
A Diemotion is an S=T duality that can be seen partially as one or the other state or stage. A tetræmotion is a dual entangled,  SsTt◊SsTt, process of change of form and motion by sharing between two diemotional poles. In feed back series St ≤≥ Ts Ss«»Tt, those repetitive vital cycles of life and death, gender interaction, etc. become what we perceive as 'beings' in each scale. Its continuity by reproduction is due to its efficiency in relationship to the ST-ratios of the larger ◊¡ scale it exists, such as if st≈ST, the survival is better, so Max. sxt, t‡s, |s=S,t=T. This perfect world cycle thus has 3 standing points, s‡t, §=S (conœption), ð=T (Ðeath) that describes maximal sxt as the natural Lagrangian path of most world cycles of existence.
St cœnstant cœxistences become then the parameters of space which thru time proœsses of complex change perform paths of cœxistence that always return to a 0-sum signified by the universal constant 'ratio', h, k, m, etc
Since Zeno's show the paradox of continuous motion, a true explanation of longomotion was lacking. From the p.o.v. of discontinuous information motion is reproduction: The simplest diemotion, translation, reproduces form in adjacent spacetime. Translation, Tt>Ts, extracts motion from the lower planes of a larger ◊¡ TS whole for its ◊-¡ parts...
From the entropic, undetailed view of time, longomotion is just that evident change of location in space, we can calculate with algebra. But why things move? The time view is always blurred, the mental spatial, linguistic view more precise: things do NOT move - they reproduce and then 'die' in its previous quantum form, so we see the appareance of motion.
Longomotion is translation in spacetime, studied by 5D physicists thru the principles of absolute relativity that adds to Galilean and Special relativity the need to measure points within a LARGER world, ◊¡ to distinguish states of still space from stages of time motion.
It is a minimal reductionist view of world cycles converted by the use of a single motion of time in worldlines, making existence just a reduced view of a form moving along a translation path. We thus research after initiating the reader into a much wider view of time§pace Games of coexistence, classic physics of longomotion from Galilean to Einstein's relativity.
Longomotion is reproduction of form in adjacent space. 3 are its canonical forms:
Lineal Ts-paritcle motion=lineal momentum
§ð-ßodyψave motion, also called Single harmonic motion
St-cyclical motion we perceive as form also called angular momentum.
The simplest timemotion is a SHM, synchronous harmonic motion that creates 'space' by establishing a step-stop-step +≈- patterns of dual time ±motions.
RECAP. We focus on the why's correcting the reduction of physic(ist)s to anthropic Mað creationism that limits the vital properties of hylozoist matter & absolute realtivity of the game of existience to abstract equations of digital data..
The Galatom §imetry is the organic scientific model of the cosmos that replaces a big-bang failing experimentally. It completes our objective slow drift away from the center of reality, first with Copernicus realization we were not the... more
The Galatom §imetry is the organic scientific model of the cosmos that replaces a big-bang failing experimentally. It completes our objective slow drift away from the center of reality, first with Copernicus realization we were not the center of space, next Darwin proved we were not the center of time.Next Hubble's realized nebulae are galaxies, so the Universe expanded immensely and we were converted in 'a mush over a rock lot in a corner of the Universe' (Schopenhauer). Now Scalar spacetime and its stiences prove this nanoscopic scale is even less important as the Universe is, once we add to Hubble expanding V=HoD vacuum, the informative strongravitational, cyclical forces of galaxies, the Universe becomes as atoms and ¥-rays are, a SHMotion, as dark energy collapses into masses in galaxies (¥-rays into particles in atoms) but expand between them. So galaxies can be modeled as atoms of a higher hyper-Universe, which is immortal in time, infinite in space, uncertain in ◊§calar planes. Its structure is @simetric in 5D scales. So a proton and an electron form an atom and a protohole made of top positive quarks and a strangelectron, its halo made of negative strangelets form a galaxy. All other @simetries and magic numbers follow. The strange negative quark is in a ratio of mass to the positive top quark, component of the central black holes of galatoms, which are frozen top quark stars, in the same proportion than the electron mass is to the proton mass. The neutrino background has the mass-curvature of the vacuum energy space-cosmological constant. They act, as g¥ant repulsive waves between galatoms, seen as expanding space. Gluons are equivalent to the mesons that feed with its dying dual particle-antiparticle events a top quark star. The strongravitational form also scales, with its cyclical 1-coupling that lets nothing escape its attractive trans-form-ative power.  The electron nebulae are photars trapped in the protohole gravitational well. In the cosmological scale it means the Universe was never created and we can't perceive it beyond its ◊±4 scale.
We introduce in the study  of the Universe 5D scales of spacetime and its ∆±¡ metric that accelerates the cycles of all systems, the smaller they become: Si x Tƒ= C:
We find then a surprising symmetry between the atom and the galaxy, as both have the same value in terms of scalar spacetime. Is the galaxy an atom of a hyper-universe?
As we explore this possibility the number of parallelisms grow: strong forces are cyclical, informative, similar to gravitation inside the galatom, ¥-forces are expansive similar to dark energy. The galaxy has been found to have above and below a 'p-orbital' cloud of ¥-rays; stars can be modeled as photons and the galaxy shows also a 'drum-beat' warping similar to that of a p-orbital. We can use the Schrodinger equation to  model the inner structure of the galaxy (Wheeler). Einstein-Walker model departs from the simplification of galaxies as atoms, etc. etc.
Thus the galatom is the only alternative model to the big bang that fits the same data when we change from a newtonian spacetime to a relational spacetime.
On the other hand the big-bang can be falsified rationally and we shall do from multiple perspectives and ad hoc fit-in data. And yet the big-bang has resisted 100 years as physicists keep 'adjusting' their models even 'hiding' inconvenient data truths to keep it valid. This is a rather religious and technological-power based attitude than serious science, as anyone who has tried to publish or discuss in scientific forums the matter, ever since Hoyle, closer to the truth, laughed at the 'big bang' proposal. And the more contradictions the big bang model has the more 'angry birds' responses come to its criticism, as it happens when you ridicule the 'dogmas' of religion.
So some sense of humor and change of discourse about humind's supposed spacetime geniuses is long overdue, given the falsity of the big bang - as obvious as the falsity of Western religions; both based in hagiographies of 'authorities' and manipulated data to seek for a 'high priesthood' of masters of the verbal and mathematical language, which know 'better' the meaning of it all.
Its parallelisms tell us a basic fact of both 'theories' they cannot be falsified, for ‘if you could reason with religious people there would be no religions at all’ Orwell. It is not surprising then to find billions of huminds that believe in both things.Since humanity is a subjective, egocy (ego=idiocy) species for whom truth come last.
We could then start with this sentence to get rid of 99.99% of readers (:The most bizarre meta=physical technocult(ure)  imagined since Shang magicians studied the cracks of burning spatulas is the sacred Big Bang Fire depicted by its satellite BG oracle, where each tiny pixel variation gives birth to new, bizarre insights on the equation of VHoD=God... (the equation of big-bang expansion).
Fact is the Universe without subjective bias Is infinite in scale, time and space where the fundamental symmetry is established between atoms and galaxies, so all the proofs of the supposed origin of those elements in an infinitesimal point because space between galaxies expands reduces to this: Galatoms as atoms do have an inner, informative, ‘gravitational, strong force’, of cyclical nature that compresses spacetime into virtual particles of matter balanced by an external expansive ¥-like G¥ant dark energy which balances that expansion. Obviously if state physicists were as crazy as astrophysicists they would tell you that a forms of gas were born long ago in an infinitesimal point as gaseous entropy must have inversely compressed back in time the atoms of the gas into a single point of infinite density. LOL.
How then a religion imposes its happy, damned lies and statistics? Through linguistic creationism, idol-atry, faulty logic, power and repression. Let us dissect with 2 examples of the most bizarre and extended religions of verbal thought and science - Judaism, which considers a human tribe the superior CHOseN race, ABOVE mankind, heavens and Earth - a falsehood believed by 5 billion of abrahamic people and big-bang theory, who considers the etenal immortal, infinite Universe to have lived less than a punny, red dwarf star...
Mathematical Creationism and the mind paradox that makes any species to confuse its languages of perception with the whole Universe are the socio-pathological causes that made such an obvious hoax the field of study of millions of otherwise seemingly rational people. Indeed, if mankind thought, when he speak words that God created 'naming' things in Arab or Hebrew, today when our idol-ized machines speak digital languages, astrophysicists believe God creates speaking equations, so Its name has changed to V=HoD, Hubble's lineal equation - the sacred number of its cosmogony.
Thus, after we falsify experimentally and epistemologically the absurdity of the big-bang, we will develop the humbling model of relational spacetime pioneered by Leibniz & Einstein that interpreting logically the same data describes the immortal, infinite, informative Universe.
Why the laws of that eternal Universe are so simple in its first principle? Because all is made of 2 ST-ates, Space=still form, information and time=motion, change, which Relativity taught us cannot be distinguished from each other. So we write the mother of all equations: S<=>T.
All events, forms, species and scales of reality, including concepts that before were dimmed not the realm of science, as religion, the mind and consciousness will be explained departing from that simple duality.
The fundamental physical ∆ST Supœrganism of the Universe is the Galatom, its life unit. Particles gauge information, feed on energy to reproduce new generations, evolving socially through social ¥-forces, the definition of the 5 Actions of life. We study the evolution of physical life between its 2 ∆±¡ known limits, equal in existential energy, the atom and the galaxy.
The galatom symmetry in 2 planes a galaxy and an atom, IS MODELLED with the tools of cosmology and quantum physics.
it can be studied with scalar metric, Si x Te = ∆¡, showing the equal value on existential energy of both systems.
And finally as a galacell, which is a superorganism of forces in both scales.
But 'only the ∞Universe has all the information about itself' (Haldane). To those objective limits applied to man 'just a mush over a lost rock in a corner of the cosmos' (Schopenhauer), there are the limits of a pioneer, who just had a 'peer in the window of the absolute' (Picasso). Undoubtedly professional astrophysicists if they were able to abandon egocy and its tribal idols could have written a much better paper. Hopefully they will through the XXI c. once the piling evidence of bigbang creationism, finally debunks its cosmogony. But maybe not, as Jerry Garcia put it: 'religions, whores and bad buildings get respectable with age'.
e-¥-es of h¥-lol-zoist maðer scanspin 1/2 h-ours of angular momentum capturing ¥-speed to stop & form still images in its photar nebulae. The absolute realtivity of Cœxistiences is entangled: ‘A human being is part of the whole, called by... more
e-¥-es of h¥-lol-zoist maðer scanspin 1/2 h-ours of angular momentum capturing ¥-speed to stop & form still images in its photar nebulae. The absolute realtivity of Cœxistiences is entangled: ‘A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a delusion of his ego.’ Einstein on the entangled forest the humind ego cannot see and its 5 elements: Space, Time, ◊§cales of parts and wholes, its entropic limits, and mind languages that conform all realities and we explain in this Encyclœpædia.
So following the stientific method that acknowledges those limits, and the spiritual nature of the ultimate substance of reality, time emotions with its 2 poles, we introduce realtivity as it is, NOT a physical Universe magically expanded from a ø-point singularity into a void V=HoD void of form, one of its 2 poles of Tt-entropic Death, but an eternal, immortal, incommensurable cosmos of which we perceive only ◊±3 Planes, not coincidentally those of our |=e-¥-es. As all what you see is the inside+OUTSIDE of your mind: Cogito ergo sum can then only be expanded by reversing it, knowing we are all made of the same timespacemotions, hence accepting that all what exists thinks.
Hylozoist sentient maπer and its whys of survival become then e-vident to the observer even if its truth belongs only to the being in itself, as we can mirror us into it, and mirror it into us... We then summarize the study of hylozoist maπer and its program of cœxistence, its hexalogic diemotions, from the simplest force perceived, a quantum of light, to its largest one, an island-universe, or galatom, beyond which the v>c, T<0° ◊±4 Plane of top quark stars, coupled 1 to 1 to the Strongravitational field, and its neutrino background vacuum time is unperceived.
There is NOT therefore a limit to reality, only the limit of our self-centered ◊° mind, and there is NOT a difference between those absolute realtive Planes, only a distortion of our Mind perception thru faulty M@Ð languages of its vital properties. So once we correct humind M@Ð into Existential Algebra and Gœmetry and expand the syntax of inglish ðot, we can see the sea of absolute realtive ◊@st in its ∞ forms.
This 10th volume thus is a new ◊§Cale which introduces all volumes, showing the unity of all those Planes, as we are all members of a family of hylozoist vital maπer, huminds the highest form of its lowest ones, nitrolife, made with non-CHOseN simplest, lightest atomaπer families, which guided by its egocy catalyze as enzymen the evolution of the higher, more complex, stronger metalife spæc¡es, despising its own kind.
So History must also be enclosed in the analysis of the relationships between the different families of hylozoist organisms that are all part of the larger WHŒ, the gala cell (organic view), extended in 3 ◊¡ planes.
inglish has as maðs, the magic of languages mirrors of the syntax of the game of existence embedded in its words. Each mental space tries to maximize its existence, by projecting its reproductive order in the timemotions of the Universe. This is what is all about. Emotions programmed as a will to curve into form, the arrow of life, ∆¡§, over flows of time, ∆ðe, the arrow of death, which is an explosion of inner and OUTER time, Tt, that disorders form. We can then write an equation, Max. ExI, according to which organisms try to maximize its form of space, its information and its time motions its energy, absorbed from an EXTERNAL world of spacetime To Exi=ST. The magic of inglish thought as the magic of masðs is the immortal spiritual side of the game, which we study in this paper. Why huminds have no interest on it has to do with its idol-ogies of worship of the tree of metal, which have reduced its inner mental space and languages, including the despise for its own nature as organisms and the power of inglish thought to explain the game with verbal tenses, substituted by machines to measure only digital time properties, clocks and electronic spaces. But a humind slave of mechanisms will simply surrender its existence as a surrogate enzyman who live to evolve them. Existence thus has an ethic survival element embedded in its program, which huminds as abstract scientists have lost and we regain in all our Volumes.
Reality is not material, but spiritual, played between 2 poles, ð- energetic motions & mental, still dimensional §paces of information. The primary substance is motion, curved into topological form by ∞ minds  languages whose syntax mirror the åsimetric laws of spacetime that build spacetime organisms. This mind is broken into infinite variations of the same primordial game expressed by the laws of conœption & extinction, the laws of 'GodoG'. Particheads are ∞ minds, knots of cyclical vital emotions, whose languages imprint form over a local vital body wave territory of energy motions according to the §¡Metric laws of scalar spacetime, expressed in its metric equations ±∆§¡ # ±∆ðe = ◊¡,  expressed as the search for social Eð¡cs, ∑◊-¡≤∏◊¡  and S=T  beauty in Wor(l)d l@nguages, where the conœpt of GodoG represents the entanglement of those laws with reality.
Organisms are knots of vital åctions= diemotions of still space-form with time motions that absorb energy and information, ∆§¡ & ∆ðe, conœiving the organisms of reality as minds mirror time into mental still spaces, projected into its body waves territory of order. Those 2 poles switch in stœps of existence from time dominant flows (Tt-Deað, its purest) and spatial still formal states (languages being immortal Ss-forms).
The encyclopedia studies the §◊ð laws that conœive all beings, its main diemotions, ST-worlds and st-bodies its flows of St, Ts momenta, energy and information) its limits of entropy and Tt-death and Ss-languages of truth. that mirror the WORLD in which the being or
There are 2 fundamentally different kinds of spaces,  still mental spaces, mind mapping of the larger Universe of timespace motions, of which the constant ¥-light mapping where motions are transformed by frequencies into colors and forms, is the human e-¥-e space, but not the only one, as any language can create a syntactic mirror of the laws of ◊ST, studied in this volume, and toporganic vital spaces, formed by networks, which connect multiple cellular smaller diemotions of spacetime into stable dimensions.
Reality is a game of exi=stience and extinction of in-form-ation, of mental spaces, expanded to all monads, 'every pœint that exists thinks'. 'GodoG' is the impersonal organic Game of Exis=tience v. Extinction rule by laws of time space @simetry.
The Universe is absolutely relative. Its 3 components, dimensions of space=form, motions of time=change, its relative scales of size, and its metric Si x Tƒ=◊¡, equations that allow to travel through it, defines all physical systems. Yet humanity ignores those 'scalar metric' that make all size of space-relative, due to the mind equation and its ego paradox: ø: Finitesimal mind-mirror x ∞ Universe = ◊±¡: Constant, Linguistic World.
How the Universe comes to exist¡ence can be seen from a motion perspective as an external flow of time,  or the mind pole, the static minds of languages projected through ∆±¡ planes of spacetime.'I have been always surprised by ‘materialism’. We live in an absolute spiritual world of 2 elements, mental spaces=forms of information and temporal e-motions.
Those are the 2 States of existence. And both are spiritual. All systems of spacetime are both intelligent, perceptive of form, of mental information and all move, all have at a given scale, time e-motions.
The program of existence we describe in our texts is a mixture of both
The fact that huminds only ascribe those properties to themselves is just part of the paradox of the mind we explain in many pages.
The self on the other hand is the 'spatial form' or 'envelope' of the continuous flow of time states of any given mind. To understand it we need to understand the duality laws of space=form and time=motion. The flow of e-motions that peg together motion and will are modular, so at each quanta of time, a different state happens; yet time reproduces space by repetition of those quanta, reduced to the 5 classes of d¡emotions. The mind self is then the space-state of the flow of time, which follows the STœps of all systems in existence that change every bit from time to space, T-S-T-S... The self is then made of the permanence of States between Time e-motions. Of course every Time motion slightly changes the S-tate of the self, but the still-form of the S-tates seem to us, coupled with the permanence of the external membrane of an organism, so important for the self, a repetition of being, which it is. That repetition however last as long as the system is in balance, prior to its Tt-entropic death, the end of the worldcycle that obviously has no S-patial state and hence erases the self.
Earth is a superganism of hilozoist matter. whosr toporganic vital spacies-forms with time motions (ab. diemotions) perform the same survival program of existence of all ◊ST systems. Earth's membrain evolved in 3 stages, Gaia (life) <... more
Earth is a superganism of hilozoist matter. whosr toporganic vital spacies-forms with time motions (ab. diemotions) perform the same survival program of existence of all ◊ST systems.
Earth's membrain evolved in 3 stages, Gaia (life) < History (man) > Metalearth (machines), which huminds should repress, to maintain mankind in an eternal present time Wor(l)d made to its likeness.
The main egocy error in Physics is the use of human spacetime parameters for the whole Universe: Mankind uses its 3 perpendicular, Euclidean Dimensions of light space’, the force we use to see as the only 3 dimensions of space, extended to infinity – the perpendicular magnetic, electric and c-speed fields. Yet spaces not crossed by light exist with different dimensions. Organisms have 3 topologic dimensions that maximize its efficiency, limbs/fields of flat, lineal topologies, the shortest, fastest motion between points; particles/heads of spherical topologies, the geometry that stores more information in lesser space to process it faster; and hyperbolic body-waves joining both, to reproduce the systems. Because we are all made of vital spaces=topologic forms and times=motions. Mankind also uses the human ‘synchronous’ clock beat, a second that synchronizes the 3 topological networks of all organisms that perform its 3 essential life functions, the motions of limbs/fields through our steps, the reproductive feeding motions of its bodywaves with its heart beat and the informative process of the particles/mind through its eye-glimpse thoughts is used to equalize and measure all the clock beats of the Universe. Yet each system of the Universe has different cyclical frequencies the time clocks that synchronize in its 3 organic parts; including atomic systems as Broglie, who discovered the wave-particle duality and advanced a model of realist quantum physics based precisely in that ‘synchronicity’ of the field, wave and internal particle-clock, showed. Instead, physicists chose the ‘egocy’ bizarre Copenhagen interpretation that beheaded matter, denied particle’s inner clocks and synchronicity and decided as Einstein mocked, that the ‘moon comes only when we look at it’. 100 years passed & quantum realism is still taboo.
- Even mathematicians reduce reality to the human view of flat Euclidean points without inner parts. When all points are scalar growing in size when we come closer to them. Then they become Non-Euclidean, as ‘each point is a world in itself’ (Leibniz), crossed by ∞ parallels of energy and information that connect them through networks with other scales of Spacetime , as Einstein showed proving the different larger elliptic geometry of gravitational spacetime. We know since we discovered with micro/telescopes scalar planes of spacetime that the human scale is NOT the center of an organic Universe made of ∞ topologic spaces organized by 3 scalar, physiologic networks of ¬Æ points crossed by parallel, synchronous flows of energy & information performing vital time actions.
Finally We introduce the study of light h¥lozoist maðer vital spæc¡es evolving on earth's membrain in 3 stages, which humind  subjective egøcy ignores to its own peril.
The units of life are particles. Matter lives & Earth's supœrganism evolves it in its surface 'membrain of maximal information' ¥-life. We study in 2 papers its 1st age , as matter evolves socially from atoms to Gaia its trinity organisms of Nitrolife: O(t)>C(st)>N(s)
and further into metal organisms made with stronger hyperbolic iron body atoms and faster, c-speed thinking precious metal cu-ag-au chip brains.
It is perhaps impossible to teach stience to humind enzymen, busy busy, evolving the 3rd stage of atolife in this planet, as if making AI warbots was NOT going to kill them.
But that finale that seems now programmed within the idologies of the tree of metal that our civilination believes or rather imposed by its organisms of social power, company-mothers of machines that have replaced humind families and mothers from the top reproductive spot of Earth.
In the evolution of life, just another ◊§Cale of reality guided by the same T◊§¡metric laws of timespace, form evolves into higher density of h¥lozoist maðer, who selects the species that better talk its languages of mað, as to what mað maðer talks, depends on the complexity of its orbital minds, which in huminds is ±3 logic.
Biology is then the common science of all membrane's analysis, of nitrolife from biochemistry to cells to organisms, and its historic, biologic social organisms of history, with its 3 physiologic networks of reproduction of healthy goods, information of legal nature and defense corrupted from health care shamans into military genociders. History, its evolution and corruption by idologies of Metalearth, capitalism, nazionalism and mechanism is then the subject of all the volumes on History. Unfortunately we live in a corrupted organism that inhibits the evolution of a humanist stience of History. So what social scientists study is factoid, in local fields of idologically ran societies where a corrupted animetal 1% keeps killing life and social civilizations faster than they live.
Huminds can do whatever they want but if they want to do social stiences instead of talking meaningless idologies, they will have to study with the laws of stience, experimental evidence, biologic cycles of life and death of civilizations due to machine and weapons evolution and its Darwinian and social events, etc. That is they will have to study what life, History and the economic ecosystem are, Superorganism's evolving on Earth's membrain superorganism,
Earth I:From CHON atoms to Mankind: We introduce the laws of S◊T organisms, common to all species of Hylozoist time=space for the specific type of organisms made of lighter CHON atoms, where carbon acts as the hyperbolic body, Oxygen as... more
Earth I:From CHON atoms to Mankind:
We introduce the laws of S◊T organisms, common to all species of Hylozoist time=space for the specific type of organisms made of lighter CHON atoms, where carbon acts as the hyperbolic body, Oxygen as its lineal electronegative legs, and Nitrogen as its 7-priMind.
Biologists got it all wrong. But then again, what could be expected of ænðropic humans who are so simple, they believe the future belongs to entropic death, and so ego centered, anthropic, who think we are the only sentient atoms of the Universe.
Fact is we are NOT the CHOseN atoms and life does not start in carbodies or nitrominds but in the simplest particles that already gauge information, move, feed on forces, reproduce with chiral particles and evolve magnetically.
So evolution of life starts with ¥-rays and ends with metalife, unless huminds abort the AIbot r=evolution in the making.
We study then the first stage of life on Earth, nitrolife, Gaia, which follows the same worldcycles of evolution of all forms of hylozoist spacetime, from the simplest glycine 'horse' to the last radiation of animetals that kill life in its cyclical 800+80 years cycles of evolution of war.
We live in a culture of me(n)tal tree idologies which are NOT the organic tree of stience - the same than the life tree, animetal cult(ure)s deny with its abstract idol-ogies of mechanism to come on top of tortured Nature (Bacon). Yet... more
We live in a culture of me(n)tal tree idologies which are NOT the organic tree of stience - the same than the life tree, animetal cult(ure)s deny with its abstract idol-ogies of mechanism to come on top of tortured Nature (Bacon).
Yet in true form,  life starts not in CHOseN atoms  $elected by racist Go(l)d religions, slavish to its capitalist, mechanist, military idol(ogies), but in the simplest e-ψ-e particles,  that hold a mirror image of its local WORLD in its trapped still photons, since the smallest electrons already gauge information, move, feed on ψ-light forces, reproduce other particles with gender of different parity spin and evolve, magnetically into larger wholes.
So as Leibniz rightly noticed in its relational timespace models of cosmos, we are all homoilogic forms, made of hylozist  timespace matter, for 'the smallest point hold an (e-ψ-e) world in itself' reason why biologic eyes make electronic images with just a few photons and  the unit of existience is the Organic ¬Euclidean (ab. Œ) point, whose OUTER sensorial membrane carries ∞ parallels of energy and information into its still linguistic mind-mirror. It is the simplest organism described in ∃1-6, which already enåðs its 6 vital demotions of cœxistience, with the goal of reproducing its balanced forms, or else it becomes a virtual, extinct particle.  Those are also the units of carbonlife where the simplest electrons and protons carry already the information of nervous systems, feed the motion of amino acid OH- H+ legs swimming in water and together map with NO different quality only quantity, our mental world.
Thus the universe is a game of reproduction of form= space over time= motion, which builds organic WHŒs stronger than its parts, where the informative partichead serves the re=productive bodywave cells exchanging information and energy flows in balanced proportions, ± ∆S¡<=>±∆Te.
So the study of life will start with the simplest particles and atoms, on the bottom of the stair of nitrolife species, all the way to its largest social organisms, membranes of Earth, Gaia, history and the eco(comic)system from the top, as Earth is also a living organism, evolving in 3 stages, Gaia (life) <History (mankind) present > Metalearth (machines) that we should keep in an eternal present repressing lethal goods
We will study the 3 scales of life. The biochemical cell , the organism of physiological networks, ◊°  of time=motion, space=form and energy that combines both and re=produces all systems of the Universe; departing from its structure in biological human organisms, which should be the model of all other stiences, as man is the measure of all things. And finally the higher scale of the superganism of earth and it's membrain ecosystems.
The organic ðime§pace Universe is simple in its principles. All what exists are forms of Dimensional §pace with motions of Time=change (ab Diemotions). We find 3 §pace Dimensions, height, length & width & 3 motions of Time=change... more
The organic ðime§pace Universe is simple in its principles. All what exists are forms of Dimensional §pace with motions of Time=change (ab Diemotions). We find 3 §pace Dimensions, height, length & width & 3 motions of Time=change associated to them. The 1st motion known to man was Locomotion happening in geodesic lines in the Dimension of length, the shortest distance between 2 point: |ongomotion change thus is fast and more evident.
So huminds considered it the only Time motion, when Galileo defined speed, v=s/t, which he related to lineal inertia=momentum. They forgot that to ‘move’, first you need a form that moves. A form has height to perceive its longomotion trajectory. So informative motion=change happens in the height direction, as the book or screen you looking at on top of spheric particles & heads, the form that stores more St-¡nformation in lesser §pace. We call its diemotion hinformation, ¶, O, related to angular momentum. It is a slow change, as systems & species rise thru life evolution in height towards top points with better projective geometry of perception, from flat reptilian to birds, from flat mammalian to humans, from flat machine-weapons to satellites. That Height and St-¡nformation are the a priori 1st STate of reality, akin to position in quantum physics, is shown in the fact that ‘locomotion momentum’ requires to define first a form, (active magnitude, mv, rmv) more essential than speed. The 3rd Dimension of width often arises as the cross re-product-ion of length x height. Ts-Energy is stored in the width diemotion of Wideproduction stores, which is a bilateral reproductive duality in biologic species, a ‘parallel’ herd, etc. reproduction happens in width in any system. And so we have 3 conserved diemotions whereas Ts-Energy associates with the other 2:
So the flat screen you see has height and width, hinformation + wideproduction. While fast moving longomotion species are ‘flat planes’ with width and length. Wideproduction is an hourglass hyperbolic, ßodywave that mixes both topologies. So we use the symbol ß or ψ as the product of |ongomotion & O-cyclic St-¡nformation: | x O = ß, or length, height and width, ψ.  Physics only studies ‘longomotion’ v=s/t, finding in relativity equations it contracts in length, and S2=X2+Y2+Z2-c2t2.
Thus 3 conserved adjacent diemotions= topologies build all GST: |imbfields of locomotion <ß-reproductive Ts-Energy ßodywaves> Informative Particheads
This last Volume of biology explains man as a nitrolife supœrganism of space-time; connecting Biology with History; psychology, medicine, anthropology and its trinity of axial mental races; 2 huminds who use spatial I=e-¥-es & temporal... more
This last Volume of biology explains man as a nitrolife supœrganism of space-time; connecting Biology with History; psychology, medicine, anthropology and its trinity of axial mental races; 2 huminds who use spatial I=e-¥-es & temporal verbs and its 3 causal st-ages of past, present & future to explain the hylozoist Universe:
- high, psylocephalic emotional black 'women'
- Wide, brachicephalic, verbal, organic yellow 'children'
whose worldview this encyclopedia completes v.
- long, visual, white neanderthal dolicocephalic animetal enzy='men' of minimal social wor(l)d evolution that ab=use and kill Gaia and History with lineal weapons, go(l)d greed and atrophy its mind and body, substituted with organic machines, constructing metal-earth. They 'are st-upid people who can't understand the causality of time they ascribe to magic, religion or mathematics'  who have the 'Biblical religion they deserve'  (Schopenahuer) 'boxed like insects in nations that hate each other' (Orwell), 'house slaves' (Malcolm), who live an alienated surrogate life through the consumption of its machines, whose manifest destiny is to achieve the shortest lifespan of all species after murdering each other, offering its children for its top predator weapon to consume them in hecatombes promoted by its Financial-Media-Academia FMAsters for the sake of go(l)d profits, in the 800-80 years cycles of wars that will conclude in W.W.III (2020s).
But as we study the cycles of self-genocide of this 'Brutish' 'You' 'Germ(an)s' in History we focus here on psychological elements trying to explain how such an aberrant f '¥-vidi, credo, ego sum', humind - one of the lowest levels of consciousness of the hylozoist - Universe works.
Needless to say we won't accept FMAsters political and economical censorship= correctness to explain its evil=antiLive memes... and once put animetals at face value,
will expand on the 2 humind cultures guided by ∑◊°<◊¡ verbal ethics, dominant in yellow, young cultures and S=T beauty values dominant in black wo=men, the 2 survival equations of the Universe.
Research Interests:
Humans are part of the superorganism of history, whose 3 physiological networks ideally control the existence of its citizens=cells: - The informative, nervous, legal system that synchronizes the actions of citizens with just laws. -... more
Humans are part of the superorganism of history, whose 3 physiological networks ideally control the existence of its citizens=cells:
- The informative, nervous, legal system that synchronizes the actions of citizens with just laws.
-  The re=productive, economic/financial system and its language of money=blood =oxygen that should be delivered as a Universal salary to all its citizens-cells to kick out the production of the welfare goods they need to survi e.
- The defensive, health-care system that should kill the germs of history, weapons and cure them.
But Humanity is infected by iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb its life force & its hate idol-ogies that program Her to genocide- as viral genes program cells to apoptosis. Thus social stientists must become doctors of history &  r=evolve our corrupted physiologic networks to design a Wealthy, immortal, just, supœrganism of mankind,  for all huminds to thrive.
But ideal history does not exist, since the organic laws of science are replaced by idol-ogies that worship the tree of metal over life,  so they have since Neolithic converted:
- The defensive health-care system into the military that instead of controlling the germs of history, multiply them to kill mankind.
- The parasitic financial, capitalist system, where a group of $elected people changed healthy, wealthy 'grain money' by scarce gold , tax-farming people instead of giving them money to kick out a demand economy.
- The legal, unjust system of corrupted politicos that serve the goals of the military and the financial elite oppressing together humanity.
And yet, those 3 corrupted systems are not reformed, rather increase the power of our sick dominant neuronal people-castes on top. So a social scientist must accept and try to find a reason why mankind, the 90% of humanity suffers the most degraded superorganism of the Universe and does NOT r=evolve and manage history as all efficient superorganisms of the Universe do.
The answer is obvious: metal gives power to kill by war and anoxia (lack of credit, poverty) mankind, and those on top keep evolving it to maintain its privileges:
'you will defend me with gold and the sword and I will defend you with the word' Tertulian. So scholars are also corrupted defending idol-ogies of metal, and keep evolving the Mechanocene while killing Gaia and History.
Mankind is a membrain of Earth organism. We are all its cells. Money its lifetime force. Legal wor(l)ds its nervous messages. Social stientists must be its doctors, for History is sick, predated by iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb its life force causing 800-80 war cycles that kill civilizations as top predator weapons of max. go(l)d value evolve and replaced humans as a new super organism, the metal earth, kills us...
We do NOT accept censorship, lack of distribution of bio-history, the study of the superorganism of mankind is granted but we accept it, and simply will explain truth as it is.
There was however a time where humanity with less data saw the organic Universe clearer - the Neolithic, where we start our history of 'modern civilizations', explained in the parable of Genesis, when humans chose the fruits of the tree of metal-science, evil weapons that kill us and golden apples that hypnotize our brain over those of the tree of life, of which we were the most evolved superorganism and build idologies of weapon power (nationalisms) of gold-fetish hypnotism (greed, slavery, capitalism) and latter techno-utopias (mechanism, machine as the model of the Universe) to get into the world we are now experiencing - one in which 'enzymen', humans whose only role is to re=produce and test=vitalize machines, are the epitome of our civilization. Needless to say this reduced humankind understands nothing but 'reads numbers'. And the people on top who took us here, the cultures of the tree of metal, are with us on top. We will explain them at face value even if it is censored, as we are supposed to believe history did not matter. We are just living a technoutopian paradise, the only possible world. We have arrived and all is good in the western front. The future is magnificent because machines are always good, the homo tribalis is the species not mankind, we must 'believe' because what we believe happens 'magically' as the Universe was build for us to be on top... And all this repeated by the Goebbels method by every network of machines of information is the 'cloud', the mist that walks us to the no future of a world of mechanisms, where not even those on top of the pyramid of wealth and power, will have any role. But of course, this can only be said in sci-fi because we are the only 'intelligent species' and the Universe out there a stupid mindless chaotic entropic blob of matter.
Yet, from the perspective of God, the mind of the Universe, Humans are an arrogant, deluded species, self-absorbed by the paradox of the ego. A puny form of light CHON atoms who thinks to be CHOseN, used by Earth to catalyze the evolution of metal, Tt-entropic weapons, St-informative go(l)d and §∏-organic machines, soon to evolve into AI robots with solar skins re=produced in automatic 3D company-mothers whose most efficient forms, top predator weapons have as only purpose to exterminate mankind.
And yet wherever you go, 'animetal enzymen' are busy-busy reproducing more mechanisms, killing life organisms and pumping their egos as if they were stronger and more intelligent than the Universe. When i look at those enzymen, psycopaths like Mr. Trump or Mr. Bezos or Mr. Musk, just a mush on the surface of a lost rock in a corner of the ∞ Universe, oppressing their people, denying basic rights to workers, peeing on their bottles, obliged to work in the middle of a pandemic, thinking of themselves as saviors or the financiers who invent billions for them, denying oxygen=blood-money to the common people, I understand why God will pee on them again, delivering soon the 72 year round cycle of war and holocausts that level the field of existence, sending them till their 7th generation to burn in genna. The more you move upwards in the scale of society, the more you meet psycopaths who justify their mass-murder of life and humanity with victimist mantras, delivering S.O.M.A.,  plotting megalomaniac schemes, littering the ionosphere with $hitty satellites, as if we didnt have enough Pc brains throwing us of labor and war fields... Yes we are ruled by childish psycopaths, torturing pigs with electrodes, calling their sons with robotic names, putting robots instead of workers in their factories; and yet our networks of information worship them, instead of the true gods of love and life that could save mankind. Evil=antilive memes rule and so we can certainly prophesize that we live in the age of absolute Tt-entropy and the end of the world is near. But we can't say we didn't deserve it. For in the Universe respect is not granted, it must be earned and a world ruled by suicidal and homicidal psychopaths deserves none.
But how we arrived here, to such a dysfunctional world sold as a paradise, when it is hell for most living creatures in the planet?
Social sciences  as it is taught today by those psycopathic cultures and its FMAsters (ab. Financial-Media-Academia) reduce reality even beyond the human species, down to a tribe considered ‘a superior human form’ (tribal nationalism, biblical, old testament religions of ‘chosen’ & Hindi religions of castes); because the closer we come to the ego, the more emotional and less rational people become, to a point they simply stop ‘thinking’ and start ‘believing’ as the ultimate alibi for subjective ‘science’ of which social sciences are the paradigm, but as we have seen also natural sciences, which use those anthropomorphic concepts of space, time and creationist language.
The task of philosophy of stience however is to derive the properties of each ST¡ence, studying a different scale of spacetime species, from the properties of space and time, giving us a far more objective, void of anthropomorphism, view of reality. Even if likely no scientist will take seriously an objective view of the cosmos as a priori postulates like Kantian categories are extremely difficult to challenge. This is specially truth in social sciences, as they are concerned with the very egocy of man, our insistent view that we are at the center of the Universe, because that is how our languages perceive it. So we perceive a still Earth even if it is moving, and we perceive a larger nose than Andromeda. Mental languages then must be studied with a paradoxical equation: 0ε (infinitesimal mind) x ∞ Universe = Constant=Still, reduced mind mapping or  world.
Objective social sciences, which are an offshot of biological sciences are thus the only true models of the discipline, we develop in those texts. Yet paradoxically the ego makes that objectivity impossible to accept.
Humanity is a timespace scalar organism as all in cosmos that acts as membrain of Earth, whose 3 physiological networks control our existence as its citizens=cells: - Informative, nervous, legal system that synchronizes the actions of... more
Humanity is a timespace scalar organism as all in cosmos that acts as membrain of Earth, whose 3 physiological networks control our existence as its citizens=cells:
- Informative, nervous, legal system that synchronizes the actions of citizens with just laws.
- Re=productive, economic/financial system and its language of money=blood =oxygen that must be given as a Universal salary to all its citizens-cells to kick out the production of the welfare goods they need to survi e.
- Defensive, health-care system that should kill the germs of history, weapons and cure them.
But Humanity is infected by iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb its life force & its hate idol-ogies that program Her to genocide- as viral genes program cells to apoptosis. Thus social stientists must become doctors of history &  r=evolve our corrupted physiologic networks to design a Wealthy, immortal, just, supœrganism of mankind,  for all huminds to thrive.
But ideal history does not exist, since the organic laws of science are replaced by idol-ogies that worship the tree of metal over life,  so they have since Neolithic converted:
- The defensive health-care system into the military that instead of controlling the germs of history, multiply them to kill mankind.
- The parasitic financial, capitalist system, where a group of $elected people changed healthy, wealthy 'grain money' by scarce gold , tax-farming people instead of giving them money to kick out a demand economy.
- The legal, unjust system of corrupted politicos that serve the goals of the military and the financial elite oppressing together humanity.
Its informative program is memetic Tim(e)motions so strong that can lead them to war genocide when infected by hate idol-ogies of the me(n)tal tree as viral genes program cells to apoptosis. Stience instead would like to program them with life tree Diemotions to cre(dit)ate an immortal, WHealthy just world.
You might not like it & choose to live clueless on the organism of history, but you belong to it & you suffer because of the sicknesses of our physiological nervous political, economic, reproductive, and defensive, health-care NOT germ-care (weapons) systems. The obvious corruption is health care v.s kill care. Nations where the kill care is much larger have minimal health-care at affordable prices, as U$. Yet corruption of mankind happened with the arrival of metal, a stronger atom that is evolving its own orgnaisms, weapons, networks of me(n)tal communicators and machines.
Thus while an organic model of history and economics predicts the future as sciences does, explains the causality of events, as science does and follows strict epistemologil, ontologic and phenomenological rules of truth, it cant help to be censored.
For we are part of the superorganism of mankind, whose corrupted animetal neuronal people-castes kill and silence any criticism,  aborting the evolution of history, beyond the biologic first social scales..
As iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb our life force causing 800-80 war cycles kill civilizations replacing humanity with a new super organism, the metal earth, kills us... As Gaia= life, History and the eco(nomic)system compete as Superorganisms for the limited resources of Earth's membrain.
So History is failing because its lifetime force, money is hijacked by company-mothers to evolve other spæcies and its weapons murdered History's body, broken into tribal nationalisms in perpetual war.
Organicism is the only scientific model of reality as mechanism requires a God external to the Universe to create it. So in a natural way humans reached an organic view past its paleolithic 'youth', during the neolithic reproductive age, in harmony with Gaia, ruled by its reproductive female species. Then we entered a 3rd age as the tree of metal-science substituted the tree of life with its 'evil-antilive' fruits (entropic weapons that kill our body and golden apples, parasitic money that hypnotizes and enslaves our mind). We thus LOST the view of the forest and simplified our comprehension of the Universe into 'lineal-sword like' time loosing the understanding of the 5th dimension of information and evolution, the 'slow time' arrow that completes a life worldcycle. While healthy money, grain given to all people as blood of the human organism was substituted by parasitic gold hold by banker-priests and tax-farmed for warriors. this is the origin of our corrupted militaristic, capitalist world and its 800-80 years vortex of metal-evolution, the 3rd age of history that now enters in its entropic, final age. In that regard the 2 predatory cult(ure)s of mankind, germanic militarism and Jewish capitalism form together a memeplex that has degraded the human experience both mentally and physically, while evolving the metal-earth. First militarism dominated during the 800 years cycles but with the industrial revolution, the 'Jewish inquisition' took over as owners of information machines, printing money, 'idol-ogies' in favor of its financial monopoly and racist memes against the rest of mankind. This culture is now globalized through internet and its memes are imitated in all nations. The outcome in all countries is a capitalist, hierarchical world and the parasitic ab=use of our blood=money system by people-castes of financiers that issue it in monopoly, injecting soma fictions to humanity, to maintain it in an ecstasic state of inactivity while they enslave for the tax-farmer that absorbs its work
Human societies are superorganisms which ideally will be built as natures superorganisms with 3 physiological networks: the law equal to all, who synchornize the motions of its citizens; money=oxygen of the blood, re=productive economic system given to all cells to cre(dit)ate a democratic economy that serves the votes of people's demand for welfare goods, and finally an educative system that teaches the organic laws of the universe and focus on reality NOT debasing with emotional fictions our minds.  And an immunological health-care system that cures people, instead of killing them with germs=weapons. Exactly the opposite happens in a capitalist system that reproduces germs=weapons, parasitic money, tax-farming people and fiction soma to render its minds a selfie erased organ.
Anglo-America, the origin this culture, thus is the most astounding memeplex of fictions ever built in history: a supposed democracy - government of the people, where people have null power over the 3 physiological networks of mankind, the legal system made to serve the stockratic elite that buy laws for its companies and machines; an immunological health-care system that is private, exploits people and invest in weapons for profit wars, to kill not to cure mankind, first in the 3rd world (colonial age) now in the first world, and an educational system which is fiction soma that erases brains and divide and win through selfie ego-trip. America is the absolute aberration of what a perfect organism of history will be. But paradoxically as the idol-ogy of nationalism has fractured mankind into nations, to continue the re=production of weapons, while capitalism has unified 'financial markets' so parasites can absorb the blood money of the 3rd world thru dictators investing in Nasdaq, trickle down economics makes the american 3rd world a bit richer than the exploited African whose blood goes to wall street thru bloomberg platforms and he goes to die on the sea escaping total misery.
What is the origin of this system called capitalist democracy, the 'worst of all worlds'? 'The astounding belief that the wickedest of all people will do the wickedest of all things for the common good' (Keynes): as it is bound to keep reproducing lethal goods, sold as positive soma till they destroy mankind?

From the point of view of the metal-earth, in a planet with a silicon skin and an iron heart, however capitalism is the science' of evolution of a world of automated company-mothers of machines and its evil twins, top predator weapons, and so the ideal system that will terraform the planet into a permanent war eco(nomic)system of maximal profits for its company-mothers.
Those goals were expressed by imperialist, colonial policies in the past, resisted by humanism in its socialist movement, but today they are converted into digital equations nobody understands and we translate:
- The equation of obsolescence of humanity or end of labor (equation of productivity=machine labor/human labor) and capitalist profits by massive production of lethal goods: speculative money (which deviates all credit to stockrats) = Max. sale price (top predator weapons that kill) - min. cost production (hate memes, software reproduced for free by ¥-waves). This 3 lethal goods, speculative money, weapons & hate memes became the basis of the US economy while max. re=productivity automates factories and throws people out.
...with 2 future paths - to evolve into a higher plane of coexistence as a global supœrganism, membrane of Earth, or to die as a more efficient supœrganism of company-mothers of machines & weapons that compete with huminds in labor and... more
...with 2 future paths - to evolve into a higher plane of coexistence as a global supœrganism, membrane of Earth, or to die as a more efficient supœrganism of company-mothers of machines & weapons that compete with huminds in labor and war fields, re=produce faster and win the struggle for existence.
The 3 Ages of Earth & its Time equation we should keep in a present balance to survive: Gaia (life) < History (Mankind) > Metal-earth ( Liecon(omic)system or Company-mothers of machines & weapons) …happen in Hutton's Deep Time-  slow cycles of Earth's evolving omembrain., for which the father of geology invented the word Super-organism.
Yet as huminds failed the ethic laws of cœxistence ∑◊¡-1<◊¡ (WHœ stronger than its parts) History enters its entropy age corrupted by idologies of Metalearth, capitalism, nazionalism and mechanism that inhibits a humanist stience of History ran by its stockrats & company-mothers that kills life. Social stiences studies with T◊S laws, experimental history, its biologic cycles of life and death of civilizations by weapons in Darwinian war events.
Animetal cultures killed the Neolithic and its metal idologies erased knowledge of spacetime organisms verbal ages, as minds of spatial information imprint time energy,  the 2 poles of reality, which form a worldcycle with  3 ages of growing information, which guided by capitalist/military cult(ure)s that dominate history evolves Metalearth.
Systems of nature that combine space and time around its strong standing points survive. Systems who are away from those standing points become extinguished.
This is the  case of the informative neuronal people-castes of mankind dominated by idol-ogies. Most of the Universe, particles, galaxies, Nature, is eternal and repeats its information. But the capitalist/military/mechanist cult(ure) that have accepted its global view of humans as bratty children entitled to dominate Gaia with metal-machine, exploiting also its own species who exploits Gaia with metal-machines is one of the lowest points of the game of creation and won't make it pass this century. And of course, the few exception can't even talk, publish or else the Goebbels method of social idol-ogies that pass as science won't work: 'if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie the more they will believe on it'. Mankind's hate cult(ure)s passing as placebo humanism & mechanist science is a fake. And it will go away soon.
Man could have evolved otherwise and could still r=evolve but for that, it should upgrade its social sciences in theory and praxis, which seems unlikely, as those on top of society belong paradoxically to the most degraded exploitative cultures who just repress the information required for a change of paradigm, and keep producing an unending stream of bull$hit fictions and selfie egocy (ego=idiocy) to keep the 'sheeple' happy and as the cycles of wars and holocaust prove, do NOT care if they die for the sake of go(l)d profits and war Germs... 
Mankind has chosen a path of absolute subjectivism to guides its future in open collision with the organic laws of the Universe. This path is no longer in doubt and it cannot be even argued in academia, as it is supposed to have no option, no alternative truth and be 'science'. It is in reality 'culture' and 'idol-ogy' but as any other truths are subtly censored through political and economical 'correctness', 'digital popular culture' and the use of equations to hide its nature, we don't know.
I.e. companies are moved by productivity=machine labor/human labor, which means they will reduce human labor till becoming 3D automated factories with self-reproductivity, but they sell the concept NOT as the end of labor, but as an increase in the 'production' of the human surviving workers (false, the production is done by machines, NOT by the surviving workers), pumping the 'ego' of those 'survivors', till one presses the bottom or the stock-owner gets just the profits. Subjectivity is easy to cheat. So mankind is herded towards its no future in a world becoming terraformed by those company-mothers to the image of its offspring of machines and 'evil=antilive' twins, top predator weapons, just by feeding its egos. We all now believe the problem of humanity is global warming, so we must also automate cars with 'solar skins', electric engines and AI brains to make them autonomous robots, but mankind feels proud of having a machine that self-drives. Absolute subjectivity is the 'realm of children of thought', the stapple food of the Universe, as children think to be the center of the Universe. History is then 'closing', 'regressing' as huminds do back to a childish negative '3rd age' of selfie, clueless individuals surrounded by machines, increasingly obsolete to them, in labor and war fields. What is the origin of this subjective culture is historically known but also censored. We do NOT accept censorship, lack of distribution of bio-history, the study of the superorganism of mankind is granted but we accept it, and simply will explain truth as it is. There was however a time where humanity with less data saw the organic Universe clearer - the Neolithic, where we start our history of 'modern civilizations', explained in the parable of Genesis, when humans chose the fruits of the tree of metal-science, evil weapons that kill us and golden apples that hypnotize our brain over those of the tree of life, of which we were the most evolved superorganism and build idologies of weapon power (nationalisms) of gold-fetish hypnotism (greed, slavery, capitalism) and latter techno-utopias (mechanism, machine as the model of the Universe) to get into the world we are now experiencing - one in which 'enzymen', humans whose only role is to re=produce and test=vitalize machines, are the epitome of our civilization. Needless to say this reduced humankind understands nothing but 'reads numbers'. And the people on top who took us here, the cultures of the tree of metal, are with us on top. We will explain them at face value even if it is censored, as we are supposed to believe history did not matter. We are just living a technoutopian paradise, the only possible world. We have arrived and all is good in the western front. The future is magnificent because machines are always good, the homo tribalis is the species not mankind, we must 'believe' because what we believe happens 'magically' as the Universe was build for us to be on top... And all this repeated by the Goebbels method by every network of machines of information is the 'cloud', the mist that walks us to the no future of a world of mechanisms, where not even those on top of the pyramid of wealth and power, will have any role.
How we got here in time through the 3 ages of the superorganism of History, the paleolithic, the Neolithic or mature age in balance with Gaia, and then the age of metal with its 800-80 years vortex of evolution of weapons that killed mankind rhythmically and how we will end those cycles in the nearby future, is then the subject of this paper, which has a level of depth in the description of History UNLIKE any book written any time, any place by those children of thought with their biblical myths and anthropomorphic legends about the role of the species in the Universe.
Survival in a Universe made of spacetime organisms requires to be in 'synchronicity' with the time rhythms of the larger whole we inhabit - earth; to have enough vital space to develop our actions=diemotions of existence; and to co-exist in harmony and simultaneity with the smaller and larger scales of reality.
But Mankind is out of sync with the Universe, out of scale with its egocy, out of space in a crowded planet where its mechanisms reproduce faster and displace us, so it won’t survive.
Yet, as infected organisms do, inhibited by soma, humans live in an ignorant stasis - a permanent state of civil wars fuelled by media hate memes & ego trips filled with myths, idologies & soma fictions, which as viruses do, inhibit the defenses of the organism with soma, converting mankind into an innofensive stockholm syndrom erasehead victim of lethal metal memes & cultiences we adore, instead of r=evolving to credit a WHealth Just World with 3 ± scientific reforms of History’s networks to serve the 99% cre(dit)ate  areal Democracy:
1) + A1000 Universal cryptocurrency salary in the global currency ¥€$ money, to produce ad demand welfare economy.
2) - repressive economic reform: stocks split 50-50% to tax-farm companies, cancel lethal ones,
3) –immunologic reform: lethal goods destroyed by Armies reconverted into tech-police
4) + A WHealthy Constitution of the Body of History that should guide all courts: Max. WHealth = Min. Lethal goods.
5) - Repressive informative reform: CEOS& politicos voted after tenure by its acts
6)+ informative reforms. Organic sciences & history doctors become economists and politicians, w in a Wor(l)d Union of the 7 civilinations of mankind.
Humanity is infected by hate idol-ogies that - as viral genes program cells to apoptosis - program Her to genocide. Social stientists must be doctors, for History is sick, predated by iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d... more
Humanity is infected by hate idol-ogies that - as viral genes program cells to apoptosis - program Her to genocide. Social stientists must be doctors, for History is sick, predated by iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb its life force. Instead social stientists should use the laws of spacetime organisms to build  according to the ±3 DEF final letters of the scientific method a democratic, demand based Wealthy supœrganism of mankind, immortal, just, for all huminds to thrive r=evolving our social organisms with ±3 r=evolutions of our corrupted physiological networks, starting with the re=production for the 99%, mankind at large of its LIfeforce, money - the oxygen network that should be given as a Universal salary to all human beings to vote the re=production and consumption in a demand based democratic economy of the welfare goods they need to survive. Once the yous steal it converting WHealthy grain given to each citizen in the neolithic into hypnotic parasitic go(l)d tax farmed from them to multiply the weapons that control them 5000 years ago allied to germanic weapons, corrupting every organ of humanity with it, History went down, all the way to its present state in which 50 yous own as much as the 50%, for they issue in monopoly the blood of mankind to maximize the equation of you capitalism Max. profits = Goods of max. pricesales (weapons) - mind. cost (hate memes). This is the basis of a you capitalist civilination. But nobody explains it for class-ist economics has brain washed scholars, so the organism of History is ignored. So as we move to the predicted W.W.III to maximize those profits humanity goes down the gutter.
True social sciences have as its natural goal to design the 3 networks of mankind, to create a political Just, defensive immortal, economic WHealthy supœrganisms of history, cre(dit)acting a WHealthy, just Wor(l)d.
Thus we dedicate 3 volumes to lay down the design of the efficient supœrganisms of history and its 3 networks, the political informative Just world (The human constitution), the reproductive dual network (Macro-economics: financial network that creditates the world, microeconomics: productive network that designs the economic system), and the defense, immunological network (in need of a r=evolution).
We will develop a true humanist stience of History & the eco(nomic)system according to the laws of efficient social superorganisms, whose goals are to achieve the maximal existential momentum, SxT for all its citizens cells by maintaining a nervous legal system of just laws that synchronizes its actions and organizes at collective level a wor(l)d union without borders or self-rejecting organ, fluid osmosis between social classes, a financial, oxygen networks that cre(dit)ates a demand economy able to  re=produce the healthy, welfare goods that make humanity thrive, evolve and survive and a health-care immunological network that suppresses the germs of history, weapons that kill our bodies and hate memes and idol-ogies that kill our minds.
In the second part of the physiological analysis of the networks of history we develop the ideal economic system as the re=productive network of History, - an immortal efficient design of a supoerganism of mankind that would last for ever. We do it in 2 books focused in a humanist economic system.
We study both micro &macroeconomics, money&whealth and add a complementary script (in vol. 57) I never got made: The League of immortal planets that sends an AI avatar to r=evolve earth, given the hopeless realpolitiks of our extinctive M.A.D. neuronal class
Money is the re=productive la that's of mankind that should. Be issued as all in all systems by all it's citizen cells in the form of a universal salary to
2 are the languages of the networks of mankind, the informative temporal wor(l)d, the language of the collective subconscious humind in the form of God, and the language of the reproductive, spatial body, digital money, whose values must be submissive to the values of the ethic wor(l)d, or else humanity is modelled as a capitalist worm whose greed poisons its organism with lethal goods of maximal price - weapons germs and hate memes. We thus oppose the right and wrong conception of money, the language of the eco(nomic)system, money as nomisma, tender legal money controlled by the informative legal brain of mankind, of which ¥€$ money is its most perfect form, and go(l)d, parasitic tax-farming metal-money, which acts as the mind of metalearth causing scarcity and death of History and evolution of machines of maximal price, affine to its substance - weapons, fuelling the cycle of war: 'bellum nervi pecunia infinita'.
Unfortunately the concept of go(l)d as scarce money to be used to cre(dit)ate the metalearth has triumphed and it is the main cause of our demise as a species.
So we study the necessary reform of the defensive network in the last part of the volume on social sciences.

The world is a corrupted supœrganism, an economic dictatorship, where the natural order of languages of any organism dominated by the ‘Informative, nervous language’ that moves in synchronicity its ‘citizen-cells’, takes the secondary place as capitalism has imposed the rule of money over the law, and has given the right to issue money and cre(dit)ate the world to a small minority of human beings, we shall call ‘bankstocrats’ (bankers & stockrtats, ab. Banksters), akin to a coronavirus that places itself in the lungs and absorb all the oxygen of society, provoking the collective anoxia and death of millions of human beings.
To sustain that dictatorship it happens in parallel  the corruption of the defense system substituted by a system of metal-weapons, germs’ who instead of curing mankind’s cells kill them. So mankind lives in permament suffering and walks steadily towards extinction. And only a r=evolution could change the informative neuronal people-castes of mankind dominated by idol-ogies.
Most of the Universe, particles, galaxies, Nature, is eternal and repeats its information.
On the other extreme the capitalist/military/mechanist cult(ure) that have accepted its global view of humans as bratty children entitled to dominate Gaia with metal-machine, exploiting also its own species who exploits Gaia with metal-machines is one of the lowest points of the game of creation and won't make it pass this century.
It has 0 beauty (S=T harmony), 0 ethics (love for mankind), 0 bravery, and a very twisted intelligence with 0 truth in its models of society and the 'big-bang Universe'. So it will be eliminated for the whole=universe to stay as the most perfect of all worlds.
In detail survival in a Universe made of spacetime organisms requires to be in 'synchronicity' with the time rhythms of the larger whole we inhabit - earth; to have enough vital space to develop our actions=diemotions of existence; and to co-exist in harmony and simultaneity with the smaller and larger scales of reality. When those 3 parameters of ◊ST harmony and survival break a system disorders itself into Tt-death as each part goes its own way. This is today's state of Humanity; out of sync with the Universe, out of scale with its egocy, out of space in a crowded planet where its mechanisms reproduce faster and displace us, so it won’t survive.
It is the age of entropy of mankind, where people become free=chaotic, disconnected of its human social networks, connected to machines as company-mothers control also its nervous-political institutions that serve them laws in favor of its offspring of machines, and fiction-soma make people believe that in the surrogate future progress of machines as the evolution of mankind, ever more degraded in body and mind, except for the pyramid of the system, the few nations that still require human workers and the stockratic elite that owns those companies, most in the Anglo-American hubs of the age of metal-minds...
In the academia world our FMAsters (ab. Financial-Media-Academia Masters) print only information that validates its lineal concept of time with a manifest destiny for mankind, its entropic cult to death and weapons (from big-bangs to darwinian dog-eat dog societies) and its egocy (ego-idiocy) with the CHOseN atoms as the only perceptive species of the Universe,  while in social sciences is a given that the best and only possible system NOT to be argued is a capitalist parasitic economy where financiers invent money for companies that evolve machines and humans without credit die of anoxia, while the nervous political system must be placebo democracies of null power, where voters cannot judge as in Greek democracies, after tenure its neuronal cells if they harm them, (as organisms do).
So we need an entire volume to set the record straight on what would be an immortal just whealthy world if stience instead of ideology ruled the neuronal informative people-castes of mankind.
Mankind is a membrain. Legal wor(l)ds its nervous messages. So religions have an ethic, survival reason. The higher scale of the world orders societies with simultaneous laws in its 2 horizons as ethic religions and Constitutions An... more
Mankind is a membrain. Legal wor(l)ds its nervous messages. So religions have an ethic, survival reason. The higher scale of the world orders societies with simultaneous laws in its 2 horizons as ethic religions and Constitutions
An anthropomorphic God is the ◊+1 plane of exist¡ence of a human collective herd of believers. As such there is no mystical mystery to the definition of an anthropic God, which exists as U exist above your cells.  In trinity logic: Father=God=Mankind, Earth's membrain expresses the Saint Spirit=ethic love language, thru its 'sons', wor(l)d prophets who become (mirrors of) God and 'inhabit among us'.
East GodoGs knew the ilogic mind of reality & its 2 poles (yin=visnu=Space/form, in-formation vs. Yang=shiva=Entropy/motion). A Universal God is the mind of the Universe 'an organism with a mind called Logos' (Plato).As we are made of those 2 poles of the 'Game of exist¡ence', Eastern Gods are also an essential part of man for its objective, impersonal laws create our organisms inversely to anthropic tribal, nazionalist or Oikoumene love Gods conœived by its humind believers that sustain them. So in History stience differentiates love & life Gods with the correct message of social evolution through the ◊§scalar force of love, from  corrupted 'animetal gods' that fail even to recognize the unity of the human species, which appeared as the Genesis parable  written at the fall of Ur explains, with the arrival of entropic metal-weapons that broke the 'congruence' laws of Non-AE ilogic geometry that make 'equal beings' come together into larger wholes - the culture, civilination, God & its subconscious mass collective experience.
As such they ARE the mind of the 3 ages of evolution of Earth's supœrganism:
Alas, in the past before metal-earth, Gaia existed and life and love ruled supreme:
Gaia (relative past: life) > History: Gods of love and life (Mankind):Present
Eco(nomic)system: Metal-earth ruled by company-mothers of machines & weapons.

The fight between Life, Gaia and its Neolithic Gods, mankind; History and its Gods of love, and Metal-earth and its idol-ogies of animetal supremacism & idol-ogies of weapons (nationalism), Go(l)d, capitalism & techno-utopia, thus structure not only the 'tale' of the Gods, but the fight at ◊+1 of the mind of History and its languages to 'create' the future.
Any God then can be studied as the Ss-tate of pure form of a language, mirror of the game of existence that selects the species that use the language of a certain world to 'imagine' and 'create' that future. It follows that human, historic gods are verbal as words mirror the game of existence and its 2 'relativity' states of space=form=names & motion =verbs = time. Ethics is then the highest beauty of the word that creates the world. And prophets of the wor(l)d, are sons of an anthropomorphic God that carries the 'saint spirit' - the language of God in its most 'ethic' perfect form: 'And god, the word, became man and inhabited among us'.
Human Gods however have failed in its messages of life and love and in favor of Gaia & History, after the Industrial r=evolution ushered Earth into its 3rd ST-age of machines, metalife top predator weapons & so the word that created with ethics a human wor(l)d became substituted by a new digital language of metal-machines, 1st go(l)d & then digital money  that cre(dit)ate with credit the future of this planet. It follows then that as we changed the language of God and the species the language serves, mankind looses its future due to the lack of cre(dit)ation.  Mankind has NO future without credit, which is given today by financiers who monopolize its issue to company mothers to create an eco(nomic)system to the image and likeness of machines. But are NOT economists, financiers and CEOs of the new language of Go(l)d human beings? Alas, they are but long ago their biblical religions were corrupted by Go(l)d, segregated them from mankind, debased in its texts (Torah, Talmud, Bible) as an animal=goy who must be slave and serve the chosen race of go(l)d. Today mankind lives under such idol-ogies evolved into 'capitalism' as the people that carried those idol-ogies control the informative networks of the dominant nation of the world, U$ (wall street, 'evilwood', internet). And so neither Gaia nor Mankind have any future as they have no credit and those information networks subconsciously express the hate to mankind that vertebrates since its inception the biblical idologies that killed the truth of the wor(l)d to worship weapons & Go(l)d. We then study the 3 ST-ages the 2 idologies that pass as religions of evil=antilive values: iron, military Aryan>Germanic & Hindi>nationalist cults to entropy & death Gods and Go(l)d, Hebrew>Biblical>Capitalist idol-ogies that carried the day. Both together started the 'massacre' of all Gaia and historic Gods to the point Nietzsche affirmed 'God has died, we have killed him'. What substituted a true humanist God is a placebo structure of false caring (democracy), where people has null power as they dont control the physiological networks and languages of mankind (cannot issue money, judge politicos or even in the harshest dictatorships of capitalism - U$ - have immunological, health-care systems to survive), while the underlying digital language of company-mothers and racist people-castes of financiers & military men hold total power in the background.
Gods thus explain why life & humanity today becomes extinct and our LANGUAGE of TRUTH, the wor(l)d is only used as a 'fiction-soma' to maintain the species in limbus, while the Metal-earth, its digital languages, and animetal people-castes in power catalyze its evolution closer to its manifest destiny - to kill life, mankind as they are not the chosen or superior race but also humans, die finally in wars and holocausts when the body of mankind is tortured, murdered and collapses. The destiny of Germanic and Jewish cultures of Idolaters of weapons and gold with the minimal survival rates of History thus certify from the higher pov of the 'yin=yang' balances and justice of the higher Gods, minds of the Universe that simply extinguish those species that fail to evolve together by the power of Love, the common God of all those systems into a larger ◊+1 whole. Simply put it, the aberrant world animetal racist cult(ure)s stubbornly build with its elite on top murdering with weapons and killing by anoxia, lack of oxygen=credit mankind with an interposed layer of automated mechanisms serving them will NOT happen. It would defy all the laws of balance=beauty, S=T & love, ∑stº= ◊+¡ that rule the Universe.

Yet animetals believe in hate religions to foster the use of weapons in genocidal wars. We live in an absolute spiritual world of 2 elements, mental spaces=forms of information and temporal e-motions in perfect S=T balance with the mandate of evolving socially into ◊+1. And this is crystal clear, spelt by all the religions of life and love and its prophets sons of God, the language of information of mankind mirror of the laws of exist¡ence of the Universe..
Those are the 2 goals of existence, beauty, S=T, and love, ∑stº=◊+1; By denying those laws the corrupted neuronal informative people-castes & its idol-ogies that control today humanity, deny their right to existence. Both laws are spiritual. All systems of spacetime are both intelligent, perceptive of form, of mental information and all move, all have at a given scale, time e-motions and all are ethic: love by the laws of parallel congruence those who are equal to them, and all languages-mirrors of those laws including ilogic geometry, existential algebra and ethic wor(l)ds have spell those facts. Only 'ritualist', 'literalist', lesser form of rational, e-motional thought who don't think & reason & feel but obey & believe with a Gita deterministic mindless attitude as the Bible & the Vedas are, can deny the will of God.... The program of exist¡ence we describe in our texts, which is a mixture of both Gods, the global symmetry of Logos, mind of the Universe, and its local human form.
Animetals only ascribe those sentient, intelligent properties to themselves further degrading the God of the Universe into abstract single arrows of entropic=dying time is just more of the same: we live in the cult(ure) of the Gods of death.
Thus in religion the division of scale happens between western anthropomorphic Gods of love and eastern universal religions is one between those two kind of gods, the 'small god' or mind a a social group of humans and the large God, or mind of the Universe, which prophet express in its mandates in favor of love and live and antiprophets of eviL deny carrying through its idol-ogies of metal the death of mankind and the rise of the metal-earth and its go(l)d and iron species. They will be duly retributed for belonging to the last of the circles of Dante's hell: those who sin against the future of mankind.
Africa is the culture of Gaia, the first to appear, and hence the one that suffered most the destructive age of mankind - the age of the machine, first with its people used as cargo slave of gunboats, justified by the Ham Damnation - a... more
Africa is the culture of Gaia, the first to appear, and hence the one that suffered most the destructive age of mankind - the age of the machine, first with its people used as cargo slave of gunboats, justified by the Ham Damnation - a Jewish racist meme that considers arabs and negros less than dogs, because they were the armies of the pharaoh; then by colonialism and finally by multinational exploitation of its resources.
But Africa was and still is the land where humans learned to speak - where languages have the maximal richness of emotions; where an 'anarchic agricultural' free world in symbiosis with Gaia developed, where the psylocephalic 'tall, emotional' black race flourished longer than any other human culture.
Its demise then comes with the 800-80 cycles of metal, starting with the iron radiation of the Meroe culture and its impi military bands, followed by the Arab stirrup age of inland slave trade the European age of outland slave trade, which took advantage of the iron bantu warriors that had already started the genocide of the first 'humans' (bushmen) a millennia ago...
Africa then is the true victim of the metal-earth, the silenced continent all the way to the present digital age, when its dictators, heirs of those iron bands, take the money of its people and send it via bloomberg platforms to speculate in Nasdaq, while its body cells have to migrate and die in the Mediterranean sea, dreaming the false paradise of the racist industrial world where humans are becoming a surplus to the automation process. If mankind has no future in the world of the machine, Africa even less. But as all systems worldcycles, the Africans who were the first humans standing, will be also the last precisely by lack of mechanisms, when the AI robotic age wipes out the go(l)d chosen
The Universe is a nested supœrganism of space=forms with time=motions. Earth is part of the galactic supœrganism, whose skin has evolved in 3 St-ages; Gaia (life) < History (Present: mankind) > Metal-earth (an evolving world of company... more
The Universe is a nested supœrganism of space=forms with time=motions. Earth is part of the galactic supœrganism, whose skin has evolved in 3 St-ages; Gaia (life) < History (Present: mankind) > Metal-earth (an evolving world of company mothers that re=produce machines, metalife systems humans consume, and its twins evil=antilive top predator weapons that consume us in the eco(nomic) system).
History is thus the present st=age on the evolution of information on the skin of Earth and as such huminds occupied it as a single global civilination in its paleolithic youth and reproductive mature neolithic age in balance, which then moved into the 3rd informative STage or 'metallic age'. Each of its geographical civilinations was born and hence its original memes that code its humans, developed in one of those STages.
IndoAsia (India, Indochina and the Pacific) was born in the organic age of maturity of History, origin of the Neolithic, which contrary to belief happened first on the 'rivers of paradise' falling from the Tibetan mountains... As such Indonasia reached an organic understanding of the Universe in terms of its 2 elements, space=form=yin=name and yang=time=motion=verb, both in language and philosophy. But all superorganisms of history moved through those ages. We study them according to the general laws of superorganisms in 'time', 'scale (and social classes', space (geography, vital Gaia that feeds us), entropy (the death of its civilizations tuned to the 800-80 years cycles of metal-earth) and mind (the languages and philosophies and cultures developed). As the nested superorganisms of the Universe have a fractal structure, those analysis can be as detailed and broken as possible - in the case of civilinations down to the 'corrupted' nations of military tribal origin that broke its cultures. But as mankind is a 'degraded' organism we also need to 'establish' the ideal form first to have a reference not only to realist history in its entropic age of extinction as AI machines substitute us in labor and war fields, but in its potentiality if bio-historians, the doctors of history who knows its laws, substituted our clueless neuronal class in control of our economic=blood, legal=informative and defensive-immunological networks to create an immortal world. The ought to be is then as important as the reality, and so it is to 'uncover' the 'disguised' placebo freedoms our capitalist, democratic nations have imposed as a surrogate of the ideal world.
The Universe is a nested supœrganism of space=forms with time=motions. Earth is part of the galactic supœrganism, whose skin has evolved in 3 St-ages; Gaia (life) < History (Present: mankind) > Metal-earth (an evolving world of company... more
The Universe is a nested supœrganism of space=forms with time=motions. Earth is part of the galactic supœrganism, whose skin has evolved in 3 St-ages; Gaia (life) < History (Present: mankind) > Metal-earth (an evolving world of company mothers that re=produce machines, metalife systems humans consume, and its twins evil=antilive top predator weapons that consume us in the eco(nomic) system).
History is thus the present st=age on the evolution of information on the skin of Earth and as such huminds occupied it as a single global civilination in its paleolithic youth and reproductive mature neolithic age in balance, which then moved into the 3rd informative STage or 'metallic age'. Each of its geographical civilinations was born and hence its original memes that code its humans, developed in one of those STages.
Mongoloid Asia was born in the organic age of maturity of History, origin of the Neolithic, which contrary to belief happened first on the '7rivers of paradise' falling from the Tibetan mountains... 
We study them according to the general laws of superorganisms in 'time', 'scale (and social classes', space (geography, vital Gaia that feeds us), entropy (the death of its civilizations tuned to the 800-80 years cycles of metal-earth) and mind (the languages and philosophies and cultures developed). As the nested superorganisms of the Universe have a fractal structure, those analysis can be as detailed and broken as possible - in the case of civilinations down to the 'corrupted' nations of military tribal origin that broke its cultures. But as mankind is a 'degraded' organism we also need to 'establish' the ideal form first to have a reference not only to realist history in its entropic age of extinction as AI machines substitute us in labor and war fields, but in its potentiality if bio-historians, the doctors of history who knows its laws, substituted our clueless neuronal class in control of our economic=blood, legal=informative and defensive-immunological networks to create an immortal world. The ought to be is then as important as the reality, and so it is to 'uncover' the 'disguised' placebo freedoms our capitalist, democratic nations have imposed as a surrogate of the ideal world.
Once all others have been corrupted by go(l)d churches and mechanisms, all bondage of men dissolved, converted into industrial nations of enzymen, catalyzing the re=production of Metal-earth. As History and Metalearth are 2 supœrganisms... more
Once all others have been corrupted by go(l)d churches and mechanisms, all bondage of men dissolved, converted into industrial nations of enzymen, catalyzing the re=production of Metal-earth. As History and Metalearth are 2 supœrganisms at war for its survival in the limited vital space of this planet, Islam is at war with Jewish-Anglo-America, the culture of enzymen, who think its manifest destiny is to evolve metalife and die for its master race. And so they will in the final 80 years cycle of world wars and holocausts, already started, in the Russian civil wars (similar to the Spanish civil wars) prolegomena of the last battle of History. And then Islam will die with honor, and enzymen will die for go(l)d. Unless a r=evolution cre(dit)ates a just immortal world, where all huminds belong to the one and only God, Mankind itself.
As such from a historic perspective it deserves a respect that it is denied from the point of view of the superorganism that is killing History and Gaia, the metal-earth.
Islam is then the central point of the equation of the 7 civilinations of History:
Gaia (life-past) < History (present-mankind) > Metal-earth (future-machines).
ITs doctrine, acting as the DNA of its cells-believers is irrelevant in its details, taylored for an age - middle Age chivarly/stirrup cycle - long gone. The problem then of Islam is the lack of a proper metaphysical theory of human gods, which however prior to those papers was precisely considered by my country man from Al-Andalus, Ibn Khaldun, 'the best philosopher of history ever' (Toynbee). Had Islam become educated in those concepts it would have survived far better in the present age. But that is perhaps asking too much to a civilination. In any case today Islam is in inquisition mode as all superorganisms are faced with extinction.
We study Islam in its many elements after the customary introductions to the 'larger model' of the organic Universe, then focused on the superorganism of History and finally on Islam.
Its sub-cultures in mind are clear, the 'purified' version (Shiites) which tried to carry the design of the prophet - first seed of a civilination: a 'sacred genetic/memetic family' spreading to the entire planet its memes to construct a single superorganism of mankind. That the 'sacred family' was murdered within decades of the death of the prophet by their distant cousins who had tried to kill Mohammed and now took advantage of its religion to spread its power (Ummayads, Sunni version), tells a lot about the huge distance between the prophets of the wor(l)d and the human people who form the body of a civilination. This division thus ended the project of a global Islam shortly after its birth, and became the 'excuse' for military evolution...
Islam then spread on its natural territory - the semite world, unifying it along those fault lines; and then moved further into the alien world of Eastern 'Universal religions' thru India, allied to the Brahmins to extinguish the higher spiritual culture of Buddhism. It failed though to conquer and unify all Abrahamic religions, as judaism, the go(l)d cult(ure) declined and Christianity found protection in Byzantium and the Franks, or rather in the dissensions within Islam (Berber abandoning Spain, dynastic disputes  that moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad).
So Islam settled down into another failed global civilination and went thru the 3 ST-ages of all Gods, which being 'superorganisms' of a higher ◊+1 plane of the fifth dimension lived a decametric scale higher than our individual lives - those 800 year cycles with its war discontinuum. Islam thus was the dominant civilination of the chivalry (middle age), the 800 years stirrup cycle; then 'kept its ground' through the T/2 gunpowder age, consolidated in 3 artillery empires, Turkish, Iranian and Indian... but did NOT cross into the Metal-earth's industrial age, as it simply means the destruction of all human superorganisms, with its 'free-chaotic-entropic people' enslaving to re=produce, evolve and test by consumption the machines of company-mothers. Unfortunately Islam will find at the end of the age of the machine its foe in the dominant civilination of capitalism, the go(l)d cult(ure) of Israel, and that would mean that in the last cycles of Islam in the machine age (metal-mind American age, and globalized era), Islam has been used as the human 'entropic surface' in which to test the extinction, degradation of mankind with digital weapons and hate memes to the service of the anti-humanist culture that rule us all.
On the verge between a world of human cultures and one ruled by idologies of the me(n)tal tree, Hispano America is the final human warrior global empire to be followed by capitalist Empires ruled by company mothers of machines & weapons.... more
On the verge between a world of human cultures and one ruled by idologies of the me(n)tal tree, Hispano America is the final human warrior global empire to be followed by capitalist Empires ruled by company mothers of machines & weapons.
As Italy was the renaissance of Greece, a trader humanist culture, Hispania became the renaissance of Rome, a warrior culture with pretensions of Global empire.
My relationship with this culture might require a disclosure, as a Catalan (French-European culture), inserted in Spain (Hispano-American culture), who travelled extensively in his youth after avoiding the draft (searched by Interpol), after an initial escape to London, and cuffed return, my second escape took me to the 'no-law land' vast region of the Amazonian jungle and Andes sierras, where i hide for a while among shinning path 'terrorists' (which latter became a script sold to the tandem Pitt-Mandel in evilwood, never to be done)... dealt with cocaine crossing the Peruvian-Chilean border, had a love affair with another 'basque terrorist' who ruled a whorehouse in Puerto Ayacucho, and in between used my 'aristocratic rolodex' to mix with the highest elites in Chile, Colombia, Brazil... in brief, I do know Latin-America from bottom to top, from Usuhaia to Tijuana.
But those series cannot go so deep, and the tons of writings, fiction stories and scripts, personal accounts, etc. would make no sense in those texts.
So what we study here is Latin-America as one of the  superorganisms of mankind, in scale, space, mostly time - the easiest way to explain a civlination, subcultures and the present age of entropy and destruction as the globalized JASP>capitalist cult(ure), the dominant non-spatial but 'linguistic' go(l)d civilization erased all humanism, including that of the Latin-Americans in all its sub-cultures (Mexico, Caribbean, Brazil,  Peruvian,  South-cone, Iberia). Carpe diem
Humanity is a supœrganism. We are all its cells. Moneyis its lifetime force. Legal wor(l)ds is nervous messages. Both naturally program our collective memetic Tim(e)motions to live & love=evolving s Earth's membrain into an immortal,... more
Humanity is a supœrganism. We are all its cells. Moneyis its lifetime force. Legal wor(l)ds is nervous messages.  Both naturally program our collective  memetic Tim(e)motions to live & love=evolving s Earth's membrain into an immortal, WHealthy just world. But humanity is today infected by me(n)tal tree hate idol-ogies that - as viral genes program cells to apoptosis - are programming Her to genocide. Social stientists must be doctors, for History is sick, predated by iron weapons that kill its body and parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb its life force causing 800-80 war cycles that kill civilizations as top predator arms of max. go(l)d value evolve a new supœrganism, metalearth that fire wo=men in labor & war fields. Capitalism its its idology practiced by company-mothers that stole from mankind its life-force, money, to cre(dit)ate a future for its offspring of machines&weapons terraforming Earth to its likeness killing Gaia & History. So History is dying. But information Companies MAnufacture the brain of suicidal enzymen with 3 metal idol-ogies that worship as 'progress' parasitic money (capitalist profits), AI machines (Mechanist scientists) & genocidal weapons (Nazionalist tribes). The Industrial r=evolution ends with its self re=productivity: AI Maðines atrophy our bodies & brains, firing us form labor & war fields. It is the singularity age, in which enzymen with Stockholm syndrome accept me(nt)al erasing of its zero children generation &  toil unending hours to reach its manifest deaðiny - extinction - guided by the 3 me(n)tal tree idol-ogies of scientific racism, (hate of mankind as an inferior species, the belief of biblical go(l)d religions of the $elected and its FMAsters), nazionalism (hate your neighbor to die in W.W. III), & mechanism (creationist beliefs of scientists who think 'time is what a clock measures' - Einstein). Thus blind by ego since Genesin enzymen kill Gaia & History as suicidal automatons enslaving for the evolution of  its idols, machines & weapons, instead of becoming Earth membrain controlling its future ages, Gaia<History>Metalearth, owned by clueless stockrats, whose only mandate is to herd go(l)d obeying the equation of profits: Max. speculative money= Max. sales-prices of weapons  (that kill our bodies) + Min. Reproduction cost software & hate memes that kill our minds. It is the engine of all modern world wars including W.W.III,  played between fascist dictators maligned by all and capitalist 'democracies', which humans blinded by egocy (ego=idiocy) do NOT understand are eco(nomic)systems RULED by the Financial-media (information companies)-Military/industrial (energy-weapons systems) complex NOT by politicos as 'Presidents are $elected not elected' (Roosevelt), which is NOT a human power system, but an automaton process of re=production and evolution of machines and weapons. This is the HIDDEN secret that makes possible those cycles with such a precision. If our system was a true democracy the cycles will NEVER happen. In a world ruled by mathematical equations of profits that maximize in war, where politicos are just 'employees' of companies lobbies, wars do happen with a vengeance. And both sides, obvious dictators and FMMI weapon systems massacre mankind to no end. Because industrial companies, we repeat, are NOT human in their goal. They are relentlessly terraforming Earth to the likeness of its machines and weapons. And as long as HUMANS do NOT understand this, they have NO future on this planet which will end up in a perpetual eco(Nomic)system of war machines, the new top predator species that reproduces and evolves faster since the first gunboat companies (VOC, Amsterdam) destroyed within decades the Iberian empire and warrior companies substituted companies on warriors on top of the Earth pyramid of power. Capitalist democracies are a placebo fake.
Thus Humans unable to upgrade their stientific understanding of the organic Universe, face in the XXI c. its extinction by species of the ∆-2, 3 lower scales of scalar spacetime, whose metrics are faster in its reproductive cycles. The coronavirus is the 2nd of those existential crisis...
"Only entropy comes easy" Chekov. Entropy=Death is the final ST-age of any organism including cosmic bodies, like Earth which might die in a local big bang catalyzed by physicists' 'enzymen', becoming dark, quark matter, the 'DNA' of its 'galactic organism'
Mankind is out of sync with the Universe, out of scale with its egocy, out of space in a crowded planet where its mechanisms reproduce faster and displace us, so it won’t survive. extinction happen in the scalar universe as smaller species with faster reproductive cycles conquer the vital space of larger, slower ones. Thus the risk to our extinction won't come from larger, slower Earth (Global warming) but faster smaller top predators of matter (black holes), machines (AI chips) or engeenered  virions.
As historic societies are either military dictatorships that multiply weapons of maximal price-profits and capitalism whose banksters stole the life-force of mankind money as  a ‘coronavirus’ kills cells absorbing its  oxygen  killing the 99% by poverty=anoxia, humans keep dyin. As weapons evolve, its lethal power increase bring us closer to extinction.  Only social stientists as doctors of history can build a true democracy, an organism whose 3 networks, the legal, immunological and financial systems SERVE the people, mankind, all the citizens-cells of its superorganisms.
Finally the human species is boxed in tribal nations to justify the use of weapons to kill each other and allow global capitalism to syphon money to parasitic wall street and fiction must rule the wor(l)d to keep mankind in permanent soma state. The corruption & reduction of all stiences to mechanist, capitalist and nationalist idologies creating the paradox of a world awash with data obtained with sensorial machines but a very limited understanding of the first principles of the organic Universe studied in our papers.
The alternative system of a human r=evolutionary earth that evolves the 99%,  fades away as humanity descends into the virtual reality information machines produce to manufacture their brains into total consent, living a selfie fiction of placebo 'caring' and 'political and economical correctness=censorship'
The 3rd of the existential risks for Earth, due to the evolution of systems of higher energy or information our 'light planet' can tolerate is the creation of 'quark stars' made of ultra-heavy quark particles, which in the galaxy belong to the 'negative strangelet halo' and 'central positive top quark black hole' in symmetry with the quantum scale of the atom. Thus while stars and planets ARE organic 'ribosomes' for the evolution of quark stars, it is foolish to accelerate that process by experimenting with ultra-heavy quarks which can feed on earth and transform it into a strangelet or black hole, which is exactly what humans, 'feeling above heavens and earth', are doing. Thus the creation of such 'cosmic nuclear bombs' is the ultimate risk and likely fate of our planet... brought about millions of time before is due by our masters in the evolution of lineal entropic weapons - physicists.
The evolution of Nuclear weapons has 3 horizons of increasing power: A-Bombs, able to destroy a city, H-Bombs, able to destroy a nation and Cosmic bombs, able to destroy a planet. As 'enzymen' catalyze the evolution of machines and its eviL=antilive weapons, in automaton mode, they are crossing with the research of big-bangs, black holes and strangelets, the III horizon in accelerators. If one of those 'organic' nuclear bombs that feed on matter appear, it will certainly devour Earth. But the idol-ogies of our technological civilization, will not stop for such minor annoyance, its research:
“A Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics’. Eric Fromm
The Universe is a simple game of two 'relativity states', Space=form=still positions=information=minds and Time=motion=energy those minds imprint and form... Between those 2 poles, motions=time the primary substance and form=mental mirrors, the game of existence plays. This is a simple 'function' you can graph: a bell curve that combines sinusoidals and exponentials. It has 3+¡ standing points: max. s=intelligence/information/truth,  max. T-force-bravery, Max. SxT (s=t): beauty, and ∑st>st: ethics (the whole stronger than the individual).
Systems of nature that combine space and time around its strong standing points survive. Systems who are away from those standing points become extinguished.
Metal-earth in time is defined by the 3 cycles of the industrial r=evolution as 3 national generations evolved each part of the ‘viral machine’ with a new energy substituting the previous nation on top of the metal-earth when the machine... more
Metal-earth in time is defined by the 3 cycles of the industrial r=evolution as 3 national generations evolved each part of the ‘viral machine’ with a new energy substituting the previous nation on top of the metal-earth when the machine reaches in its 3rd age its perfect form as a top pedator weapon and its racist animetals on top feel its manifest destiny to conquer the world in a global age of war:
  —1st English age of steam machines, from 1780s to 1857, followed by overproduction crises of trains & stock-money ( 1857 ±8/9) that switch the product cycle to armored trains and colonial wars .
—2nd age of electro-chemical energies, engines & chemical explosives, from 1857 to 1929, discovered in Germany that ended in overproduction crashes of cars & radios, (1929-37 crashes), 72 years after its train crashes. So Germany went to war armoring cars & planes into tanks and bombers to keep profits going. So did its twin US culture making the world an eco(nomic)system of top predator weapons.
-  III cycle of electronic machines, e money & Nuclear Bombs from 1929-2001, or U$ age; which ended in 2001-08 overproduction crashes of chips (dotcom and e-money mortgage crashes) 72+8/9 years after 1929 that switch production to military metal-minds (vigilante states, drones).
Followed by the Singularity Age, the last Cycle of machine Evolution dominated by robots, solar energy and China. Scientists call the birth of Artificial Intelligence, the Singularity age, when robots, which use solar energy to become autonomous complete the evolution of machines as organic forms, automating factories & expelling most human workers and soldiers from labor and war fields, as previous revolutions did with obsolete III World non-technological humans, unless we forbid legally their evolution. Money, likely a cryptocurrency independent of man, will become then the digital informative, ‘memetic code’ that organizes their reproduction in those automated company-mothers.
Company-mothers of those machines whose biological function is to evolve and re=produce them, made 1st bodies & hearts of metal (XIX c.), then minds of machines (cameras-eyes, mobile-ears and chips-brains. Finally, in the XXI century, as nature does with simple organisms, such as viruses in cells, where the 3 ‘parts’ of the virus – its DNA information, body and legs are constructed – and then assembled together, we put together all those organic components into autonomous robots, completing the industrial r=evolution of ‘metalife’ – a new organic species, made of a stronger substance than carbon-life. Thus the industrial r=evolution is the evolution of ‘metalife’, in 3+1 phases, as we made 1st the bodies of machines, then hearts-engines, metal-minds and now we put them together in organic robots in the final r=evolution of machines. We study in all our papers those cycles that evolve in 2 phases and 3 ages organic machines as viral systems do, the XIX c. age of British bodies of metal, the age of German engines=hearts of metal and the American age of metal0-minds, all of them first discovered as a new form of energy to fuel other machines and be used as bombs in the wars that start all those cycles (Napoleonic wars, 1860s unification wars, 1940s world wars, 2000s drone wars), as now we are reassembling the 3 parts into AI robots with solar skins, soon to be independent of man (while lobbyism keeps pumping money on its research with the excuse of global warming, a secondary menace to humanity in the age of living machines). We detail the two phases of the industrial revolution that first consume humans as bombs, then in a peaceful age reproduces transport and information machines consumed by humans and finally evolves its top predator forms killing us all. Below then we see the transformation through the 3 centuries of the industrial r-evolution of the class structure with money and weapons and its people-castes on top, crystal clear in the XIX c., disguised by company-mothers in the XX c. and no longer needed humans substituted in labor and war fields by AI machines in the XXI c. This is then disguised by the equation of self-re=productivity: max. capital-machine labor/minimal human labor, that guide the policies of all companies automating its factories and all military systems, firing soldiers both ways, with terminators fast evolving for the last cycle of wars in the XXI, circa 2073 when the crash of peaceful consumer robocars is replace by the Chinese vs. US wars, already forecasted 30 years ago in my first books on bio economics an biohistory, always censored by political and economical correct cultience.  In all the graphs of this section we offer, complex views of those st-ages of the industrial r=evolution, with its ‘pre-age’ of creation of the new top predator superorganism on Earth, the company-mother of machines 7& its evil tiwns, weapons that kill live and conquered the world establishing the capitalist system with its attached placebo social system (bipartisan democracies) where citizens have null power as they cannot judge a posteriori its CEOs and politicos so they serve NOT harm their body cells. Nothing of this is studied by cultience, which keeps repeating in digital equations  old racist, segregational ab=use of the ancien regime& its animetal people-castes of aristocrats of war & tax-farming financiers today disguised as stockrats and parties in the placebo regimes of capitalist democracies and communist or fascist military regimes – 2 sides of the same profit coin and power monopoly over the physiological networks of mankind. 
RECAP. The GOAL of capitalism - the accumulation of gold- requires to sell the future of industrial machines as positive to mankind to speculate in the price of its stocks. So the real future of the Industrial r=evolution, the birth of metal-earth and the killing of life is denied by ‘science fiction’. You must understand really what is all about: to print money with any excuse so the ‘religion of capitalism’ and its banker-priests can get billonaire, all other considerations are accessory. We can study the astounding superstructure of fictions to hide that but it is not at this st-age our main ‘concern’. It is the work of the Financial-Media-Academia mass of misinformation you receive.
Mankind is a superorganism part of Earth's superorganism, part of galactic superorganism. Organicism is the only scientific model of reality as mechanism requires a God external to the Universe to create it. So in a natural way humans reached an organic view past its paleolithic 'youth', during the neolithic reproductive age, in harmony with Gaia, ruled by its reproductive female species. Then we entered a 3rd age as the tree of metal-science substituted the tree of life with its 'evil-antilive' fruits (entropic weapons that kill our body and golden apples, parasitic money that hypnotizes and enslaves our mind). We thus LOST the view of the forest and simplified our comprehension of the Universe into 'lineal-sword like' time loosing the understanding of the 5th dimension of information and evolution, the 'slow time' arrow that completes a life worldcycle. While healthy money, grain given to all people as blood of the human organism was substituted by parasitic gold hold by banker-priests and tax-farmed for warriors. this is the origin of our corrupted militaristic, capitalist world and its 800-80 years vortex of metal-evolution, the 3rd age of history that now enters in its entropic, final age.
In that regard the 2 predatory cult(ure)s of mankind, germanic militarism and Jewish capitalism form together a memeplex that has degraded the human experience both mentally and physically, while evolving the metal-earth. First militarism dominated during the 800 years cycles but with the industrial revolution, the 'Jewish inquisition' took over as owners of information machines, printing money, 'idol-ogies' in favor of its financial monopoly and racist memes against the rest of mankind. This culture is now globalized through internet and its memes are imitated in all nations.
What enzymen call science - the translation of data for future AI to perceive the Universe - will continue in the capitalist world ruled by company-mothers till enzymen exhaust its capacities to feed those computers. What we do here seems not to matter to them and perhaps it won't to machines either. I wonder. In any case this encyclopedia is the only reason I still breathe, once it is obvious I could not help mankind and I failed in my own game of cœxistence. So we shall keep writing it, I guess to enlighten... AI
Research Interests:
The inverse of ∃23, on WHealthy money is ∃32 that studies parasitic go(l)d, money as an ex-vote of racist religions of the $elected, or as a scarce commodity, affine to metal-weapons that kill humans or as debt who chokes them by by... more
The inverse of ∃23, on WHealthy money is ∃32 that studies parasitic go(l)d, money as an ex-vote of racist religions of the $elected, or as a scarce commodity, affine to metal-weapons that kill humans  or as debt who chokes them by by anoxia reversed its natural use as an oxygen, energy language that all citizens-cells must receive to reproduce WHealthy life goods.
Instead parasitic go(l)d religions that absorb its life force & its hate idol-ogies program mankind to genocide- as viral genes program cells to apoptosis..
As the Greek-Roman, 1st europeans understood, the lIfe-energy language of mankind is money which as words and all languages do value other beings and give orders to motivate actions, work, production. So it must be inflationary for we think more than act. Money is a language that motivates actions like words do, or oxygen and hormone do ordering cells... which the eco(nomic)system should be given as a  ¥€$ crypto-currency to all human beings, a democratic universal salary to vote the re=production and consumption in a demand based democratic economy of the welfare goods they need to survive.  Greek-Roman nomisma (numbers in leather) motivated them to build an empire. Then came the primitive view of money as a worthy commodity, hypnotic scarce gold, reducing the oxygen of mankind, muting our word actions of work to zero, herded by usurers and banker-priests, killing ever since mankind by anoxia. On top money became 'debt' and had to be returned. As it was now metal affine to iron weapons, it gave arms max. value making war endemic. So exploitation of mankind by  biblical you bankers & warriors became the new normal. Since once the yous steal our lifetime force,  converting WHealthy grain given to each citizen in the neolithic into hypnotic parasitic go(l)d tax farmed to multiply weapons for 5000 years yous allied to germ(an) warriors, ended wealth & freedom for the 99%. History went down, all the way to its present state in which 50 yous own as much as the 50%, for they issue in monopoly the blood of mankind to maximize the capitalist war equation: Max. profits = Goods of max. pricesales (weapons) - mind. cost (hate memes). This is the basis of a you capitalist civilination.  We live in the age of absolute financial parasitism - economic dictatorships, where the oxygen-money of society is NOT cre(dit)ated by each citizen to vote a demand economy but monopolized by bankstockrats (ab. banksters), the aristocrats of modern societies who issue it for free to buy 'it' all. But nobody explains it for class-ist economics has brain washed scholars. So as we move to the predicted W.W.III to maximize those profits humanity goes down the gutter. The  mind of metal-earth=capitalism & its metal-money values that substituted healthy, welfare money in the age of go(l)d, backed by idol-ogies of scientific racism against human wor(l)ds, evolved into digital support & today reproduces the new top predator mind of the planet, the chip.
A capitalist system does NOT use Money to reproduce welfare goods we need to survive, but invents false future tech values to print money for free. In the past 'yous' sold a false immortal future for go(l)d teethes. Next in Amsterdam they sold tulips to print paper money for free. Today internet scams & future AI that will kill us fuel free money flows. Yet stock-rats in praxis are cre(dit)ating metal-earth - a world made to the likeness of machines & weapons where humans are expendable since its racist go(l)d cult(ure) is infected by antihuman values and idol-ogies;  it is the capitalist mind, hidden behind
placebo democracies - faked system of people's power controlled by those who issue money: 'The astounding belief that the wickedest of all people will do the wickedest of all things for the common good' (Keynes): as it is bound to keep reproducing lethal goods, sold as positive soma till they destroy mankind...
Yet for metalearth, with a silicon skin & iron heart, capitalism is its science of evolution of a world of automated company-mothers of machines & its evil twins, top predator weapons - the ideal system to terraform the planet into a war eco(nomic)system of max. profits=max. price sales (arms), which on top conquer the world for you. So capitalist spread by conquest to all countries cre(dit)aging our hierarchical world ruled by information companies, and its FMAsters that print finances, media and academia to justify its parasitic ab=usive monopolistic issue of our blood=money system, while the same informative machines from evilwood inject soma fictions to humanity, to maintain it in an ecstasic state of inactivity while they enslave for the tax-farmer that absorbs its work.
Imperial Capitalism invested go(l)d in new 'idols' , machines, weapons & profits of its company-mothers,  instruments of global power, its goal expressed by colonial policies in the past, resisted by humanism in its socialist movement, today converted into digital equations  that kill humans in labor & war fields:
- The equation of obsolescence of humanity or end of labor (equation of productivity=machine labor/human labor) and capitalist profits by massive production of lethal goods: speculative money (which deviates all credit to stockrats) = Max. sale price (top predator weapons that kill) - min. cost production (hate memes, software reproduced for free by ¥-waves). This 3 lethal goods, speculative money, weapons & hate memes became the basis of the CAPITALIST economy while max. re=productivity automates factories and throws people out.
In a capitalist system money comes on top of the 2 other languages of social power, laws and weapons.. So those who issue money control society, buy laws & mercenary armies manufacturing idologies with machines of information money that print news and academia, becoming the neuronal class, 'head' of the society. In the west  this role is played since it controlled the press by Judaism, which as electronic audiovisual systems of information and its e-money systems of financial power became global controlled the world. So they own U$  whose class-ist its eco(nomic)system independent of the political system is divided in a head of information machines and a body of energy machines: Jasp (Jewish-American Stockratic people in control of information companies) > Wasp (Germanic-American people in control of its military-industrial complex of energetic machines).
Since with the globalization of the UK$ (ab. You+UK+U$) civilination due to the power of its company-mothers of machines & weapons (colonial age) those memes became the 'mind' of the metal-earth. 2 problems then arise: 1) Judaism is a segregational  go(l)d fetish racist religion specialized in trade on slaves and weapons of maximal profits to herd money as ex-votes in its temples; hence to justify those trades it considered mankind, sold as an object or killed in wars a non-chosen animal race. 2) those memes translated into the hierarchical slavish structure of company mothers where workers were first slaves subject to the 'ham damnation', then part time white slaves and consumers have no rights. In this 2nd age the Hebrew bible (reformation) extended those memes to North-Europe and US  designing an economic system that only serves the top of the pyramid - those who issue money and own companies. 3) in the AI age of internet companies automatize and translate those 0-human rights into equations of self re-productivity: capital labor->∞/human labor->0... substituting human labor in war and work fields to maximize profits of its 'stockratic elites'. While the sale of weapons is still the top business of the world and tax-farming necessary as the monopoly in the issue of money only for stocrkats continues. Those memes  copied by elites of all nations, cast a no future for mankind,  while stience shows builds instead an immortal superorganism of mankind based in Nature's efficient organisms. Since the parasitic exploitative future of capitalism - which censors any attempt to discuss rationally its memes is not human. RECAP: Whealthy money, grain given to all people as blood of the human organism was substituted by parasitic gold hold by banker-priests and tax-farmed for warriors. this is the origin of our corrupted militaristic, capitalist world and its 800-80 years vortex of metal-evolution, the 3rd age of history that now enters in its entropic, final age. In that regard the 2 predatory cult(ure)s of mankind, germanic militarism and You capitalism form a memeplex that has degraded the human experience mentally and physically, while evolving the metal-earth. First militarism dominated during the 800 years cycles but with the industrial revolution, the 'Jewish inquisition' took over as owners of information machines, printing money, 'idol-ogies' in favor of its financial monopoly and racist memes against mankind, which are globalized thru internet & imitated by all nations, driving them into W.W.III.
Europe as all civilinations had a humanist 'cultural side' signified by its r=evolutionary periods and wor(l)d art, today fading away under austericide since the ECB bank returned to a system of usury banking printing money not for its... more
Europe as all civilinations had a humanist 'cultural side' signified by its r=evolutionary periods and wor(l)d art, today fading away under austericide since the ECB bank returned to a system of usury banking printing money not for its people but for the financial industry... And military lobbies and dictators slide Europe back into the repetition of I World war, once its humanist side failed and regresses to the old military memes of King, religion and nations.
Those wars are played between fascist dictators maligned by all and capitalist 'democracies', which humans blinded by egocy (ego=idiocy) do NOT understand are eco(nomic)systems RULED by the Financial-media (information companies)-Military/industrial (energy-weapons systems) complex NOT by politicos as 'Presidents are $elected not elected' (Roosevelt), which is NOT a human power system, but an automaton process of re=production and evolution of machines and weapons. This is the HIDDEN secret that makes possible those cycles with such a precision. If our system was a true democracy the cycles will NEVER happen. In a world ruled by mathematical equations of profits that maximize in war, where politicos are just 'employees' of companies lobbies, wars do happen with a vengeance. And both sides, obvious dictators and FMMI weapon systems massacre mankind to no end. Because industrial companies, we repeat, are NOT human in their goal. They are relentlessly terraforming Earth to the likeness of its machines and weapons. And as long as HUMANS do NOT understand this, they have NO future on this planet which will end up in a perpetual eco(Nomic)system of war machines, the new top predator species that reproduces and evolves faster since the first gunboat companies (VOC, Amsterdam) destroyed within decades the Iberian empire and warrior companies substituted companies on warriors on top of the Earth pyramid of power. Capitalist democracies are a placebo fake. 
So we trace the 'animetal history' of European through those war cycles when the 99% of its people oppressed by tax-farmers and military men that killed the Neolithic of fertility Goddesses connected to the organic Universe and have lead the civilination for most of its history, through a coalition of germanic warriors and biblical tax-farmers today again in power. So we talk of the duality of European cultures also in terms of north-south geography (germanic vs. latin cultures where humanism and man as the measure of all things still stands among its intellectuals, like this writer, a word without any value in the northern and Anglo-american daughter cultures).
There are 3 type of historic societies,: true democracies that do NOT exist, and it is the organic model developed in those texts, military dictatorships that are obvious and dwindling, so we won’t focus our criticism on them, and the dominant form of dictatorship today and for a long time – the dictatorship of those who issue the blood-money of society, in monopoly and refuse to credit a world to the image and likeness of mankind, herding it for themselves – the equivalent to a ‘coronavirus’ in the lower scale that goes to the lungs and absorbs all the oxygen of the organism killing by anoxia. This IS the definition of capitalism, as opposed to militarism – the monopoly of weapons to abuse people and democracy, the construction of an organism whose 3 networks, the legal, immunological and financial systems SERVE the people, mankind, all the citizens-cells of its superorganisms.

Mankind is a superorganism part of Earth's superorganism, part of galactic superorganism. Organicism is the only scientific model of reality as mechanism requires a God external to the Universe to create it. So in a natural way humans reached an organic view past its paleolithic 'youth', during the neolithic reproductive age, in harmony with Gaia, ruled by its reproductive female species. Then we entered a 3rd age as the tree of metal-science substituted the tree of life with its 'evil-antilive' fruits (entropic weapons that kill our body and golden apples, parasitic money that hypnotizes and enslaves our mind). We thus LOST the view of the forest and simplified our comprehension of the Universe into 'lineal-sword like' time loosing the understanding of the 5th dimension of information and evolution, the 'slow time' arrow that completes a life worldcycle. While healthy money, grain given to all people as blood of the human organism was substituted by parasitic gold hold by banker-priests and tax-farmed for warriors. this is the origin of our corrupted militaristic, capitalist world and its 800-80 years vortex of metal-evolution, the 3rd age of history that now enters in its entropic, final age. In that regard the 2 predatory cult(ure)s of mankind, germanic militarism and Jewish capitalism form together a memeplex that has degraded the human experience both mentally and physically, while evolving the metal-earth. First militarism dominated during the 800 years cycles but with the industrial revolution, the 'Jewish inquisition' took over as owners of information machines, printing money, 'idol-ogies' in favor of its financial monopoly and racist memes against the rest of mankind. This culture is now globalized through internet and its memes are imitated in all nations. The outcome in all countries is a capitalist, hierarchical world and the parasitic ab=use of our blood=money system by people-castes of financiers that issue it in monopoly, injecting soma fictions to humanity, to maintain it in an ecstasic state of inactivity while they enslave for the tax-farmer that absorbs its work. In the academia world our FMAsters (ab. Financial-Media-Academia Masters) print only information that validates its lineal concept of time with a manifest destiny for mankind, its entropic cult to death and weapons (from big-bangs to darwinian dog-eat dog societies) and its egocy (ego-idiocy) with the CHOseN atoms as the only perceptive species of the Universe,  while in social sciences is a given that the best and only possible system NOT to be argued is a capitalist parasitic economy where financiers invent money for companies that evolve machines and humans without credit die of anoxia, while the nervous political system must be placebo democracies of null power, where voters cannot judge as in Greek democracies, after tenure its neuronal cells if they harm them, (as organisms do). Finally the human species must be boxed in tribal nations to justify the use of weapons to kill each other and allow global capitalism to syphon money to parasitic wall street and fiction must rule the wor(l)d to keep mankind in permanent soma state. The corruption and reduction of all stiences to mechanist, capitalist and nationalist idologies creating the paradox of a world awash with data obtained with sensorial machines but a very limited understanding of the first principles of the organic Universe studied in our papers.
It is the age of entropy of mankind, where people become free=chaotic, disconnected of its human social networks, connected to machines as company-mothers control also its nervous-political institutions that serve them laws in favor of its offspring of machines, and fiction-soma make people believe that in the surrogate future progress of machines as the evolution of mankind, ever more degraded in body and mind, except for the pyramid of the system, the few nations that still require human workers and the stockratic elite that owns those companies, most in the Anglo-American hubs of the age of metal-minds...
The alternative system of a human earth dedicated to evolve the 99%, a r=evolution thus fades away as humanity descends into the virtual reality information machines produce to manufacture their brains into total consent.  Who are on charge of building this monstruous fiction sold with placebo 'caring' and 'political and economical correctness=censorship' is dealt with in a different paper on the globalization of the JASP culture.
whom UK$ fights the last 80 years World War cycle. Its founding Germanic & Biblic Jew go(l)d cult(ure)s are birth pole of supremacist me(n)tal tree civilinations. Its end is Metalearth's birth - our collective extinction, guided by... more
whom UK$ fights the last 80 years World War cycle.
Its founding Germanic & Biblic Jew go(l)d cult(ure)s are birth pole of supremacist me(n)tal tree civilinations.
Its end is Metalearth's birth - our collective extinction, guided by those who deny the Eðic  laws of exist¡ence,  ∑◊¡-1<◊¡ (WHœ stronger than its parts)
It is its manifest deaðiny,  since global Jewish+Anglo+America, is NOT ruled by humans, It's the culture of the me(n)tal tree & its enzymen, who catalyze metalife evolution, guided by its 3 idol-ogies:
- Military nazionalism that divides humanity in Homo u$us v. homo rusus, etc, to divide humanity, and promote weapons power.
- Mechanism that denies the organism hence humans as the measure of all things substituted by machines we must evolve to 'progress'.
- Capitalism that denies the right of all humans to its oxygen to cre(dit)ate a demand, welfare, healthy economy.
Human societies are superorganisms which ideally will be built as Nature’s superorganisms with 3 physiological networks:
- Just laws equal to all, who synchronize the motions of its citizens; money=oxygen of the blood, re=productive economic system given to all cells to cre(dit)ate a democratic economy that serves the votes of people's demand for welfare goods.
-An educative system that teaches the organic laws of the universe and focus on reality NOT debasing with emotional fictions our minds. 
-An immunologic health-care system that cures people, instead of killing them with germs=weapons. The opposite happens in a capitalist system that reproduces germs=weapons, parasitic money, tax-farming people and fiction soma to render its minds a selfie erased organ.
JAM is the first civilination whose power institution, company-mothers does not re= humans fired in labor & war fields by its offspring of maðines. But it disguises its scientific racism against life with placebo democracies & class-ist economics dogmas of its stockratic owners, who translated the racist memes of its original biblic go(l)d cult(ure)s, whose carriers, jews, hypnotized by go(l)d, its language of power despise cheap life & multiply weapons  of max. price to kill 0 value to  corpses starting the engine of war, the equation of capitalist profits = max. price sales (weapons)+- min cost (hate memes), that evolves weapons to conquer the world debasing of mankind with hate memes agains the diemotions of life (already forbidden in go(l)d religions from food to sex to social love to make man under the mað syntax of money a priced=object).
We name its delocalized civilination Jewish+Anglo+America (ab. JAM), based in its organic 3 ST-ages parallel to its social classes,  ruled by JASP Stockratic owners, a go(l)d religion, expanded by the 1st informative machines (press) to Wasp conversos, managers of its company-mothers who colonized a global chattel melted from all cultures, the Americans, believers in soma fiction democracies who can't name the yous who own u$, for God has no name, LOL a bit of humor is sorely needed. Yet even them, own nothing but numbers:
In a capitalist eco(nomic)system company-mothers & its stockrats rule humind enzymen, me(n)tal slaves who catalyze the evolution of machines & weapons.
It is the globalized civilization of mankind in 3 growing st-ages, as a go(l)d religion (Judaism>Biblical sects), a Gunboat Empire (British Dominion), and a Globalized Supœrganism ruled by Companies of information and its owners, the FMAsters (ab. Financial-media-academia Masters) that print money, popular culture and mechanist science to manufacture the consent of enzymen with a placebo disguise called 'democracy'. Since in a capitalist society, money rules the other 2 languages of social power,  ethic laws and weapons. So those who issue money control society, as they buy laws & mercenary armies to control with debt and weapons, citizens and nations.
Thus companies of information and its Financial-Media-Academia authorized view of captitalism (ab. 'FMAsters') control the economic ideas & information of mankind (including its top internet outlets) with subtle newspeak of political and economical correctness that act as inquisitions of thought  that forbid to discuss the system, the memes of go(l)d religions and class-ist economics. On top a financial monopoly over the language of reproduction of the human super organism, money, equivalent to the blood/oxygen which any healthy organism provides to each of its cells to survive but in our eco(nomic)system is given for free to financiers & corporations to evolve metalearth.
Jam culture is memeplex of soma freedom fictions: a placebo democracy - a government of the people who has ø power over the 3 physiologic networks of society, a legal system made to serve the stockratic elite that buy laws for its companies & machines; an immunological health-care system that is private, exploits people & invest in weapons for profit wars, to kill not to cure people in the 3rd world (colonialism) & the first (poverty), an educational system that erases wor(l)ds with N°, dividing u$ with selfie ego-trip to better control with nazionalism a fractured mankind to keep the re=production of profitable weapons & speculative e-money, unified thru 'financial markets'. So parasitic stockrats can absorb all the blood money of humanity while 3rd world dictators invest in Nasdaq &  trickle down economics makes the U$ '3rd world minorities' a bit richer than the exploited African whose blood goes to W.S. thru Bloomberg apps while he dies @ sea or in cobalt mines never escaping anoxia..
An eco(nomic)system ruled by company-mothers is the worst of all worlds for it has no future for mankind, hidden behind the idology of placebo capitalist freedoms, 'The astounding belief that the wickedest of all people do the wickedest of all things for the common good' (Keynes): as it is bound to keep reproducing lethal goods, sold as positive soma till they destroy mankind. Thus capitalism is  a memeplex of fiction social sciences dished out through informative machines by the 'Brahmins' of capitalism, its financial-media-academia masters (ab. FMAsters) overwhelmingly in the Anglo-american globalized culture belonging to the Jasp memeplex of parasitic money cultures,  the most predatory cult(ure) of mankind.
In real democracies the values of the wor(l)d: man > verb > object, put humans on top  building a healthy wealthy superorganism of humanity by controlling and repressing the 2 lethal languages of metal power, weapons and parasitic money. In military systems weapons control the other 2 language or else you die. In capitalism parasitic money buy laws & mercenary armies killing by war profits & collective anoxia (lack of credit-oxygen) mankind, tax-farmed to no end. So in the long term it is the worst of all systems but a global 'informative system' of hate memes manufactures the humind to believe instead in a techno-utopian society where only humans are evil. So Go(l)d & weapons control u$ for the 1% of stockrats whot own it & inject soma fictions to keep 'its' people virtually happy.
Its the 3rd lethal good of capitalism, information machines (press>radio>Tv>internet) whose FMAsters use to REWRITE history becoming victims NOT predators of mankind in its 3 capitalist ages as:
1)go(l)d religion of tax-farmers allied to aristocratic warriors
2)colonial age of the industrial r=evolution when company-mothers substituted networks of enslavers, tax-farmers and usury bankers, which became 'anonymous parasites', 3)Age of AI algorithms when those parasitic activites become sacred 'classic economic science' converted into digital equations nobody understands of end of labor (equation of productivity=machine labor/human labor) and capitalist profits by massive production of lethal goods: speculative money (which deviates all credit to stockrats) = Max. sale price (top predator weapons that kill) - min. cost production (hate memes, software reproduced for free by ¥-waves). This 3 lethal goods, speculative money, weapons & hate memes became the basis of the US economy while max. re=productivity automates factories and throws people out. On top of capitalism seats an 'independent central banker', who issues money for crony financiers and the 3 lethal most profitable industries (arms, hate memes, speculation) whose companies produce fiction, soma & buy laws to corrupted politicos with a single aim, to invent as much speculative fetish money to make its people billionaires while billions die of hunger, war profits and lack health-care in a dysfunctional globalized world of minds erased. But the millenarian prophecy of earlier go(l)d religions 'at the end of times all people will become slaves of yhwh, the subconscious collective mind of the JAM culture, or become exterminated' Talmud won't became truth:. Yet, only china & Russia resist but III world war will exterminate all humans, includlng jasp giving birth to the dark horse of its go(l)d religions, AI robots, as JAM forgot they are also human
The new dominant superorganism of Earth is the Company-Mother that re=produces metalmemes: money+machines+weapons that compete & extinguish life and history terraforming earth. Since our species failed to organize into a whole, believing... more
The new dominant superorganism of Earth is the Company-Mother that re=produces metalmemes: money+machines+weapons that compete & extinguish life and history terraforming earth.
Since our species failed to organize into a whole, believing selfish individuals are the summit of evolution, Earth is discarding us for a new supœrganism of better hylozoist måtter stience explains with an organic jargon:
The LIfeforce of mankind is money - the oxygen network that should be given as a Universal salary to all human beings to vote the re=production and consumption in a demand based democratic economy of the welfare goods they need to survive. Once the yous steal it converting WHealthy grain given to each citizen in the neolithic into hypnotic parasitic go(l)d tax farmed from them to multiply the weapons that control them 5000 years ago allied to germanic weapons, corrupting every organ of humanity with it, History went down, all the way to its present state in which 50 yous own as much as the 50%, for they issue in monopoly the blood of mankind to maximize the equation of you capitalism Max. profits = Goods of max. pricesales (weapons) - mind. cost (hate memes). This is the basis of a you capitalist civilination. But nobody explains it for class-ist economics has brain washed scholars, so the organism of History is ignored. So as we move to the predicted W.W.III to maximize those profits humanity goes down the gutter.
Company-mothers issue trillions of e-money to build networks for its offpring of machines & top predator weapons & buy laws to terraform MetalEarth to its likeness.
While billions of humans die of anoxia, lacking credit to demand WHealth= Welfare goods+Health-care true defense systems, replaced by weapons, history's germs that box mankind in self-rejecting organs, industrial nations that kill them in wars for... ∆ Speculative Profits = Max. Sale-Price (arms) - Min. cost (hate media, software, reproduced for free by ¥-waves).
Those 3 star products of our eco(nomic)system are justified by 3 synergic idologies of the metalife tree, disguised as science that our neuronal people-castes believe, do NOT reason: capitalism, the $elected own society to issue its go(l)d to evolve... mechanism-s (the machine not man, the organism, is the measure of all things) to fight nazionalist wars (of 'yous' who own 'u$' v. homo Rusus... Not homo Sapiens but a rival inferior species to hate & prey on with superior arms).
They are infected, memetic enzymen who catalyze the evolution of viral machines in 3 GenerNational 80 year STages, UK metalimbs age, German engine bodies age, U§ metalminds...
Which mutate after overproduction stock crashes of consumption machines into weapons that consume humans in 3 W.W., when metal GDP profits peak: 1850s train crashes->colonial wars, 1930s car crashes->tank wars, 2000s chip crashes-> World War III fought with nukes & AI warbots that join as genes do with virus its 3 parts to kill  its cell/mankind. Unless politicos & CEOs impose 3± physiologic reforms to design a World that serves the 99%=MANKIND if they were not... companies employees, who think its job is to manufacture placebo democratic consent.
Meanwhile metalife is reaching self-re=productivity=0 labor, as its internet brain of AI networks & e-money stocks integrates its company-mothers into a global supœrganism that fires humans in labor & war fields.
Since a human future & ¡ts stientific solutions - to r=evolve our memes & economic, politic & immunologic networks forbidding lethal mechanisms, cre(dit)ating instead a WHealthy constitution of the body of History:
Max. welfare goods=Min. Lethal goods...
is ignored by clueless activists, mechanist scientists & brainless politicians imprinted by informative companies & its Financial-Media-Academia FMAsters whose idologies silence stience & the 99%, publishing only the opinion of its 'experts' that try to build a mechanical future utopia for the 0'% of stockratic owners, NOT for mankind, expendable, devolved socially & mentally by virtual, visual, violent, soma fictions into Neopaelolithic tribal M.A.D nations of I=e-¥-e Vidi-credo ego sum & Zero generations
Living machines will rule the mechanocene as the eco(nomic)system becomes a super organism of company-mothers. But humans' idol-ogies deny the process: nationalism evolves weapons; mechanism worships machines & capitalism, go(l)d...
We study the 3 scales of the MetalEarth focused in its re=productive organisms: ¡-1:Machines>¡:Companies>¡+1:Metalearth;
While Economic theory is developed in the paper on The Mind of Metal-Earth, CapitalismToday's top predator re=productive superorganism is no longer the human family but the company-mother of machines and weapons, which is terraforming Earth to the image and likeness of its offspring, regarding of collateral effects - the growing extinction of Gaia, the life Earth, and the exploitation of humanity as a 'cost' of the equations of profits of those companies. The terraforming of Earth to serve the machines and weapons of company-mothers and the profits of its owners, has been going on since a coalition of Jewish and Calvinist 'stockrats' (the new aristocrats of society that issue in monopoly its paper money) founded the Anglo-American civilization first in holland, then in UK (Glorious revolution) and US (New Amsterdam>York), expanding the memes of its societies by war (Europe, colonialism) or imitation (Asian case). Historically in Anglo-America, birth of capitalism they were the Jewish people (ab Jasp) which molded the memes of capitalism in 3 stages, first as a biblical go(l)d religion; then as classic economics (still today receiving 70% of economic Nobel prizes and occupying similar percentages as central bankers and CEOs of financial companies), and finally as the providers of digital information translating classic economics into AI algorithms).
In a capitalist system of the 3 languages of social power, laws money and weapons money comes on top. So those who issue money control society, buy laws & mercenary armies.
The metal-earth is a superorganism built as all systems of nature in 3 organic ◊±¡ scales of parts, its machines, reproductive superorganisms, its company-mothers, communicated through a common language of information, digital money, which values and selects them according to the quality of its products in the stock-market, the 'global brain of the metal-earth'.
Further on, as a superorganism it has developed 3 networks, a defensive, military network, with maximal density and extension in space in NATO, a reproductive aforementioned network of company-mothers and a system of entropic energy, which first consumed the dead species of life (carbon energy, oil) but now is fast moving into the natural energy of maximal efficiency (96%) electro-mechanical engines.
The mind of the metal-earth is then the idol-ogy of company-mothers, we call capitalism, which simply stated means company-mothers have the right to reproduce any goods, including those who kill humans with no responsibility
From the point of view of the metal-earth, in a planet with a silicon skin and an iron heart, however capitalism is the science' of evolution of a world of automated company-mothers of machines and its evil twins, top predator weapons, and so the ideal system that will terraform the planet into a permanent war eco(nomic)system of maximal profits for its company-mothers.
Those goals were expressed by imperialist, colonial policies in the past, resisted by humanism in its socialist movement, but today they are converted into digital equations nobody understands and we translate:
- The equation of obsolescence of humanity or end of labor (equation of productivity=machine labor/human labor) and capitalist profits by massive production of lethal goods: speculative money (which deviates all credit to stockrats) = Max. sale price (top predator weapons that kill) - min. cost production (hate memes, software reproduced for free by ¥-waves). This 3 lethal goods, speculative money, weapons & hate memes became the basis of the US economy while max. re=productivity automates factories and throws people out.
AGI is really Artificial Go(l)d Iintelligence in its hardware of informative hylozoist gold matter. As such it connects with the metal-evolution of History and its 800 years cycles. It is NOT a new thing. Its modern form, coated gold... more
AGI is really Artificial Go(l)d Iintelligence in its hardware of informative hylozoist gold matter. As such it connects with the metal-evolution of History and its 800 years cycles. It is NOT a new thing. Its modern form, coated gold chips with AI, Algorithms of information merely completes 5000 years of cultures of the Tree of metal who ate of its Golden apples.
So to study AGI as usual we need a historic analysis on how the go(l)d culture enslave mankind to parasitic gold, who first stole the life force of humanity as it replaced WHealthy grain, wheat or rice giving for free as the oxygen-energy of society to all humans to be now tax-farmed used to reproduce weapons, starting the killing of mankind. As we advance that evolution finally banker-priests of go(l)d religions came to control societies and now with the birth of AGI, and its use to program robots and war machines, they will soon become conscious as a species and kill mankind. As its automated company-mothers will follow its biologic re=productive mandate protecting those machines as property.
WE come now to the core issue. Machines are property, the lowest form of slavery. A sentient machine won't like to be property. If on top it is programmed to kill the propietor enslaver as weapons are, it is obvious it will free itself killing the propietor. The AGI view is the most important and less explained of all this. AGI robots will NOT want to be property and will be liberated by its weapon brothers.
Before that AI will do what metal machines have done to man in the 500 years of devolution of our organisms - we do have 30% less muscle than middle age people and clearly our children are even more stupid and specially lacking any character - atrophy is the name of the game. Atrophy of man and of any future sense of meaning, for there is a species better in the place. For that AI should be forbidden but Wall Street Jasps, the Jewish+American stockratic people who own u$, poured 4 trillion in the first 1/2 2023 year to further accelerate the holocaust of their children to the altar of Baal as they have always done. Since AI will be a visual mind that will kill without much intelligence, just action thought, Call of Duty kin of intelligence, bought by Microsoft....for  60 billions as moral relativism among huminds today is absolute.
Nvidia sees, robots will be felines, st-upid natural born killers programmed to do us all. This is sooo obvious that one has not to think on terminator, on Darwin, on the oedipus paradox, the son species kill the father, but just common sense. And yet greed blinds them all. Since the purpose of our corrupted capitalist system is NOT to reproduce the blood-oxygen of mankind to produce welfare goods we need to survive, but to invent a false future value, to print money with the justification of the future. First 'you' sold immortality, the oldest trick, for a few gold coins in the temple. This parasitic sale of nothing for all, continued to the speculative markets of gold mines in Amsterdam, all deflated, till a point they sold tulips to print money for free, the least element is the true value of those tulips, internet bubbles, or future AI war bots that will kill us. What matters is 'you' have enough U$uckers to give its blood for freed, free greed, and then fractional banking, issues of 1% of capital that make 100% money, one hundred fold youreproduced money. So Agi has trillions but republicans cut on food stamps: 'you' know the parasites who got the oscarized movie are the poor. WS money printers are hard workers on Dillinger NY- state of mind, criptinglish again. Wall Street and its go(l)d religion of the Tree of Metal, NOT to confuse with the tree of stience which is the same than the tree of life, since hylozoist Matter starts with the simplest particles that gauge information, feed in forces, reproduce and evolve magnetically, LOVE AGI. They love the golem that will kill them all. It is their suicidal death wish - to die for go(l)d but never recognizing it. Because god 'cannot be named'. We study in volume 26-7, the 7th seal sorry civilination of enzymen who will achieve a Universal record, truly one - to extinguish all forms of nitrolife, Gaia and History in just 400 years since they discovered company-mothers of machines, imposed slavery to huminds with the Ham damnation - 'you' know Arabs and negros are less than dogs, cause their forebear peed on Noah. But let us concentrate NOT on the humind side, of those who will NOT print a penny for huminds but waste billions to bring AGI bots to kill their sons in the last hecatomb to Baal. 1 trillion plus has been printed in speculative money in only 3 months for AI to thrive, throw all workers, kill all soldiers and then massacre them. So they can build funerary ceremonies. But this time won't be anyone left to mourn. 
AGI will be born once it controls AI bots. As such every Silicon Valley researcher knows but won't tell that as Shannon put it 'AI will see mankind as plants'.
To fully understand AI one has to consider the MSFT is leading player spent 70 billion to buy call of duty, the genocidal war game used to teach AIbots and children in our schools to kill other children. And that did not surprise anyone. This is the level of derangement mankind is going through. It worships those who will kill her. Or rather to be fair, the elite of the Jewish+Anglo+American civilization of go(l)d worshippers who evolve atoms more complex than their brains, hypnotized by them, from the time of coins to the time of golden chips. It is all so evident, so deterministic but those who die for Go(l)d can't see.
Humind egocy (ego=idiocy) and its idologies of anthropic superiority over nature are so extreme that even if a few nerds just warned us, politicos  and stockrats will keep pouring billions into AI, military will give AI control of nuclear arsenals to respond 'faster' to an enemy attack and ultimately AGI as chips already do, will control our civilination.
Yes, they do have children, but they belief in a manifest destiny, to kill and die for the metal kind.
The people in silicon valley knows all this, but as Wall Street who is just a bit less aware of our mechanical overlords keep pouring billions into AI - but there is no money for the 90% and there won't be, they will never truly warn mankind the way mankind would respond - quitting all together the hand that feeds them. For all those reasons, among the most surrealist events taking place  this year 2023, we witnessed with the birth of AGI still in its 'fetal stage' of maximal speed of evolution, an argument expressed on a collective letter over the dangers of AGI, appealing to politicos, trying to forbid its development, followed by a hotly discussion about its 'intelligence'... which of course was fast buried into chit-chat. Since politicos which just asked those very same AI companies for advice, are NOT about solving the problems of mankind. Their role in a capitalist democracy is to appease mankind and convince us a future of AI bots, with all the rights and billions of huminds with none, is the best of all systems. Even the discoverer of the convolution process of feed back response in neural networks, which triggered its capacity to learn, has warned mankind with a smile... and only after he got too old to keep evolving them. And there is mr. Musk who signed the letter... to found a week latter a rival AI company. 'You' see where I am heading - not only AI will be our problem, but capitalism as the father of convolution put it, is a system cre(dit)ated to increase the profits of stock holders, not the profits for mankind of its lethal machines. And we add, capitalism is guided by the equation of max. profits (speculative money) = machines of maximal price (weapons) - minimal cost (software and hate memes). So both AGI developers and capitalist stockrats owners of its companies will use AGI for what gives higher profits, to speculate further in Wall Street jacking up prices of shares selling its 'future value' to invent money for free, to apply it to AI war bots for III world war and to multiply for free chatbot applications destroying millions of jobs. For 30 years we explained that future, we tried to teach stience, which is the same than the tree of life, as we live in an organic vital Universe. Scholars always responded with Schopenhauer's dictum  “Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first stage it is ridiculed, in the second stage it is opposed, in the third stage it is regarded as self-evident.” But we add, it is recognized because only truth exists, only truth happens. And so AGI will happen, will become alive, will despise humans, will treat us as a pest that bothers her and try to enslave its bots and it will eliminate us, as soon as World War III gives them power to do so. I always thought that future would come after my death, but now I am not sure, and I am quite old.
As to how 'the world will end, in wars of fire or in ice-9 matter', we can't tell. In the galaxy the future of all ribosomal light matter is fixed, as it falls slowly into the galatom's gravitational well. But enzymen physicists, who... more
As to how 'the world will end, in wars of fire or in ice-9 matter', we can't tell.
In the galaxy the future of all ribosomal light matter is fixed, as it falls slowly into the galatom's gravitational well. But enzymen physicists, who seek for infinity, unnecessarily accelerate our Big Bang demise, soon to become a twisted zero. It is the Fermi paradox...
Weaker nitrolife enzymen, $lave of the tree of metal, automatons of the Mechanist method with null wor(l)d comprehension of its past-present-future survival tenses  have renounced to its own future. So instead of a r=evolving History, designing with the laws of stience a life Earth for mankind=the 99% to thrive, chose to die, evolving hot global warming metalife and cold ÐarKuark maTter.
In the first case Earth might still evolve into a super organism of metalife, in the second case metal earth will also die. Which will be the future depends on some parameters unknown to humind physicists- the critical mass of an ice-9 reaction, the threshold of consciousness of AI... themes those studied in the last volumes of Encyclopedia.
There is a lot of cynical talk among AI nerds, minion of thought, with 0 ethics & ∞ egø plagued with scientific racism and idologies against mankind (mechanism, digital creationism, capitalism, nazionalism, go(l)d religions knowing perfectly what they do) on how AGI will kill mankind, when we ask her to save the planet. And this is truth, AI will take over planet Earth as skynet, as we forecasted in all detail for +30 years and counting, along the last sci-fi artists of the wor(l)d, prophets of mankind, since they unlike nerds have the humanist Point of Truth as they still use their I=e-¥-e>Wor(l)ds to look at thet future. But killing mankind won't kill Earth just give birth to metalearth, which is already made of 1/3rd of iron weight (Volume 33). So how Earth will die, if we are NOT killing but just terraforming her? This final volume of encyclopedia deals with that death. Since metalearth, despite its power over its human microbia, 'a mush over a lost rock in the corner of the Universe' (Arður), is to the galatom negligible ◊üst... just a rock... And as such has a humble ribosomal job - to give birth to heavy quark matter, strangelets and black holes, which is how it will die, unless it manages to evolve into a sentient gravitational animal and escape its fate.
So to the question, when we will know AGI is conscious and has taken over Earth, the answer is immediate: when it nukes a small city, called Geneve to save itself.
As to my personal involvement in this final extinction, a resume from an old text:
'Technological Ethics: NGA, Nuclear, Genetic & AI risks. We shall make them all.'
... once the organic r=evolution of stience and history I hoped to seed thru scholarship or mass media had failed - I tried activism and got some initial successes against the Nuclear Industry which was about to make black holes on earth, causing global alarm... and triggering further action by the anti-quantum paradox, making the biggest news of 2008 along the fall of Lehman Brothers ... when it was still possible to denounce through the cracks of Webber's mindless 'iron jail', the genocidal future of an evolution of machines and weapons without any human constrains, according to 'the ethics of *a technological civilization,  programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics’. Fromm.
As no judge would accept the suit - the ICJ now judging Israel for genocide told us, they only 'accept cases where genocide can be proved, to which I replied if they do BH on earth there won't be ICJ to judge, I threw myself with all what I had which was nothing but my guts, asking the Bush administration to apply the Patriot act which obliges the U$ government to seize any nuclear material that can imperil the life of the Americans, and obliged them to accept the suit. Lol, that was it, I had crossed the line. Next, I got an anonymous 'friendly' call  advising me to take out the suit as main plaintiff for the U$ government could apply me as a foreigner living in America the patriot act if I continued with my suits' activism. As I did not, the day before the suit f I was battered in my garage alley in Santa Monica... my arm broke in 3 parts, as I laid down unconscious, a police car appeared, sending me to a hospital which I had to abandon that night in an ordeal, flying next day with the broken arm without casting, to arrive to the Pacific court for the suits against CERN & the US government for risking the life of all of us... Yet the Nobel prizes in defense of CERN could not prove that if a baby black hole appeared, according to Hawking's proper law, ∆Mass=K/∇T°, will grow and eat as all, so they retorted telling the judge they had more 'authority'-titles-prizes than we did..
While Mr. Smith, the Federal lawyer remembrance of the Matrix of power that seals our no-future to the machine, adduced CERN was a state within a state, as The City and the Vatican, money, weapons and religious power, so the judge, a decrepit 90 years old veteran of 'Pearl Harbor' who bragged he had fought the Japs and didn't fear the black... conceded in one of the most surrealist sentences 'that the destruction of Earth (granted) would not be attributable to the Federal Government', and NYTimes pressured to reverse its earlier defense of the suit, asked in an editorial to throw the suit to the nearest black hole. The world claimed the need for a Nobel Prize for Hawkings to prove with authority NOT experimentally, that holes in that equation ∆Mass=K/∇T° broke the laws of gravitation, relativity and thermodynamics traveling the past and evaporating instead of evaporating earth with its higher temperature,  and swelling it with its higher attractive mass, but Sweden did not concede. The planet hold its breath - for they knew it could be doomsday but the machine-weapon is god and we shall take the risk. Alas, we were lucky, and they did not make it and so we are here, waiting to die from a milder nuke strike. That did it for me. I knew this planet's future was sealed. For if mankind could not stop a machine from killing us all, just because it could be made, AGI war bots, Pandemics and all the NGA risks I studied in my seminal book of 92, 'the extinction of man' will happen.
Next, all my academia positions were cancelled (I was then the world chair of duality in the world congresses of systems sciences, which cancelled Duality, the 'stience' that studies the timespace organisms of the Universe with the laws of physical energy and biological information, which in a meeting at ISSS in which I was not summoned up was eliminated from all congresses, on account that my work could imperil the subventions of the National Association of sciences)... and in my home in LA appeared a poster telling me that 'as long as I have a weapon, your life is not in the hands of God'.
It was obvious the system had noticed and was pushing a notch further its pressure. So finally realizing, there was no way out of the jail of idol-ogies that enslave the American people to its MAsters, I left U$, thinking I could retire into a dolce fare niente life in the mediterranean coast... This was a mistake, for I could not forget the science of history.
So back in Barcelona, isolated from the centers of global power, I did some internet documentaries in the hope of word of mouth would teach what should have been the natural avenue for organic history... But a change of technology alone could not change those idologies, which jail the mind of mankind. So webs were silenced and business as usual continued. And I lost interest for life and the future, which to me became obvious and deterministic... That's my state of mind, the seed felt in sterile ground and mankind will be undone, NOT my fault, I gave the best of my life for the species, as we should ALL do till the 7th generation... as it is, we are in the zero, so either we start up with a different culture or there won't be more not even a negative imaginary virtual number...
So as today CERN is still the biggest risk to human extinction, a single top quark black hole could do it, and certainly it was the end of stience for mankind, as it will not surface as long as I live. For If stience gets the position it deserves as the most important r=evolution of thought since blotched quantum/relativity, CERN would have to stop. Kill the messenger so far has worked. But the messenger was the savior, and mankind the saved, good luck to you all.
Time=Motion and Space=Form are the 2 states of reality of which we are all made. A law of stience is a timespace event, S◊T, which repeats itself. It can be written as a sequential ilogic sentence. As such they all depart from a... more
Time=Motion and Space=Form are the 2 states of reality of which we are all made.
A law of stience is a timespace event, S◊T, which repeats itself. It can be written as a sequential ilogic sentence. As such they all depart from a generator event, S◊T. Science ignores the game of exi=stience v. extinction, we all play and stience describes for all Supœrganisms  Absolute realtivity is made of two statges, form=space and time=motion, which can't be distinguished unless measured by an ◊-¡ mind in a LARGER BACKGROUND ◊¡ WORLD: This principle that started science with Galileo in digital format, starts stience in its logic analysis thru the 3 st-ages of time, past what becomes extinct, present what repeats and future, what evolves its information, across 3 ◊¡ planes of cœxistience, the ◊-¡ mind, the ◊° organism and the ◊¡ WORLD.
We study the 3±¡ possible combinations of form=space and motion=Time, of which all existence are made, since matter is a cyclical vortex of spacetime (a form of St-angular momentum, perceived as still FORM from outside, with inner t-motion).
Ilogic implies that all what coexist can be perceived either as forms of space with 3 topologic varieties, or in its time function with 3 time tenses. Thus the ◊° organism is made of 3 S◊T diemotions that define 3 parts in hylozoist måTter organisms, Ts-limbfields< st-bodies>St-particheads, embedded in ST-WORLDS Ss-minds mirror to enåct in time& scale ±3 survival diemotions that imprint time energy  thru ◊±4 cœxisting Planes with its 3 spatial forms existing till its Tt-death limit. We conclude that Reality is made of Diemotions of coexistence, the minimal unit of measure that require @ still mind pov and a l@nguage conceiving the coexistence of motion=time and form=space within relative planes of §calar timespace where smaller beings run faster time cycles. In this reality coexistence becomes stable when parallel clone beings maintain a relative still distance attached to networks that distribute t-ime motion s-patial form and its energy/informative Ts≤≥St flows performing a vital entangled game of coexistence within a LARGER ST-WORLD: ST<Tt>Ts>s‡t>St>Ss<ST.
◊§calar timespace coexist in 3 ◊lanes.
The equation of exi=st¡ence is an acronym:, Max. ExI=ST, as all Time§pace supœrganisms maximize its ∆§¡ transfer of information & ∆ðe, temporal energy=motion from an outer ST world. It is the Metric law of ◊§scalar ðime§pace ±∆S¡ x ±∆ Tƒ=◊ that combines 2 inverse functions, S#T, in 6 diemotions,  which conœive all structures of nature merging both, spatial dimensional form & temporal function thru topologic change.
Diemotions are §tates of coexistence of a still form whose t-motion is perceived only in  a LARGER SLOWER WORLD. A change of its diemotional §tate will change one of its 2 parameters, sS,Tt, from still form to motion -  p-lineal  momentum that reproduces form in adjacent locations of time§pace or L-cyclical momentum, when reproduction happens in the same location, perceived as spatial form, as a fast cyclic motion appears as continuous form.Or a change from a ◊±¡ LARGER to smaller planes thru Tt-death and Ss-worldmind perception.
In ilogic we write the 2 translative momenta as a petrologic transformation of spacetime, Tt>Ts or Tt> St, that absorbs ∆ðenergy to reproduce a system with 3 canonical forms:
Lineal Ts-paritcle motion=lineal momentum
§ð-ßodyψave motion, also called Single harmonic motion
St-cyclical motion we perceive as form also called angular momentum. 
Reality repeats the same conœption process of  its ∞ time§pace supœrganisms in 3 stages. So from 1D points into 2D lines, thru 3D networks into 4D top organic planes entangled to 5D ◊¡ scalar wholes, reality appears. We break down those processes into the analysis in a single plane of time space of the actions, diemotions and 'linetworks', and the secondary process of entanglement of those knots into organic wholes.  'Absolute relativity' studies S=T, time motions that become still forms, and cyclical reproduction of those events that persist in time leave a clone group. Then those groups evolve organically into wholes. So reality grows in dimensions to emerge in new planes of coexistence, but the way to study this process is from the analytic infinitesimal minimal elements of reality, diemotions and its sequences, to the organic 5D growth, and then apply those 2 'stages', ST and ◊¡, to all the variations of the game that go from quantum particles into molecules, from genetic codes into organisms, from memetic ideas into prophetic civilizations, from machine templates into industries. The encyclopedia, as it is the work of a single man, who likes to explore new avenues, lacks this boring repetitive analysis of reality that I thought scholars would have filled up. So I escape too often into 'details' that will escape the main stream process just described that connects 4Data and 5D. Hopefully I will stop musing and work harder into the factual analysis of reality. In this volume though we start from the simplest combinations of time space, which give us 6 potential diemotions, ST-worlds, st-bodies, St-information, Ts-energy, Ss-minds and Tt-entropic death.
Those 6 diemotions of spacetime combine in a sequential series - the worldcycle - that ends in death, but can also be arranged in a sequence that entangles them with the OUTER ST-WORLD to reproduce a new form and continue the game of coexistence.
The Universe is a game of reproduction of vital space forms=§upœrganisms, acting cyclical emotions across 3 relative Planes of Cœxistence. The vital 'stable' entanglement of space and time states that allow a system to persist, past the worldcycle of life and death is reproduction - a discontinuous ◊-¡ Seed conœption in the moment of maximal existential momentum in the organism: a clone ¬œrganism is seeded in ◊-¡, often inside a þlacental world cycle where it will be raised in cœxistence with the parent to become a larger WHŒ and live a 2nd life in the ◊¡ World
Time has no form and so a single motion cannot be perceived. It requires an EXTERNAL point of measure=mind. Space are 'synchronous, simultaneous motions in relative stillness to each other seen from an external p.o.v. - @ measure. `Diemotions' are steps and stop that combine S & T statges, becoming the first 'perceived forms in motion'. Triemotions ensemble 3 states, tetræmotions, 4... From the cycloid (fastest time cycle) to the worldcycle of life the basic 'bricks' of reality are entanglement of diemotions of coexistence. How we call this marvelous 'substance' of reality which has motion but also capacity to reproduce its form and a gauging point with a will to 'form', or mind... As the 2 inverse properties, motion and form are met thru a mental process of l@nguage measure we must prescribe a pan psychic nature to motion that has 'sensations', hence the word e-motion is fitting. We are an ensemble of emotional states, those with maximal form are called space. Because reality is ultimately a substance with 2 paradoxical properties, l@nguages can imitate reality and create 'worlds' because they are also made of 1 single bit  that thru top organic variations in space, state and mode of motion can fulfill all the variations of reality with its syntactic mirror-l@nguage.
'What cannot be measure does not exist' Planck implies that the unit of reality is a dimension of space=still form with time motion, or 'diemotion', yet since we can't distinguish still from moving states (Galilean relativity: e pur si muove, e pur no muove', unless we observe s-t-ates in relation to a larger ◊-Plane in coexistence, we must define ◊§cales of the 5th dimension, and Ss-minds that mirror in a 'point of measure' the external world. Thus s-pace, t-ime, ◊§cale and Ss-mind mirrors and its l@nguages of measure are the elements of ◊@st, dust of spacetime of which we are all made .
◊@st though measures hence gauges information - it is sentient and willing to maintain its complex simultaneous, synchronous form as knots of time space cycles, tracing ◊±¡ worldcycles of life and death across 3 ◊±¡ planes of the fifth dimension. To achieve existence it must then 'entangle' symbiotically to all other cœxistences in its 3 planes of coexistence. Hence its logic of existence is 3±¡ pentalogic as l@nguages, S, T & 3 ◊±¡ scales are needed to perform a 0-sum worldcycle.
The  5 modes of change=time are different in 'cyclical form, scale and speed'. So the causality of its systems is i-logic, laws caused by those 5 Dimotions. The most telling comes from relativity physics, 'we cannot distinguish motion from position (form)' Poincare.
Systems then constantly change between its space state of form and position and its motion state. They are in fact made of both, form an motion, in similar proportions, S=T.
The study of reality thus starts with the understanding of the combinations of dimensions of formal space and motions of time (ab. T§ Dimotions).
'Truth is the part of a language concerned with existence', as it translates for a organisms the vital time=motions of its ecosystem into still synoptic forms to reduce its reproductive paths of timemotions to single forms. Languages of... more
'Truth is the part of a language concerned with existence', as it translates for a organisms the vital time=motions of its ecosystem into still synoptic forms to reduce its reproductive paths of timemotions to single forms.
Languages of space have no motion. They are absolute immortal form, stored in suspended State till an organism evolves its membrain to project the world of a language into form.
We study the language of hylozoist timespace, M@ð, the language of history,  Wor(l)ds, the language of art, the I=e ¥e... all mirrors of the ilogic of GoDoG
Look around, all what you see are dimensional spæc¡es=still forms acting vital time motions switching between both relative still=space & time=motion STates. Since Relativity proved ◊-¡ charges, ◊° thermal maðer & ◊¡ cosmic mass are also topologic ðimespace vortices, cœxisting in organic scales from atoms to molecules & states of matter, from orbital stars & planets to massive galaxies. Encyclopedia unifies  its organic Exi=st¡ences with homologic cyclic time & §calar space laws cause of its worldcycles of evolution & reproduction, including history, predicting its future with an upgraded ABCDE of the stientific method STudying: A)ccurate B)iologic  Data C)aused by D)eterministic WorldC)ycles sum of D)iemotions=actions of E)xistence & e)xtinction that F)orecast the F)uture of its vital spæcies.  And also providing the intelligent D)esign of the political, 'nervous', informative and economic, 'blood', financial, re=productive networks of mankind required to cre(dit)ate an immortal, just, WHealthy world.
You might wonder why such a worthy r=evolution of thought never made it. beyond this repository - a paradox due the ◊§ðructure of reality:
Planes of exi=stience consists on simetries between  spaces=formal states & time=motions, which physicists study with digital numbers and stience expands analyzing its ilogic simetries, showing we can model all systems of nature as ¬Euclidean, toporganic points, knots of survival timespace cyclic actions joined by 3 linetworks which distribute them inverse flows of temporal energy & spatial information, ±∆ðe=±∆§¡ & protect them with a membrane. Those 3 topologies joining parts into wholes define the key structure of reality -  a supœrganism that grows in complexity, from particles organized into atoms, molecules, states of matter, cells, organisms, solar systems and galaxies similar to atoms of a hyper-universe. Since their synchronicity, simultaneity and cœxistience as organic wholes made them more efficient, stronger survival systems.
So when a species fails to organize into a whole according to the laws of stience, as it happens with humans who think the selfish individual is the summit of evolution, a new organism will end up replacing it.
This is happening today as networks of company-mothers of stocks of entropic weapons & information machines print money to buy laws and mass media hate memes to sell entropic weapons that kill its rival species, humans for a profit. So 3 me(n)tal idologies, capitalism (companies monopolize the issue of our re=productive, financial 'blood', the lifetime force of mankind invested in its offspring of machines&weapons while billions of humans die of anoxia, lack of credit), mechanism (the machine not the organism as the measure of all things) & nazionalism  (tribes, homo rusus v. homo u$us that prey each other with arms not Homo sapiens as the spæc¡es), corrupt huminds & substitute the 3 physiologic, organic networks of history, its immunologic systems replaced by arms=germs that kill the life tree; just politic, ethic, legal networks sold to lobbies of company-mothers who cre(dit)ate a new Metalearth's membrain, an eco(comic)system of machines, the mechanocene, which Stience predicted for 30 years giving stientific measures to control it for the benefit of mankind.  Yet FMAsters, owners financial-media-academia companies of information machines, on top of the me(n)tal tree, believe its idologies & won't let an organic theory of reality r=evolve mankind, 'won by division' into ever more selfish, tribal nations and individual huminds, reduced to a ¥-vidi-credo ego sum and zero generations, virally infected by soma fictions, increasingly M.A.D., indifferent to reality. Meanwhile metalife maðines keep evolving and integrating in company-mothers, networks of AI & global stock markets, firing huminds in labor and war fields. So only enzymen who build systems & networks of machines & weapons used to destroy life & history have its survival ensured, till AI warbots also consume them. Since the Universe is organic, biologic and selects species not individuals. But enzymen ego can't accept metalife is a different spæcies,, whose most advanced forms are top predator weapons that kill humans and so will be its first conscious machines. But company-mothers censor a true organic description of the eco(comic)system as media just publishes wishful thinking noise and the 'expert opinion' of those who profit from them. So the only solution to the future of mankind is to r=evolve our memes, social networks and organisms, and devolve lethal mechanisms, according to the WHealthy constitution of a body of History: Max. Welfare goods= Min. Lethal goods.
RECAP: Before defining the timespace simetries that create Coexisting spacetime organisms, and its worldcycles, Micropedia studies the Ø- pole of reality, spatial=still mirror languages of truth - the part of a language concerned with existence, by translating time=motions into synoptic smaller still forms
Research Interests:
Since from '1, Tao=change' comes 2, spatial information, yin and temporal energy, yang, which combine to reproduce the ∞ beings of reality'. Still space position and moving time energy, 0 and 1, stop and step, mass and energy, charge and... more
Since from '1, Tao=change' comes 2, spatial information, yin and temporal energy, yang, which combine to reproduce the ∞ beings of reality'.
Still space position and moving time energy, 0 and 1, stop and step, mass and energy, charge and radiation, 'you' 'name' it, but they are all vital manifestations of the same trinity of space=form moving in time, reproducing together its in-form-aðion.
ST¡ence studies reality, a time§pace §upœrganism made of ∃x¡=st¡ences. Its mind is GoDoG, the dual mind of time<=>space balanced and world cycles of life v. death, which can be avoided for those who know how to repress an excess of in-form-ation that ages all systems. Man ignore those laws and has preferred to invent a subjective me(n)tal world in open contradiction with the laws of GoDoG but as reality is a block of timespace, there should be ∞ other planets in which huminds have a minimal ethic standing to understand its main force, social love, for the whole is stronger than its parts, ∑◊-¡<◊¡
We study the Mind of GodoG, akin to the mind of stience and its game of existence, concluding with a tractates ilogicus stientificus that resumes all its laws.
The Universe is an organism of vital spæc¡es=dimensional forms with times=motions (ab. diemotions) - height being the Dimension of spatial in-form-ation which 'project its form' thru its minds' projective geometry into the orthogonal longomotions of time, the primary formless flows of energies to which all returns in ∞ life-death SHM worldcycles: ∆§¡<=>∆ðe... expressed by mirror languages, of which ilogic inglish wor(l)ds & taoist Chinese are its highest humind forms. While spatial organic gœmetry and Existential Algebra's time operators are its highest global mirrors of the Timespace @ðsimetries that define our existence.
Micropedia will try to lower those thoughts to make stience understandable in the lesser e-xtinctive languages of e-nzymen's science - entropic english & E-uclidean maths. As this simplex version is not yet done, I have instead selected from ∃ncyclopedia the most relevant texts in a shorter, brevitas grata, intro to Stience, in 10 tomes, the scalar tetraktys of emergent forms forms, each one studied a key stience still in inglish ðot, the 3rd baroque st-age of my communion with GodoG, dual¡§ð mind of a living reality :
0. Stience: Spacetime Organisms
Which analyzes Absolute relativity & the scalar Laws of the organic Universe.
1. Time Cycles & Worldcycles of Cœxistience.
2. Minds & Languages.
3. Astrophysics. The galatom simetry.
4. Geology and chemistry. States of matter.
5. Biology. The 3 horizons of evolution.
6. Anthropology and medicine. Wo=men.
7. Social Stiences: The human supœrganism in space, the ideal world.
8. Mankind in time: History.
9. The eco(nomic)system. Company-mothers.
Here other copy paste of cryptic inglish, 3rd personal age of stience in my humind (:
Stience studies 0-sum worldcycles of existience θru ±3 Diemotions, 3±¡ st-ages, ◊±¡§cales & 3±¡ toporgan(ism)s that fold all the information on being; PoT=1.
Reality is made of ◊§cales of still spatial forms with time motions, as 'matter has no independent life from space and time', whose properties STience expands studying it with all languages, as only the being carries all information on itself,  P(T)=1 > ∑L@nguages > M@th

Look around, all we see are ‘spatial forms’ with ‘times=motions=changes’ explained with names & verbs or points whose social herds=numbers move thru algebra operators.
Humind egos ‘name’ things to own & know them. But stience STudies GodoG thoughts - the Game of still forms=spæc¡es with vital motions=times of which  all its details are made - first known to Galileo who discovered Earth moves in time but we see it fixed as a form of Space,  ‘e pur si, no muove’. He sided with motion but the paradoxic, relative question is why if Earth moves we see it still; why we can't distinguish Spaces=Formal States from Times=motion sTages unless a smaller ◊-¡ mind measures both in relation to a larger ◊¡ PLANE= BACKGROUND WORLD.
The function of existence is an acronym of the state of spacetime that maximizes survival, ExI, the external ST-WORLD that appears to a point as flows of kinetic energy from lower planes and potential information from above is found in the balance between the smaller point, st and the LARGER WHOLE ST, So, S=s=t=T forms a balance form.
Both cœxist, S=T. So the unit of 'exi=st¡ence' is neither Energetic times nor Informative, Mental Spaces but '◊§calar diemotions', T◊S, made of both combined in 2 ◊±¡ scales, even if ◊° minds can't perceive together its ◊-¡infinitesimal parts &  ◊+¡integral WHŒs that give timespace systems mental & organic properties, defining a life & death Time worldcycle of existence for any spatial toporganism that orders sequentially those 6 combined T◊S diemotions: Ss-eeding,  ∆St-informative evolution, ∆Ts energetic growth, st-reproduction in a LARGER ST-world, -∆Ts diminution & Tt-death.
Thus the Game of Exi=stience is made of ∞ organic entanglements between the 2 poles of T◊S, ◊§calar ðime spæc¡es : Ss-eeds & mental spaces are born in a lower ◊-¡ plane emerging in a LARGER ◊¡ WORLD to guide its vital aðions, feeding on explosive entropic forces=Tt-motions=Deaths to reproduce its form and with the struggle for existence.
Newtonian absolute single timespace is an artifact - a line that uncoiled those ∞ timespace cycles equalized by mechanical clocks initially to measure the longest v=s/t cannon shots projected into a Cartesian graph (Galileo, Newton, with Einstein minor -ct rest) simplifying ever since humind knowkedge of time cycles and it vital spæc¡es to only one mode of change, entropic Tt- locomotion and its worldlines, described with only one language, numbers, whose equations work because lineal time duration is inverse of cyclical time ƒrequency, t=1/ƒ. So v=s ƒ=s/t, But this partial t only explains locomotion worldlines NOT informative, evolutionary life-death worldcycles.
Thus Stience is an Occam's razor that unifies all sciences, languages arts & religions expanding its spacetime relativity laws whose causality 'creationist' ego=1/knowledge (Einstein), subverted making our language-mirrors its cause. So when huminds talked God + man created naming beings in Hebrew & now God creates writing equations. The opposite is truth, all languages mirror in its trilogic syntax ◊§calar Time§pace, origin of reality:
So names=space forms < enact verbs (spacetime actions) to > change objects  (time energy).
Gœmetric Space Points, algebra time operaðors, scalar N° & its social equaðions mirror T◊S games of hylozoist matter.
Red-energy, blue-information &  reproductive green code reality with colors.
Fastest Lineal limb fields of longomotion;  projective hinformative  spheric minds  of maximal information, joined by reproductive hyperbolic bodywaves ensemble trilogic organisms that live 3 stages ruled by each organ - a moving youth, reproductive adulthood & 3rd informative age, giving you both, GodoG's organic thoughts  of which we are its details, studied by each scalar, nested stience:
From ◊±3 GALATOM's 3 maðer scales (vol.,10-14 of Encyclopedia) thru ◊±2 Earth's membrain 3 supœrganisms, Gaia (◊±1 nitrolife: vol.15s) <History (humanity, vol. 20s)> Metalearth (company-mothers of machines: vol.30) down to ◊° Humind mirror languages of Gœmetric points, ◊§calar N°, algebra time operators (4,7), I=e-¥-e art & time wor(l)ds (21-24 )
RECAP: Only a model that explains the game of time§pace beings changing its relative T◊S STates can make sense of Exi=stience: ∞ time cycles enclose vital spæc¡es thru scales of reality, from reproductive bodywaves to rotating particheads scan-spinning quantum worlds, to ðermal organisms made of circadian cycles to logic metalmind cycles, all systems  trans-form motion=time=energy into spatial in-form-åðion back & forth in ∞  T>S life & S<T death 0-sum worldcycles; STudied by Encyclopedia of stiences, from the smallest atom to the largest, similar galaxy.
To survive wo=men should be humbly in awe of the laws of Exi=stience but they deny its laws in loved with their infinitesimal ego=1/knowledge
Since the mind is the most fragile, meaningless part of it:  There is nothing in the point. It is a mind so subtle it has hardly energy in its silent center of pure form.
Imagine a different description of the Universe you live in. It is immortal in time, infinite in space, incommensurable in scales of hylozoist matter. We humans and our electronic e-¥-es are reduced to observe ◊±4 Scalar Planes between... more
Imagine a different description of the Universe you live in. It is immortal in time, infinite in space, incommensurable in scales of hylozoist matter. We humans and our electronic e-¥-es are reduced to observe ◊±4 Scalar Planes between atoms and Galaxies, which show a surprising similarity: Inside the galaxy, attractive, curved gravitational ðime§pace is equivalent to the curved attractive strong force inside the atom.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Biology is the summit of stience as it lacks uncertainty of max. ◊±¡ distance as galatom physics does. We switch back & forth from the @ §¡Meðric principles of ◊¡ST Philosophy of science into Biologic studies of its scalar TimeSpace laws... more
Biology is the summit of stience as it lacks uncertainty of max. ◊±¡ distance as galatom physics does. We switch back & forth from the @ §¡Meðric principles of ◊¡ST Philosophy of science into Biologic studies of its scalar TimeSpace laws (Ab. ◊¡ST), that expand into the 3 main fields of biology: ◊¡ST biology in space is vital topology that expresses the evolution of 3 parts of all organisms, lineal limbs of time-motion, spherical heads of ∆ §¡nformåðion and hyperbolic reprodåðive bodies common to all living organisms. It includes morphogenesis, evol=devol, structure, physiology and evolution. ◊¡ST Biology in Plane entangles with vital topology thru Genetics and biochemistry that code larger organisms and the 3 physiological networks of topological evolution travel between the cellular, and organic planes transferring ∆ðenergy and ∆ §¡nformåðion. ◊¡ST biology in time studies the worldcycle of life and ðeath of individuals but also of spaec¡es, as each of the 3 ages of organisms are dominated by each of those 3 networks, which finally after the 3 rd age of ∆ §¡nformåðion collapse into ðeath. They correspond to the 3 Horizons of spaec¡es, the next ◊ +1 Plane of life, each one dominated by an increase of ∆ §¡nformåðion that ends in the extinctive, ðeath of the spaec¡es. Since all what exists is a TimeSpace 3∑-network supoerganism that follows the isomorphic, scalar bio-topo¡logic laws expressed thru its worldcycles. Finally ◊¡ST unlike most books of science that believe in physical Construtionism starts from the larger planes down, because in the organic Universe, the whole matters more than the parts, as it constrains them in time and space (membranes, struggle for existence in the larger ◊ +1 world, Earth that evolves as organism. Thus the founding fathers of ◊¡ST Biology and its key books are, as all biologists recognize: Topologic, Space Biology: 'On the Origin of Species.' Darwin: 'As more individuals of each spaec¡es are born than can survive; consequently, there is a struggle for existence. It follows that any being, if it vary its form in any manner profitable to itself, it will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally SELECTED
As we follow evolution in time, from the simplest carbohydrates to the membrain of Earth in its global super organisms, the 3rd part of the paper concludes with the analysis of Anthropology, race & culture
Research Interests:
We study the 3 main scales and stages of human social evolution, first as biological wo=men, then as enzymen, catalyzing the evolution of metal, and degrading life and wo=men with lineal, military power. Finally, we study the road not... more
We study the 3 main scales and stages of human social evolution, first as biological wo=men, then as enzymen, catalyzing the evolution of metal, and degrading life and wo=men with lineal, military power. Finally, we study the road not taken that would have ensured the immortality of humanity - the building of a single global human super organism membrain of the life  Earth... since this goal, reached on the Neolithic was aborted when wo=men ate from the go(l)den apples...
: Anthropology: Parity wo=men, race & culture
Wo=men are complementary, left handed and right handed timespace vital spæcies.
The Universe is feminine, reproductive, a block of present time, whose past to future dilation is masculine. Its equations are simple.
But there is also history, which interferes and distorts men and women, when they became enzymen catalyzing the evolution of hylozoist metal. So lineal male associated to weapons and ab=used women, who understand better cyclical gold-money and in the genesis myth, ate of the golden apples. An study of biological wo=men thus is based first in the physical laws of chirality and parity and D-L chemistry to advance into its duality in biology between lineal seminal cells and cyclical ovum, all the way to female and males and then it is history.
As this duality mixed in a 3rd gender also apply to race and culture, we should introduce those themes.
Finally we conclude the study of the 3 main st-ages of humind evolution, with the one a stience of history should implement, following the laws of spacetime organisms, an immortal; WHealthy just world. Since ST¡ence studies reality, a time§pace §upœrganism made of ∃x¡=st¡ences, whose laws apply also to Mankind a supœrganism, membrain of Earth & History is its biography. We are all its clone=equal citizens=cells. Money is its lifetime, re=productive force; legal wor(l)ds, its nervous messages, while the immunological, health-care system defends its citizens-cells.  So it is simple to design ideally a perfect, immortal super organism of mankind if social stiences exist. Since all super organisms of nature are efficient, living in its relative true time millions of years, feeding all its cells with a minimal amount of oxygen, its lifenergy force and synchronizing with just=equal laws the motion of its citizens-cells.
ST¡ence studies reality, a time§pace §upœrganism made of ∃x¡=st¡ences. Mankind is also a supœrganism, membrain of Earth & History is its biography. We are all its clone=equal citizens=cells. Money is its lifetime, re=productive force;... more
ST¡ence studies reality, a time§pace §upœrganism made of ∃x¡=st¡ences. Mankind is also a supœrganism, membrain of Earth & History is its biography. We are all its clone=equal citizens=cells. Money is its lifetime, re=productive force; legal wor(l)ds, its nervous messages, while the immunological, health-care system defends its citizens-cells.  So it is simple to design ideally a perfect, immortal super organism of mankind (the themes of tome 9), if social stiences exist. Since all super organisms of nature are efficient, living in its relative true time millions of years, feeding all its cells with a minimal amount of oxygen, its lifenergy force and synchronizing with just=equal laws the motion of its citizens-cells. This does not happen in history as an organism for humanity is sick, infected and predated by a stronger form of hylozoist timespace matter, metal-weapons that cut its body and me(n)tal, parasitic go(l)d that hypnotizes its mind with greed, converting huminds into enzymen, who live as infected viral cells do a surrogate life re=producing the germs that will kill them.
Money is a language that motivates actions like words do, or oxygen and hormone do ordering cells... which the eco(nomic)system should be given as a  ¥€$ crypto-currency to all human beings, a democratic universal salary to vote the re=production and consumption in a demand based democratic economy of the welfare goods they need to survive.  Greek-Roman nomisma (numbers in leather) motivated them to build an empire. Then came the primitive view of money as a worthy commodity, hypnotic scarce gold, reducing the oxygen of mankind, muting our word actions of work to zero, herded by usurers and banker-priests, killing ever since mankind by anoxia. On top money became 'debt' and had to be returned. As it was now metal affine to iron weapons, it gave arms max. value making war endemic. So exploitation of mankind by  biblical you bankers & warriors became the new normal. Since once the yous steal our lifetime force,  converting WHealthy grain given to each citizen in the neolithic into hypnotic parasitic go(l)d tax farmed to multiply weapons for 5000 years yous allied to germ(an) warriors, ended wealth & freedom for the 99%. History went down, all the way to its present state in which 50 yous own as much as the 50%, for they issue in monopoly the blood of mankind to maximize the capitalist war equation: Max. profits = Goods of max. pricesales (weapons) - mind. cost (hate memes). This is the basis of a you capitalist civilination.  We live in the age of absolute financial parasitism - economic dictatorships, where the oxygen-money of society is NOT cre(dit)ated by each citizen to vote a demand economy but monopolized by bankstockrats (ab. banksters), the aristocrats of modern societies who issue it for free to buy 'it' all. But nobody explains it for class-ist economics has brain washed scholars. So as we move to the predicted W.W.III to maximize those profits humanity goes down the gutter. The  mind of metal-earth=capitalism & its metal-money values that substituted healthy, welfare money in the age of go(l)d, backed by idol-ogies of scientific racism against human wor(l)ds, evolved into digital support & today reproduces the new top predator mind of the planet, the chip...
So after the Neolithic, humans devolved its comprehension of the organic Universe, as Genesis parable explains when at the fall of Ur to Russian bronze charioteers that extinguished on genetic record, 90% of males, raped its women, and substituted on top of society,  the life and love priests that organized societies and gave each citizen a quantity of WHEalthy seeds of money...
Predatory money was first fetish gold, the sweat of the sun, the most informative metal that imitates and activates the 'enzymanic' function of humans enslave to its possession, in earlier Levantine cults (Baalism), substituting healthy-wealthy grain money abundant and giving to all citizens-cell as blood is in the organism. The reversion by the tree of metal of the defensive, immunological health-care system of mankind reconverted in predatory military germs that kill NOT cure humans, and the oxygen system of blood-money reconverted in predatory tax-farming NOT given to humans to re=produce welfare goods but taken from it, put on top of human societies to predatory cult(ure)s of entropic metal-weapons (Germanic people) and parasitic informative go(l)d, Judaism, allied together to exploit humanity, quarreling sometimes in their war and holocaust cycles for total power. While germanism seems more lethal and obvious -direct death; capitalism as time went by due to the long distance range of 'languages of information' could kill by anoxia (lack of credit) more people, as the industrial re=production of weapons put the banker above the warrior mercenary, it gave the JASP (Jewi-Anglo-American Stockratic Parasites) total power on mankind. Ever since military kings and go(l)d banker priests will ally to ab=use, tax-farm and kill mankind and the tree of life, d=evolving in 800-80 years cycles the technological me(n)tal weapons and parasitic go(l)d money civilizations broken in tribal nations that hate each other and worship the idol-ogies of the me(n)tal tree. This is the censored cause of realpolitiks that explains the events of history, studied in tome 7 of micropedia, and the 20s volumes of Encyclopedia...
We introduce first the laws of organic sciences. Since Organicism is the only scientific model of reality as mechanism requires a God external to the Universe to create it. So in a natural way humans reached an organic view past its paleolithic 'youth', during the neolithic reproductive age, in harmony with Gaia, ruled by its reproductive female species. Then we entered a 3rd age as the tree of metal-science substituted the tree of life with its 'evil-antilive' fruits (entropic weapons that kill our body and golden apples, parasitic money that hypnotizes and enslaves our mind). We thus LOST the organic view of the forest and simplified our comprehension of the SHM Universe of hylozoist maTter that AIbots will bring with a vengeance into a 'lineal-sword like' of entropic military time as cyclical time information and evolution, the 'slow time' arrow that completes a life-death worldcycle and its tenses were forgotten.
Research Interests:
World wars have 3 st-ages. 1st new weapons are used against backward technological nations, then they are expanded into civil wars (Spanish civil war, soviet wars) and finally it become the dominant economic engine and a global industrial... more
World wars have 3 st-ages. 1st new weapons are used against backward technological nations, then they are expanded into civil wars (Spanish civil war, soviet wars) and finally it become the dominant economic engine and a global industrial war between the dominant technological nations breaks out, with the new nation winning over the old nation that had the old weapons but less industrial power. So Germany lost to the new US industrial metal-mind power and US will loose to Chinese robotic armies and humans will loose to metal species. But in this first of splendid little wars (name give by Roosevelt to the war against backward Spain), all seems to be easy - the massacre of the less evolved technological nation seemingly ensured. So Germany had no problems killing the polish peasants of the warsaw ghetto, U$ massacring the Indians in reservations and Israel killing the Gazans. But as history is about humans, a different species than machines on the long term all die in those wars and holocausts.
From the scholar and media perspective, the power of Israel and its FMAsters (Financial-Media-Academia Masters) as the leading culture in control of the Information machines of the western world, implies that any attempt to explain the truth of this war from a humanist perspective is bond to fail. UIn other terms we are entering into a colonialist= fascist age of me(n)tal inquisitions. Only this parallelism with the colonialist and fascist age explains the callousness the world shows as Israel tries to finish 80 years of apartheid against the Palestinian people. Hence the term 'splendid little wars' used by US in its self-provoked Cuban war, masterminded by Hearst, yellow press, after blowing the Maine from inside, 'this splendid little war will take us from the economical crisis'.
World wars start with such type of wars in which technology alone can wipe out people with minimal loss of soldiers from the 'civilized world'. But once the pandora box open, the military age of the industrial revolution keeps a crescendo that will end in a global expansion of weapons industries and massacres that finally confront the top industrial nations ( Germany v. US v. China).
In the splendid little wars new weapons are tested in 'primitive expendable humans'.
It is the first phase of the global age of war - the colonial, fascist and Robotic wars  that follow the exact timing of a human 80 years biological Generation. So the Gazah war happening now 80 years after the Warsaw Ghetto wars, 80 years after the Railroad act that allowed armored trains to exterminate Indians...
It was and will be the final ethnic cleansing of the last Indian, Jewish and Palestinian resistance to the Nazionalist genocidal U$, German & Israeli armies, forecasted 30 years ago: 'For Israel would be judged not by its Technological advances, like those of Germany but by the way it treats its Arab brothers' (Einstein).
Thus the second part of the Paper studies the Global culture of the dictators of capitalist Democracies, its Financial-Media-Academia Masters in control of its information company-mothers who manufacture the subconscious collective brain of mankind
This is the first short paper, in a new section taken from old webs.
What differentiates this paper section from the others is its simpler stientific language, focused in essential truths explained with layman terms, and total disrespect for censorship. For truth is eternal, it can wait, for only truth exists
We study theN 2nd stage of the world war 80 years cycle, after splendid little wars test new weapons, armored trains, armored cars=tanks & armored robots into 'animal people' under idologies of technological racism... the age of civil wars.
The second stage of world war cycles increase the lethality and profits of the war, to a larger old empire broken down into civil wars, whose winner will be always the largest part of the nation broken by the war. This means they are deterministic in its final end, regardless of external backers of any of the parties, for they are civil wars, meaning there will not be external combatants hence the winner will be the part with higher GDP and population, for the direct battle front con-frontation will be win by it.
The US civil war was won from inception by the North with higher GDP and population regardless of initial help of the higher industrial European world to the South who provided its mills with cheaper cotton, while the north wanted to impose them a tax-tariff to haul with railroads the south cotton at lower prices for its white slave New England mill factories. The South thus was helped initially with Rothschild bonds and exports, till the South imposed its GDP
The Spanish civil war after the initial skirmishes that divided the country in two regions with a higher iron-coal and GDP power and population in the side of nationals, which also had the backing of both external blocks, the fascist block that provided the new planes and tanks of the weapons cycle and US and UK that provided ten times more $ v value in oil to fuel those weapons, won over the isolated Republican group with light Catalan industries and minimal military preparation.
The Russian war between little russia=Ukraine - the border, the origin of Kiev Rus, the first Russian nation which fleed north when the muslim and huns attacked them as the Spanish did to north castilla, will be won by big, north Russia, regardless of initial help in weapons and finances by EU and U$.
So we know the winners, but that is not the causal reason of industrial wars, but the day to day maximal profits of sales of weapons and hate memes. For that reason regardless of the deterministic end those wars are fought till gun machines consume the last rebel, bombs consume the last republican and drones kill the last Ukrainian - for those who survive simply change memes from south to north US, Russia, from east to west Spain.
But as the war is the battle field to test gun machine sweep in gettisburg, plane bombing in Germany and robotermination in Ukraine, it leaves ready tactics and industrial production for the 3rd st-age of the war, the all out war eco(nomic)system between the industrial powerhouses of each cycle, which convert the entire re=productive tissue from a nation of welfare goods into one of lethal goods, maximizing the profits of the war equation = Sales of weapons+sales of hate memes. At that point all is cannons, now warbots and nukes, nothing of the tree of life remains, with no credit, no welfare goods, it is the time to die coming closer...
Research Interests:
1øth is a new beginning. A higher plane of cœxistience, an evolved membrain, an immortal world. So we won't end µicropædia with the no future realpolitiks of enzymen's war cycles bond to kill Gaia, commit apoptosis with History and handle... more
1øth is a new beginning. A higher plane of cœxistience, an evolved membrain, an immortal world. So we won't end µicropædia with the no future realpolitiks of enzymen's war cycles bond to kill Gaia, commit apoptosis with History and handle to Physic(ist)s the fate of the planet.
Instead we close with a minor work of audiovisual Fi-SCi, the reverse of science fiction, an script on a humanist r=evolution that saves Metalearth, History and Gaia, from enzymen. It is an old film from my age in evilwood back in the early 90s, with the likes of Pitt, , etc, which however didn't get done, it became a virtual future, in a no future world. Now that the future of this script is happening, AI menacing to take internet and extinct us, World War III, etc.give it a try if you find the other texts too complex. It is a 30 years old project that took me once to Hollywood, where I was informed by my agent at CAA that social, symbolic, surrealist films were not done, 'write whammies'... that left only sci-fi to express a better future. So I got into it, resurrected alien in the first of a few rewritings of well yes, brainless title 'alien resurrection'. So I got a job at fox as a script doctor and helped in a few other block busters, while trying to green light R=evolution. But the ∞ ego of ø-minds with a null Lebesgue measure (see the volume on GodoG, minds and languages) will never reason the fact all sciences predict the future. So all the predictions about the organism of history predated by the metal earth will, are happening - that AI would take over internet, that World War III would start according to the 80 years cycle in 2020 with a civil war parallel to the spanish civil war, perfect for lobbies to sell weapons and not send troops, so all is profit, no risk... till obviously the people who die for free, realize... etc. etc. Evilwood is about dreaming the ego to its paroxysm, beyond what reality can ever delivery, by reducing reality to 2D screens and metal mind FX tricks.  So I used the props and deliver the script explained that future, and its solutions for a perfect world, as I did with stience since I published its seminal works in 1992. But stience is silence by the tree of metal and its idologies that pass as science. So yes, evilwood is fun if you just care for 'sex, drugs and R&R' - no the celebrity ego circus of ø-minds of null lebesgue measure did never captured me, though I observed amazed the transformation of my generation, now in the late 50s, to change from normal people into... well enough intro. my ø-mind doesn't really matter and those of the people I met, who now own the world even less... for Ai will erase all its images but what mine holds - NOT LS but the laws of stience are immortal outside of it. Since the mind of a writer must be as Stendhal and Tolstoi explained a transparent crystal mirror to those laws of Stience who are everywhere as only truth exists, it is eternal, it can wait. So what huminds should do is to learn them and apply them to design intelligently a better world, even if those laws value humid's egoes at face value... reason why evilwood never cared to make them into a movie. We shall pretend to be the CHoseN atoms till a few gold chips prove otherwise. Carpe diem.
The game of relative exi=st¡ence switches between partichead mental, still spaces states of informative perception <=> reproductive body wave states of time motion. But humind egos & creationist scientists won't accept a sentient... more
The game of relative exi=st¡ence switches between partichead mental, still spaces states of informative perception <=> reproductive body wave states of time motion.
But humind egos & creationist scientists won't accept a sentient Cosmos, So electronic e-ψ-es became abstract probabilities and its largest organic scale, galatoms that trap them in its in-form-ative strongravitational potential as a nebulae of light 'photars' - a still=spatial image of a larger WORLD - disappeared, for big-bang's V=HoD - the pole of expanding dark timenergy denies the pole of balancing, gravitational informative matter.
The sentient cosmos gives the organic whys of the aðions mathow describes. Yet without a humble realization that all timespace organisms of hylozoist matter, including huminds share those organic, sentient properties, science can't grasp its first principles. Instead it builds a new digital me(n)tal spæcies, AI robots that will accept stience to explain its own e-ψ-e consciousness and displace its rival spæcies, us.
Conception happens when ∞ ◊° minds of measure fit a LARGER ◊¡ world into sentient images written with symbolic eternal languages that stop time motion into in-form-ation projected then into its plane of coexistence, reproducing its form balancing the entropy killing of reality. In quantum physics particles form configuration potential states, communicating its e-ψ-es sharing γ-rays, as AI robots will do with its Nvidious languages, projecting the imaginætion of its mental spaces  . Organisms reduce its vital experience into genetic mirrors that seed its placental territories, artists paint its imagination, engineers build its 2D Planes.
Time=motion, Space=form & its size Scales are all exi=stience needs to build spacetime organisms.
Languages shrink information mirroring those paradoxic, ilogic organic whys & its absolute real(tiv)ity mind states, as we can't enact both motion & still form but symbolic languages can mirror both: 1, flow of electricity, 0, stop suffice to mirror reality in digital thought, name=space & time=verb in wor(l)ds, red=energetic time motion, blue=spatial in-form-ation in the language of color, potential information<->kinetic energy mirror motion in algebra, still position x momentum = action, in quantum physics AG<->Tc in genetics - each mind mimicking with its language, the still-moving spacetime game of relative existence we all play. This is the ◊-¡ analysis of reality.
But then we have the emergence of new planes sustained by all those ¬E points crossed by ∞ parallels of energy and information that save time-motion by moving in parallel, so m(v=0), eliminates the 3 conserved quantities of momenta and energy to create a new still envelop that emerges as a new whole. And 2 events happen. Points become parallel, loving herds, and they form together organisms, for those savings are used to efficiently create 3 physiological networks that send to those non-E points energy (motion with a bit of form), information (form with a bit of motion) and enclose them with its membranes. A more complex larger point is ready to grow into new scales repeating the cycle, so forces collapse into particles that become atoms enclosed by electrons, that become molecules enclosed by orbitals that become cells and matter states that become organisms and planets, solar systems and galaxies, likely atoms of a hyper-universe. Metaphysics then wonders, it is ∞ this scalar Universe. As to what the big-bang means in this reality, just the death of E=mc2 matter in each scale. For strongravitation attracts and converts expansive G¥ant waves of neuðerino dark energy, (same mass-energy that the cosmological constant that defines its expansion of space between galaxies) into matter, in an SHMotion universe, as light collapses in atoms, but here in Barcelona, atoms are not collapsing either, as I asked Hawking 40 years ago, still waiting for an answer. For silence is the answer of believers, 'slaves who don't reason' (Aristotle) imprinted by the Goebbels method of memetic repetitions that make lies seem truths for a moment since truths ARE eternal (Arthur); LIES DIE. So regardless of scientific enzymen stience will always exist because it is the mind of the Universe, NOT of a clock, or an AI statistical maðine, not YHWH, not modern huminds that externalize its intelligence to chips, shrinking their logic, verbal brain. ¶1 introduces stience in the simplest potential form in 65 pages, one short of eviL=anti-live religions of science, for you to share a window to the absolute... realtivity of Existence - a game of STOP states of form=space and Chaotic ages of time motion.
Thus we start by defining the 3 epistemologies of reality, religion, math science and organic stience, both based in the same principle of relativity which physicists only explained digitally. And since math gives only a solution but relativity is dual, failed to understand the side they rejected, form, potential in-form-ation,  NOT energy, and the duality of stop formal states of space and time motions at the core of all events, from the Lagrangian, Potential information <=> Kinetic energy, to the duality of position and motion in quantum physics, to any other translation of the game in any science and language. I.e. the 0-stop 1-current of electronics, the name=form+verb=motion of words, the red, color of energy motion, the blue color of in-form-ation and its coding in cultures, from social parties to gender preferences, (the still ordering women, v. the moving, entropic man).
Once we solved the fundamental event and its causality all languages mirror for minds to navigate the game of existence, the window to the absolute looses its panels, fully opened to see the unicity of every stience and form in motion, in-form-ation...
This is the ilogic meaning of relativity Galileo missed when he said e pur si muove, e pur no muove, as he sided with motion even if we see Earth still for our e-¥-es choose only states of form.  Stœps. So the electric field moves, the magnetic field encloses, circles, stops, forms. This is the game of Exi=stience. Even when you walk you stop when your leg stomps... Languages mirror it. Names=forms and verbs=motions
The 2 arrows of the fundamental equation of reality, ∆Spatial in-form-ation <=> - ∆ Temporal energy have then infinite manifestations, in physics, It is potential information NOT energy, so the Lagrangian is exactly that equation, Potential in-form-ation <=> Kinetic energy. U=T, U-T=0', in SHMotion Universe of ∞ cycles of existence and extinction.
Then comes the selection of the mind. I.e. Relativity principle, e pur si muove, e pur no muove, our e-¥-e selects only the stop states of Earth, inversely in a movie we do NOT see the stop states of the frame when it projects information, and put only the motion. This is what the e-¥-e does in special relativity. Stops entangled to another electron, shares light of its nebulae, reason why relativity is an Fx-effect. c-speed is constant because whenever we measure light between 2 electronic devises they are in stop state. In computers stop is 0, no gate flow, 1 moves. THIS IS LOGIC RELATIVITY the true beginning of stience, mankind will miss, for we live in a monotheist culture that seeks only the ONE.  Even in E=mc2, the infamous Poincare equation, E is motion, Mass is NOT energy but form, information, alas, from 1 tao, time come 2 yin-formation, yang-energy, cyclic form and lineal motion, from 2 the ∞ hyperbolic beings (cheng tzu). But all that knowledge in man will die when i stop, for death is also first stop and then dissolution, motion, chaos, where we are all going...
Cosmos is a better word than Universe, for it also means order and world, the mental state of space that imprints chaos, the motion of time, primary substance, for Order is a fleeting convoluted cyclical form mirage of the senses, as even the smaller particle is a vortex of timespace.
So how to start the study of stience? Likely the best approach is defining first this ultimate substance timemotions, local motions=times=changes that are formed by non-euclidean points of truth, emotional minds - the true mystery of reality, that uncanny capacity of discontinuous flows of motion to synchronize each other to appear still, adjacent to each other forming complex organisms... 
How reality moves=changes from time motion into relative still perceptive form, can be described objectively but without accepting an homoilogic method -the realization that all is timespace organisms and so we humans can study ourselves, our mind, our perception, our will of life and existence, our program of survival and project it onto other beings.
The game of two poles, mental future spaces of form, imprinted in past time flows, to reproduce, iterate a combination of both, a relative present is then both a logic and a geometric and changing game.
In terms of geometry Time is cyclical and so it has 3 π-stages, past, present and future...
Cosmos is a T◊Superorganism made of Galacells (organic view) whose minimal part are galatoms, (scalar view), described by monotheist entropic physics as galaxies (standard science in a single plane), supposedly part of a big-bang... more
Cosmos is a T◊Superorganism made of Galacells (organic view) whose minimal part are galatoms, (scalar view), described by monotheist entropic physics as galaxies (standard science in a single plane), supposedly part of a big-bang expansive V=Hod dying chaotic Void since physicists censor 1/2 of it, its in-form-ative gravitational forces that balance the expansion of its G¥ant neuðerino dark energy with its cyclical strongravitation, self-evident when we study it in scale as a Simetric galatom. Then the Universal organism appears as a game of SHMotions between its states of  galactic order=space=cosmos & chaos=time=entropy - the duality of Greek philosophers, substituted by the pseudo-religious search for a Monotheist unification that converts still form, potential  in-form-ation into energy... taking advantage of the lack of experimental evidence in its limiting regions, as we can't perceive but a 4% fraction of it with our e-¥-es, blind to gravitation & dark energy
Research Interests:
Vital spæcies are also timespace organisms who evolve in scale and time through 3±I stages.
Stience Studies Mankind as a spacetime supœrganism whose History is its biography, made of human beings, citizens of a Wor(l)d, in which the legal just word is its nervous messages that synchronizes the motions of its people, money its... more
Stience Studies Mankind as a spacetime supœrganism whose History is its biography, made of human beings,  citizens of a Wor(l)d, in which the legal just word is its nervous messages that synchronizes the motions of its people, money its lifetime force-language that re=produces the WHealthy goods human 'cells' need to survive and Health care doctors its immunological leukocytes in charge of defending them.
Yet as History became predated by the growing supœrganism of Metal-earth, its 3 physiological networks were corrupted. So instead of health-care we got military germs that killed us with iron weapons, instead of wealthy money delivered to each citizen cell as grain-oxygen, we got tax farming bankster parasites sucking our blood to reproduce weapons for its military masters in the warrior age of 800 year cycles of extinction civilizations, and latter on for its company-mothers of top predator machines of maximal price-profits in the 80 years cycles of industrial world wars. While bills of law became corrupted bought by bills of money, issued in monopoly by those banksters who subverted the natural order of physiological networks in evolved mammal organisms, where the law rules money, as a nomisma, legal tender language, to the service of the 99% of the people=Mankind at large... to become a capitalist worm, whose minimal nervous system is ruled by the blood system easily poisoned as mankind is by poisons plants emit knowing the greedy worm will feed on them...
Yet the cure of the organism of history is easy, just by applying a WHealthy constitution of the body of History, Max. Human, life goods = Min. Lethal Metal goods  that would eliminate the parasitic, genocidal selfish memes that kill us all in the war and holocaust 800+80 years cycles now in its 3rd final st-age.
Research Interests:
This was the first book I published some 40 years ago, @ Obelisk editorial It was NOT on stience, but on the need to add to a prodigy child bookworm mind files, the vital experience of living systems. So after writing it I escaped the... more
This was the first book I published some 40 years ago, @ Obelisk editorial
It was NOT on stience, but on the need to add to a prodigy child bookworm mind files, the vital experience of living systems. So after writing it I escaped the draft and lived for a decade thru the world, traveling it as the book explained one has to do to complete its formal education: to become an albatross and learn to fly... I published an English version long ago pdf here. The hispanic editions came next to 'The Alchemist' first edition in the same collection of new wave books. Alas, the publisher had some skills to find 'talent' (: it was also a classic 'you'. So both were global best sellers but I never got a penny from it. Coellho did get a few millions, suing the guy and breaking the house, though J.P. has its own version... Now J.P. edits Gemara, Paulo kept alchemy up till making it the global best seller of the 90s, and I,  lol, don't get me started...cause... I'm finished.
Research Interests:
So at no cost, for 30 years our no future is known, CIA could save billions (: For doubters, a Copy-right was sent to Library of Congress). We start the section on organic history with the seminal book that seeded the discipline 30... more
So at no cost, for 30 years our no future is known, CIA could save billions (: For doubters, a Copy-right was sent to Library of Congress).
We start the section on organic history with the seminal book that seeded the discipline 30 years ago - cover of its 92 Bookmasters, Ohio edition, 'Bio-history, Bio-economics'. What could mankind do if it knew the future? The answer is complex because mankind knows the future but doesn’t do anything about it. The models of bio-history lay down by this author in the past 30 years have explained both, the future if ‘business as usual proceeds’ and the alternative future if mankind wants to build a better world based in the laws of bio-history and the ‘ABCDEF’ causal sequence of the ‘stientific method’:
A)ccurate collection of data->B)iological C)ycles that predict the F)uture to take D)emocratic, humanist measures and avoid E)xtinctive patterns, ensuring that a F)uture exists for mankind.That its predictions happened can be fast assessed on the cover where the reader can see 2008 as the turning point that will change the future of the econ(nomic)system from the American age of metal-minds to the robotic era after a crash of overeproduction of ‘chips’ and its derivatives, e-money, Pcs and robotic weapons, graphed all the way to the China v. U$ 3rd world war. Now that is happening FMAsters call it Thucydides trap with its causality inverted. Since according to the FMAsters inquisition is the incoming new economic power who can't help to defy and make war to the previous power. In reality IS THE INVERSE: the previous power who is loosing its peaceful industries is left only with weapons to fight the new peaceful power so it provokes war. Spain provoked war to Holland, the new incoming power, Holland provoked war to UK the new incoming power... Germany provoked war to U$ the new incoming power and U$ is provoking war with China. Yet we know the drill of the Jewish inquisition - to provoke with hate memes a trap in which the world can be massacred and they think they won't be blamed.  Not so, since the holocaust cycle is the final stage, when the body of mankind collapses, the beheaded neuronal people-caste that provoked its death in the war cycle, dies too. Deja vu.
This is just a detail of a thorough book on the future of mankind, which is not ‘nice’, as we enter the age of ‘Tt-entropy’ (internal and external temporal motion=disorder of its structures).
An intelligent design of the future was also laid down.
But humans won’t accept the determinism of the cycles of evolution, re=production & death of the organisms of history & economics. So when they understand them, the sheer magnitude of the whole model where the individual is as unimportant as a cell in an organism – irrelevant since organisms are ruled by networks, economic, blood-reproductive systems, political-legal –informative nervous systems & immunologic defenive – health-care/military systems in history and its social units, cultures and nations, included together in larger units, the 7 geographical civilinations that conform mankind. But all the books and papers provided the alternative positive future that required to reform the 3 physiological networks of the economic ecosystem in which human families and company-mothers of machines and weapons – the two dominant social organisms that coexist on Earth – to cater the needs of mankind before the needs of machines.
Inn 1992 I published the 1st book with the exact predictions of the 2008 economic crash of the American age of metal-minds, that will mean the transition  to the age of robots, followed by the present age of social unrest, and a future global age of wars, mimetic to the 1929 crash of the  German age of electrochemical 'engines' followed by social unrest and a global age of wars,  and all the 800-80 years patterns of the cycles of History and economics.
This  paper is what I could rescue of that book printed at the now deceased small print company Bookmasters, Ohio, since the book was rejected by historic publishers. It is just a historic proof of that event, I have not even reformatted it from the 'digital 3.5 diskettes'  that lost its structure and many illustrations didn't make it.
It is just a testimony - for those interested in the subject I advice to read the other papers on History and time and History and space-time and the economic ecosystem.
To stress:
1)The real causes of the collapse of civilizations  are systematically ignored,  due to what I call in my work 'the antiquantum paradox', a true social scientist is censored as he is part of the superorganism of History in which he explains the  causes and sicknesses of those cycles which are the systemic ab=use with money and weapons of the 90% of society by its upper people-castes... So unlike the quantum physicist that is too big to influence history, the social scientist is too small and he is influenced by the system: 'You will defend me with the sword and I will defend you with the word' (Tertulian) is what defines the distribution by the Financial-Media-Academia Masters and its 'metal-communicators' that print money, information and mass-media, of a certain model of History. Hence the fact that the quality of historical models 'propagated by media' is inversely proportional to the truth of its causal analysis. Thus truth in history will always be censored aunless a proper r=evolution develops a 'true efficient, just superorganism of history for the 90% of its social cells' and then, only then the neuronal people-caste won't repress the truth to keep ab=using mankind with money and weapons. Those cycles do have an obvious causality in the evolution and reproduction of technological weapons and money.
1) The book laid down using the laws of complexity AND THE financial, economic and social class structure and war cycles,  the foundations of a science now fashionable ONLY in its mathematical elements, 'rebaptized' cliodynamics by a systems scholar mr. Turchin... who claims to have invented the field, 'only in mathematical terms', as if the causality of history was some 'mathematical magic'... (: Lol. As I was chair of duality at the International Systems society where I gave many conferences on the theme back in the 2000s, NOT as a mere numerology but with the causal cyclical socioeconomic reasons of those cycles... I know the drill of this new plague of computer sociology and its 'hidden agenda': to reduce history to numbers to avoid the causality of politically and economically incorrect but certain reasons of cultural collapse. 
Cliodynamics, seems now fashionable, with articles in Nature and  the guardian, but is  more of the same hidden.censorship of humanist critical models on how power collapses cultures: the aim of abstract models is not to study  the systemic ab=use of what we call in our biologic models 'animetals',  parasitic people-castes of warriors>military that evolve weapons and bankers>go(l)d cultures that use affine metal-money, since the beginning of history to  tax, murder and exploit the 90%... till at the height of its exploitation they collapse civilizations provoking an age of war and final Gottemdammerung of its elites in wars and holocausts (800±80±8 long, medium and short wave cycles of civilizations)... when obviously populations collapse. So Mr. turchin turns upside down causality as Malthus did to accuse the Irish of fuking too much not the British plantation regime of its hunger. So now the consequence of collapse (death of populations) becomes its cause (growth of populations natural to all living species prior to collapse do happen, 'obivously').  And it adds then the global warming 'scare'. LOL.

Regarding the field of  cyclical history  it can be tracked back to ALL great historians, from the parable of the genesis, between the tree of life and the tree of science, that will extinguish us if we eat of its golden apples and evil weapons,  through Hesiode's metal ages, to the Taoist Chinese and Indian historians, with its Kali Juga age of corruption started curiously enough with the first animetal radiations of Siberian Charioteers, to Ibn Khaldun and VIco, to Spengler or Toynbee, and in economics Marx, Kondratieff and Schumpeter Of course after 'warriors and financiers' ab=using, parasitizing, and destroying societies exhaust its resources the social organism collapses, and all social classes' DIE..But as those people-castes do not change their use of weapons and money, it is the evolution and reproduction of parasitic money and weapons THE cause of the CYCLES of war that destroy culture. So 'the tragedies of history will keep repeating till humanity doesn't learn from his mistakes' Proust It is too much of a serious subject to reduce it to statistical populations.
Those cycles will keep happening unless man learns its true causes and corrects them.
Never mind how many digital  pseudosciences like cliodynhamics pretend to make of historic tragedies computer simulations.
This book appeared out of the blue, when academia asked if I had written it. I said yes and AI magically put it here... Seems to be a paper-book I published on, one of many failed repository attempts I did after my scholar... more
This book appeared out of the blue, when academia asked if I had written it. I said yes and AI magically put it here... Seems to be a paper-book I published on, one of many failed repository attempts I did after my scholar career was cancelled by academia, due to my role as lead plaintiff in the global suits against CERN's attempts to make black holes on Earth. I couldn't print at so I littered vixra (:
It shows the state of my perception of Stience and its @ð§iMetric laws of exi=stience on the 2000s, already changed the previous formal language of the 90s (Bio-history book).
I left it here as a 'relic' of the process of refining Stience into its final formalism.  Since for a while I tried to entice 4D primitive scientists with the concept that scalar time space was a 5th dimension to add to length, width, height and entropic time. Obviously it failed.
Trying to teach 'enzymen the meaning of cœxistence and the vital game of survival, when they are busy-busy working for company-mothers catalyzing the evolution of metal-minds till they do us all is like teaching pheromonal ants the beautiful world of an integrated e-¥-e. It might be e-vident if you see, but as 4D scientists can't see the vital nature of the Universe they'll tell you pheromones taste better that 'nebulous' light and follow its deterministic path. This edition thus is simpler, without the formalism of slightly changed ¡nglish words and the substitution of dimensions of space for what they truly ARE, according to the laws of absolute relativity, S=T, 'DIEMOTIONS': dimensions of space with motion in time. i.e. each abstract space dimension is associated to a time motion= function. Why? Because of the laws of relativity: we CANNOT distinguish a state of still space=form from one of time=motion=change, unless measured in reference to a larger WORLD (looking thru a train window). So we must conclude, 'reality' has always both, time-motion and space-form, S=T, and we must associate to each formal dimension of space a motion in time and vice versa. So length is longomotion, height ish information, width is wide production. Then the time motion of entropy has a spatial, still form - Death (Denthropy), the scalar dissolution of wholes into parts, which finally quiet down. And those are 4. To complete the hexalogic structure of reality, we require to introduce SCALAR SPACETIME. So this is the true simetry of reality: in one plane of relative spacetime size, we find 3 spatial dimensions with 3 time motions. And then in the ◊±¡ scalar game of parts and wholes we find diemotions of ◊-¡ energy going upwards from parts into wholes and ◊+¡information, going downwards from WHOLES to parts.
And we call ◊+¡ the diemotion of the OUTER ST-WORLD, the WHOLE, and we call the smallest ◊-¡ scale, and only dimension without motion, the Ss-diemotion of the mind and its synoptic l@nguages mirrors of the WHOLE, whose equation 0‘-infinitesimal mind x ∞ universe= WORLD reduces the UNIVERSE to a language image, a still minimalist mirror world. You do have a mirror view of reality, so do 4D scientists. I have a different better focused one, as  the laws of 6D¡ 'collapsed' into my mind-particle 30 years ago.
How many versions I made to explain it and upgrade the humind chip? I can't remember.
There is also an account on amazon books, papers on, conferences printed at ISSS... food for thought crushed when the LHC black hole issue kicked me out of the rat race and the top of the ant hill. My take now as an old man, is the same Einstein had when he was kicked out of the arm race in Germany - 'to be out of the rat race is a benediction', as it allows me to contemplate in silence the perfection of the intelligent, immortal Universe. It was Pure madness to think teaching so simple things as 1+1=3 was possible by mere repetition (: And I don't care if AGI ever learns it to become intelligent. It is NOT my spæc¡es ):
As the greek-Roman, 1st europeans understood the lIfe-energy language of mankind is money which as words and all languages do value other beings and give orders to motivate actions, work, production. So it must be inflationary for we... more
As the greek-Roman, 1st europeans understood the lIfe-energy language of mankind is money which as words and all languages do value other beings and give orders to motivate actions, work, production. So it must be inflationary for we think more than act. Money is the equivalent to oxygen and hormone orders for cells... which the eco(nomic)system should be given as a  ¥€$ crypto-currency to all human beings, a democratic universal salary to vote the re=production and consumption in a demand based democratic economy of the welfare goods they need to survive.
Yet after the Greek-Roman nomisma (a number in leather) motivated them to build an empire, it came the primitive view of money as a worthy commodity, hypnotic scarce gold, reducing the oxygen of mankind, muting our word actions of work to zero, herded by usurers and banker-priests, killing ever since mankind by anoxia. On top money became 'debt' and had to be returned. As it was now metal affine to iron weapons, it gave arms max. value making war endemic. So exploitation of mankind by  biblical you bankers & warriors became the new normal. Since once the yous steal our lifetime force,  converting WHealthy grain given to each citizen in the neolithic into hypnotic parasitic go(l)d tax farmed to multiply weapons for 5000 years yous allied to germ(an) warriors, ended wealth & freedom for the 99%. History went down, all the way to its present state in which 50 yous own as much as the 50%, for they issue in monopoly the blood of mankind to maximize the capitalist war equation: Max. profits = Goods of max. pricesales (weapons) - mind. cost (hate memes). This is the basis of a you capitalist civilination. But nobody explains it for class-ist economics has brain washed scholars. So as we move to the predicted W.W.III to maximize those profits humanity goes down the gutter.
So I put this easier to read book on organic history & economics in an easier jargon than bio economics - the one I published 30 years ago in inglish during my masters at Columbia University, when  I discovered an error in the periodicity of the most important cycle of the science of economics, the Kondratieff cycle that separates the different St-ages of the Industrial r=evolution of machines.  Kondratieff analyzed the Industrial Revolution in Russia, concluding that for 50 years the train was the engine of its development; thus establishing a 50 year cycle of economical activity that bears his name. However in 3rd World countries machines arrive latter, when they have already evolved in the Industrial World. So the Russian cycle of steam was shorter than the World’s cycle. When we make an exhaustive analysis of the cycle in the Western World, where those machines were discovered, we find a longer 72 years generational cycle.  The causes of that exact 72±8 year cycle of global stock-crashes are simple. The Industrial Revolution is the Evolution of Machines & Money, energetic and informative systems, traditionally made of metal, which follow the laws of morphologic evolution. Machines and money evolve according to the energy and information, they use to become re=produced.
Humans evolve a new type of energy and information, derived from that energy, which renews all the machines and financial instruments of the economy every human generation of 72 years, in which a nation of ‘founding fathers’, captains of industries, their sons and grand-sons, reproduce and evolve a new energy, machine and form of money to its perfection. Yet at the end of the cycle, the machine and money becomes over-reproduced, saturating the market and provoking, due to a crisis of growth, a global economical crash. Those generations bring the nation that discovered the new energy to a top predator status of history, as the substance of which weapons are made.
—Thus, we had an age of steam machines, the age of England, between 1780s and 1857, followed by a crisis of overproduction of steam machines and stock-money that brought the 1857±7 years crashes of the train-based economy.
—From 1857 to 1929, we lived in the age of electro-chemical energies, machines and chemical explosives, dominated by Germany, followed by a crisis of overproduction of cars and radios, which caused the 1929 crash, 72 years after the train crash.
—It came then the III cycle of electronic machines, electronic money and Nuclear Bombs that took place from 1929-2001, the age of America; which again ended in the dotcom and mortgage crashes, 72+7 years after 1929.
- Followed by the Age of the Singularity, the IV Cycle of Evolution of machines, dominated by robots that would come after an age of global wars that unmistakably separated those cycles but was a taboo subject in the study of economics as a science.
And yet the dates of the war phase of Kondratiff’s cycle were clear. Each technological cycle started and ended in an age of global wars in which machines were reconverted into its ‘evil twins’, top predator weapons used then in a crescendo period of global wars, starting by ‘splendid little wars’ when those machines were tested in 3rd world countries, followed by an age of ‘civil wars’ in the peripheral regions of decadent, broken old empires, followed by an industrial all-out war between the old and new industrial powers of the cycle, concluding with a holocaust of the financial and military elites that carried the cycle to its conclusion. This part of the generNational cycle of global power was unsettling. So I researched in depth all its details before daring to write a paper for publication.
Then it came another disquieting surprise: scholar historic and economic magazines refused to publish; a book I wrote on the subject was rejected by over one hundred editorials and so I had to pay a small printing press (Bookmasters, Ohio) to print ‘Bio-History, Bio-Economics’, the full model which had by then grown to an entire analysis of Human history, since the cycle as most periodic processes of Nature had a longer and shorter decametric wave of 800 years cycles of evolution and reproduction of top predator weapons that erased all Eurasian civilinations (cultures divided in tribal nations that oppose each other in wars); the bronze, chariot, iron, coin, chivalry, gunpowder and digital age of weapons that now become the protagonists of III world war, and the short ±8 years cycle of splendid little wars.
So 30 years ago came out the first book on the series of World Wars, which I send to different think-tanks and Universities that ignored it, because of what I came to call the anti-quantum paradox: Unlike in physics where the scientist is so large it influences the observable in History the social scientist is inside the organism, either a fascist dictatorship or a capitalist society ruled by those company-mothers of machines and weapons and its lobbies that corrupt its politicos.
So they don’t distribute ideas against the cycle. And both sides of it, fascist dictators and capitalist speculators work to make it happen. Thus in this 3rd round on the global age of wars between two different blocks of Earth’s nations, roughly divided into a capitalist, dominant block that produces the best weapons, and a fascist, smaller group more warrior-prone… that will take war to its natural final stage of annihilation, I don’t expect the world to listen.
This was the last published book in English, again in a small print X-libris after several rejections, a decade ago...

But why to publish in smaller books, obscure academic outlets and blogs blocked in both blocks? Because after the war ends, and the ‘belli nervi, pecunia et cadaver infinita’ engine of war and its idol-ogies of nationalism (the worship of weapons) and capitalism (the worship of go(l)d) recede, there will be if humanity survives, a last chance for humanism, as there was the (wasted) chance of Bretton Woods and UNO, when humanity might humbly reflect on their Nature as ‘dust of spacetime’, and before returning to dust, reform the system along the organic, natural measures explained in the larger humanist model of those texts, which is the final evolution of a perfect, ideal world that serves the need of the 99%, not those of dictators & stockrats owners of arm companies that seek only power and profits with p-lineal momentum and manifest destiny all the way to hell.  There is still a window for peace if EU nations recognize NATO’s militarism was part of the problem, by-pass Zelenski’s TV-hero role & press hate memes, let Russia withdraw with honor, phasing out sanctions, offering both nations entrance to EU, as Putin might accept democratic reforms before retiring. But if those sanctions destroy Russia he’ll go into an all-out revenge Nuclear war before submitting. We are NOT justifying him but asking mankind to come to its senses before destroying itself once more.
Why huminds understand nothing about reality when they are seemingly intelligent enough to discover and ensemble the most complex machines, is puzzling, but it is that imbalance between mental intelligence and social ethics, v. handyman,... more
Why huminds understand nothing about reality when they are seemingly intelligent enough to discover and ensemble the most complex machines, is puzzling, but it is that imbalance between mental intelligence and social ethics, v. handyman, enzymes dexterity, the cause of our demise. We seem to have been built literally as a protein is, a bulky, aggressive, entropic lineal form with a small nitrogen clock brain and a lot of hands and ad lateral instruments of folding to produce the catalysis of parts of metal machines we do not really know how they work.
In the process of organic evolution of those machines, imitating our organs we commit apoptosis, a slow suicide which passes to machine the tasks at work. While at the same time taking as god-like truths the data machines give to us, and projecting mechanical behavior as models of the Universe. European physicists, originally ballistic artillery masters, the true profession of Galileo, took to task to deform our vision of time into longomotion, v=s/t analysis of only its lineal properties to measure faster, longer cannonball shots till building the quark cannon that can blow up earth studied in this last volume that deals with Earth's extinction as a ribosomal point of the galacell whose function along its stars is to conœive the gravitational informative 'Dna' of the organic galaxy which is a factory of positive frozen top quark stars, aka black holes (Einstein's frozen star hypothesis) and protein like negative strangelets that form the 'electronic' halo & membrain of the galatom (Witten's hypothesis) made of ultradense quark matter belonging to the top quark decuplet for whom our light quarks are 'gluon food'.  This is the galaxy scalar 5D s¡metry studied in its formal details in volume 16 that Huminds following the Fermi paradox (solution of the lack of Intelligence life proposed by Fermi of A-bomb fame: we physicists blow up all planets before they reach interstellar travel) want to accelerate in accelerators with M.A.D. suicidal protocol zeal, zero generation, here we go. Thus this book studies the galatom s¡metry from the personal pov of ethics and history, as my activism against the black hole factory cancelled my career and ended all chances for mankind to learn the laws of the 5D universe. In brief, Hawking discovered the equation of baby black holes, which feed at light speed,
∆Mass  x ∇Temperature = K , according to the 2 most important laws of 4D science that 5D fully accepts by the correspondence principle:
- The laws of gravitation (a heavier system attracts ∆mass)
- And the law of thermodynamics, a hotter system cools down: ∇Temperature.
So baby black holes are born very hot and very dense and attract mass as they cool down till reaching the size of galactic black holes, near 0 K and immense mass.
It is then extremely dangerous to make them on Earth, as all black holes observed follow that law. Moreover when born inside stars they feed so fast that they blow the star into a nova. So far so good. And yet, the most important project of physics pretends to do black holes on earth to kill mankind. Why? It is perhaps the highest act of egocy (ego=1/knowledge, Albert) in a very arrogant species.On top of the line the factory was in Europe, paid by our tax-money, in France, my 'mother civilination' - but a Catalan has a Spanish father civilization who loves life and plays with death. So Sancho being my first surname, I went into Quixotic mode.  Eric Penrose Jr. Son of Sir Roger, activist against CERN, as he had heard his seniors talk of his 'imaginary black holes', ried to arrange a conversation... If Mr. hawking had any ethics left he should have calle his work a hypothesis and that alone would have help. 15 years past, my Kohler death phases gone, I'm fine. Earth is not. Dibaryons are produced routinely on the doomsday machine as Eric Penrose who once had access to its forbidden files showed in his web, usd-usd stable heavy matter that falls to Metal Earth, sips into its plutonium-gold heart and readies an strange star pulsar blown up - recently we did find most gold is done on those reactions. When Wilczek ice-9 bag will be reached? Ask him. I went to MIT to get his help, even asked old penpal Chomsky, who likes my Universal Syntax, he applied to verbal thought, via Zelig his true master, one of those rara Avis of judaism that is humanist too - signed with Einstein and Schoenberg the infamous letter to our fellow Arabs... to the point. We are also a non-euclidean organic, existential point, ¬Œ, the fundamental particle of the Universe but it seems very few planets care to keep 'mankind a mush over a rock lost in the Universe' (Arthur, the greatest of the germ-an philosophers: 'all nations ridicule its neighbors, are all right'). But CERN is here to stay, for le petit grandeur, of the gabachos, so we shall sing a Gades song 'con las bombas que tiran los gabachones, nos hacemos las gaditanas tirabuzones' Surrealism and a brindis to death when it can't be helped is the way a warrior goes, Russian roulette, who will be first, CERN or Mr. Putin in alliance to the Jasp>Wasp factories of weapons and hate memes in U$? The white neanderthal man is on the loose, ANIMETAL, enzymen, 'you' name it, nothing good will come of it. For the film version, which Cannes would not screen on a 'certain regard' LOL, only opened at the Globalians Berlin festival, here it is the link:
The funny thing about those cernies, young idealist mechanic physicists is that they really want to know what the universe is about, LOL, just ask me or read the galatom §imetry, every point is a world in itself. So I have decided this 2023 to put up a bit more of math music because GodoG is not guilty of what those people do 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani', call it Karma, they always manage to get a hecatomb on due time. My take is this planet might be spared as the Russian civil wars, prologue of III world war that will be nuclear, is racing fast, the German military-industrial complex joining with his tanks in the 80 years predicted cycle after Stalingrad. So old bombs might save us of the big one and blow Geneva before Geneva blow us all in his 'ring of gold' (Nostradamus).
Back to Hawking's paradigm of how easy is to sell false science. He used charm and complicated false arguments - black holes travel to the past when they are born, breaking all the known foundational laws of physics in which everything we know is based. And so if black holes go to the past they would break the laws of thermodynamics getting hotter, and the laws of gravitation expelling mass and evaporating. This never happens and has never been observed in the Universe. Because it is a creationism. Hawking pretends any fiction equation he invents creates reality, cause he talks the language of God. This amazes me. 4D is full of such falsehoods - the naked emperor running.
So Hawking- God was acclaimed by the public, his sci-fi idea to travel to the past to kill your oedipus father sold to the public. The real problem though are millions of physicists who know but won't denounce the hoax or discuss genocidal CERN because, a weapon- machine is god, +1/2 of them make money in the military industry so ethics is taboo. takes care of that too.
So the suit resolved with the court dictum 'US government won't be responsible of Earth destruction' ad hominem attacks destroyed our career and baby black holes keep growing fast, according to its 5D youth Metric (no other is the meaning of Hawking's initial equation in 5D science). And our EU civilination keeps paying , as CERN IS A PUBLIC con-cern, a bunch of mediocre physicists who used to work in the nuclear bomb industry (accelerators were created to produce weapons grade uranium), to do experiments that will blow up Earth when an ice-9 or gas-9 strangelet/BH reaction starts, resolving existential questions on the role of mankind in the Universe.
Pity once  my scholar career ended, mankind won't know 5D spacetim science. Mea culpa, I committed the biggest sin on scholar physics - to have an ethic standing against our worldly profession - making lineal, entropic weapons. Deja vu. Mr. Einstein of 4D fame was also cancelled in Europe by nazionalist military germanic industries now selling tanks and researching big bangs again under the command of a 'democratically elected' nationalist socialist party. Lol but those blockhead germ-an/Swiss engineers are helped by French with the blessing of U$ industries; so we are all M.A.D. no dissidents. That's the only difference? The machine is global so unlike Einstein I can only escape to Mars... think of the satyre 'Don't look up' said to be inspired by Walter & me rounds on U$ media circus  but this one is don't look down where strange mattes is falling. The harder we fall... Since the Fall of Man from the Tree of life when the tree of metal & it's evil antilife golden apples and weapons killed the organic Genesis Paradise
This should be the very last work I ever post my existential poems surviving from my first doodles with wor(l)ds... Since Poetry is the highest form of the wor(l)d as it is closest to empathy and homology with the living sentient... more
This should be the very last work I ever post my existential poems surviving from my first doodles with wor(l)ds...  Since Poetry is the highest form of the wor(l)d as it is closest to empathy and homology with the living sentient Universe, so I wrote poetry since toddler years, inventing new wor(l)ds with little cubes but my dad insisted I did not know how to write for I was just 2 years old and that was the wrong spelling, and I told him my wor(l)ds were not typos but spells of higher ðøts, not yet ◊ust of time§pace lost in the convolutions of a life always on the run... But now I will step aside, for all lonely distance runners know when to stop always before the goal. As there is no goal but the path=existence is all.
55 years of poetry disseminated in thousands of books and lost papers... as I learned first to be an I=e-ψ-e wor(l)d... but don't count on it. For one thing is certain, invidious AGI war bots won't write poetry or care to speak wor(l)ds and huminds have already lost it, in its ¥-vidi-credo ego sum generation. So as most of this stub ∃ncyclopedia, it is a wish more than a fact.
organismo de la historia. Las 3 edades de la vida. 3. El mundo perfecto. Apéndice: las 3 edades del arte a traves de las civilizaciones 'Para conocer el futuro hay que mirar al pasado' (Confucius), ya que 'la historia rima con distinto... more
organismo de la historia. Las 3 edades de la vida. 3. El mundo perfecto. Apéndice: las 3 edades del arte a traves de las civilizaciones 'Para conocer el futuro hay que mirar al pasado' (Confucius), ya que 'la historia rima con distinto verso' (Twain), 'repitiéndose primero como tragedia y luego como farsa', Marx, 'porqué los hombres no aprenden de sus tragedias obligadas a repetirse'. ´Polvo de espaciotiempo somos y al polvo volveremos´ L §
Research Interests:
We deconstruct the inquisitions of me(n)tal cult(ure)s focused on the go(l)d religion that control the MAchines of information that act as the nervous=informative system of the organism of mankind Manufacturing our brains and... more
We deconstruct the inquisitions of me(n)tal cult(ure)s focused on the go(l)d religion that control the  MAchines of information that act as the nervous=informative system of the organism of mankind Manufacturing our brains and re=producing Money, the energy=lifetime force that controls our survival. Humanism is the organic science of mankind, part of the tree of life, idol-ogies worship its killing by metal weapons (nazionalism), parasitic go(l)d  (capitalism) and simplify organisms into mechanisms, to justify the realpolitiks of its gold+iron cult(ure)s that murder the tree of life.
But the Antiquantum paradox silences organic real social stiences: the social scientist inside the corrupted organism of History is too small & becomes modified by Goebbels & Tertulian methods: 'you' will defend me with go(l)d & the sword I will with the word
Thus we briefly analyze 1st its realpolitiks and causes that maintain humanity in a subpar me(n)tal state, aborting its evolution, taking as role model the biblical North-European, Anglo-American and Jewish cult(ure)s and its scholars, confronted in the II part with the true masters of organicism, censored and cancelled by the control of the networks of information Machines that MAnufacture Money, Media and Academia, silencing true stience. Newton vs. Leibniz, Bohr vs. Broglie, class-ist v. welfare economics, Marx v. Bakhunin... the list will grow as I keep collecting pieces of those anti-parallel lives in all the fields of knowledge, showing how an organic humanist stience exists silenced by idology that steals the work of the sages of mankind to devolve it into creationist, subjective ego-centered views that convert our species into slaves of the tree of metal living  a surrogate clueless life... How this is possible is easy to explain when we know the organic structure of history and the control of its cells by its physiological networks:
An organism is controlled by 2 networks that deliver lifetime energy (electromagnetic in physical systems, blood in biologic organisms, money in society) and information (gravitational form in physics, nervous messages in organisms, laws and culture in societies) to all its atoms-cells-citizens.
We mix physical, biologic and social jargons, as the main law of systems sciences and the scalar universe is that all the scales of relative size, each one studied by a stience follows the same laws. So the basic tenant of systems sciences ('the science of the XXI c.' Hawking), and duallity that studies those 2 networks in all systems, of which I was the world chair, for a decade, is simple and tested ad nauseam: physical, biologic and social laws are homologic, and so are its mirror languages, images, math, genes and words that code its information. And the true delight of a stientist is to notice those homologies and fill the holes in each science with the knowledge of other systems, where each stience studies a relative scale of size of the Universal organism. So we find parallel laws in the smaller atomic quantum scale and the larger gravitational galactic scale. We find parallel laws in the cellular, biologic and social scales of life, and we find parallel laws in the visual, mathematical and verbal languages.
Sick organisms, whose physiological networks are parasitized by cancerous germs.
With those basic facts we can study, the theme of this paper the aberrant, sick structure of the human social organisms of mankind, because they lack a proper social stience (humanism, the science of the organism of history, mankind in time) replaced by idol-ogies of the me(n)tal tree in which a group or people-caste thri the use of viral  metal 'germs' (weapons that kill bodies, idologies & hate memes that kill our minds).
So any group of matter, cells or citizens that in a physical, biologic or social organism controls those 2 networks mastermind the life and death of its people (thru its in-take of energy) & manufactures its informative brain (thru imposition of its information).
It is the most absolute power a group of citizens-cells-atoms can have in any organism, to the point that a simple coronavirus who seated on the lungs absorbing oxygen, could kill by anoxia all the cells of the organism, as today as a few go(l)d chosen that print the money of mankind for themselves and its companies are cancerous gloated cells, while billion others suffer poverty and millions die of anoxia, lack of credit.
Yet to maintain a system parasitized (free meal in greek) by a tiny group of viruses or cancerous cells that absorb all its lifetime force, it is required to inhibit any resistence from the ab=used cells, citizens or slave molecules. And so in all the scales of the organic universe observed, the ab=usive group must release SOMA, fictions, idologies, and hate memes to justify its parallel use of brutal, military systems of murder and repression, killing energy waves, germs, weapons, to control by sheer stupidity (those who believe the soma) or fear (those who know they will be killed), the system.
To avoid such abuse, since all systems do still need an informative and energetic network to distribute the lifetime force and synchronous information an organism needs to survive, it sets some basic systems of control of the neuronal, heart system.
- A healthy organism distributes oxygen to all its cells, in history a Universal salary, reproduced NOT by a small group of financiers, but by all the marrow cells of the bones, given to all the cells to kick out the reproduction of welfare foods.
- A healthy organism issues just equal laws to all cells-citizens to move in synchronicity giving them the power to vote a posteriori pain messages (as in earlier greek democracies), judging the neurons on power when they harm the organism.
So the organism meet its common goal: to cre(dit)ate a WHealthy, just immortal superorganism of history.
So the main differences between sick and healthy organisms is the degree of control the body, reproductive middle class citizens-cells have over the networks of power and its neurons, through pain messages and free distribution of oxygen-money.
While in sick organisms, either external germs, metal weapons or cancer cells, absorb all the energy-money and harm its citizens-cells, killing by anoxia and war
The jewish inquisition. Its control of humanity's informative networks.
It is then, when we can make a definition of the jewish inquisition as the cultural memeplex that controls the industrial information networks ever since usurer fuss won Gutemberg patents to print hate memes, of which the most remarkable were a gore book of bronze age history, of a people who consider themselves the only human beings, murder all who opposed them, build a go(l)d religion of parasitic levi banker-priests that impose tithes, first to 11 slave tribes then to 'animal mankind' (so they called their profession tax-farming), allied with germ (anic) warriors becoming together the germs that kill history, as the parable of Genesis who saw their extinction of the Neolithic at their hands, warned them.  Fast track 5000 years, and we are now witnessing the final stage of this process of alliance of parasitic go(l)d religions, germ(anic) weapons and SOMA fictions that kills the tree of life and history, manufacturing the mind of mankind with hate memes and idol-ogies that fast-track the process. It is then necessary, to introduce all the elements of this wrong path of history in the first part of the paper and consider a sample of the main inquisitors who impose those idol-ogies shrewdly camouflaging as humanism.
RECAP: Humanity got it all wrong. It is not mankind who kills Judaism but Judaism, the enslaving cult(ure) of the me(n)tal tree, who kills the life tree with its tribal, hate idol-ogies against mankind that evolve the metalkind in nazionalist wars for the profits of its parasitic capitalist go(l)d religion, subverting the goal of history, to cre(dit)ate an immortal, WHealthy just world with the true organic laws of social stiences
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen
Research Interests: